
Rumor has it that "Gansu Tianshui launched a housing exchange program for old houses"? The truth is out


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The truth is revealed after the rumors are shattered. We know that some cities have introduced a policy of "trading old for new" for commercial housing. Real estate developers or government agencies encourage and help residents who already have houses to trade in old for new through acquisition, replacement, subsidies, etc. However, in some cities where this policy has not yet been implemented, some real estate sales staff have also used the "trading old for new" policy to advertise. When some netizens questioned that "the local government has not issued relevant policies", the sales staff replied that "one policy for each project".

In April this year, police officers from the Internet Security Brigade of the Qinzhou District Public Security Bureau of Tianshui City discovered a video posted on a certain online platform during their routine online patrols. The content of the video was very simple, with only a picture and a line of text: "Tianshui has launched a house trade-in service. Is it far from the fourth generation of construction?" After a detailed investigation by the police, they found that the author of the video, Zhang, was a real estate salesperson.

Li Chengliang, a police officer from the Cyber ​​Security Protection Team of Qinzhou Branch of Tianshui Public Security Bureau:I should be clear about the people's livelihood policies, but I have not heard of Tianshui's old-for-new policy, so I suspect it may be a rumor.

Some netizens also doubted the video information. In the comments under the video, one netizen questioned: "Tianshui has not issued a policy in this regard yet. Where did you see the document?" Zhang either ignored it or replied, "One policy for each project."

In order to further verify the authenticity of the content of this video, the police went to the Tianshui Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau to inquire, and the staff gave a clear answer that Tianshui City has not yet issued relevant policies on "old for new" in the real estate field.

Therefore, the police immediately summoned Zhang, who posted the video, to the Internet Security Brigade for investigation. After detailed questioning, the police learned that Zhang's original intention in posting the video was to promote a new real estate project.

Ru Jun, captain of the Cyber ​​Security Team of Qinzhou Branch of Tianshui Public Security Bureau:Netizens mistakenly believed that Tianshui had also implemented this policy. To put it bluntly, he just wanted to sell his own house.

Selling houses under the guise of "trading old for new"

The real estate agent claimed that the property he was promoting had a trade-in policy. However, according to police investigation, unlike the trade-in policies introduced in other cities, their so-called "trade-in" was just a marketing strategy, that is, if the buyer purchased the property he was promoting, he could sell the buyer's old house through the second-hand housing market, and use the proceeds to offset the price of the new house.

The police said,Real estate companies can have their own sales methods, but this is fundamentally different from the "old for new" policy launched by government departments. This rumor will mislead homebuyers into thinking that they can rest assured to buy a house in this real estate project because it has the government's "endorsement".In fact, the developer’s claim to help sell old houses is not necessarily reliable and may bring the buyer the risk of subsequent legal disputes.

Spreading false information to disrupt public order constitutes an illegal act

The police in charge of the case said that this behavior, which plays "edge ball" and makes consumers mistakenly believe that they can "exchange old for new", has violated relevant regulations of the "Public Security Administration Punishment Law of the People's Republic of China".

During the police investigation, Zhang admitted that the main reason he fabricated the news was to let netizens know that the property he was promoting had a sales model of exchanging old for new. In order to gain more attention, he used the method of "transplanting flowers and trees" to package this sales model as a new policy issued by relevant government departments.

Du Lirong, a police officer from the Legal Affairs Brigade of Qinzhou Branch of Tianshui Public Security Bureau:According to Article 25 of the "Public Security Administration Punishment Law", anyone who spreads false information to disrupt public order shall be detained for not less than 5 days but not more than 10 days, and may be fined not more than 500 yuan. If the circumstances are minor, the offender shall be detained for not more than 5 days or fined not more than 500 yuan.

The police said that Zhang's behavior had constituted the illegal fact of spreading false information and disrupting public order. After criticizing and educating Zhang, Zhang took the initiative to delete the relevant information.

Ru Jun, captain of the Cyber ​​Security Team of Qinzhou Branch of Tianshui Public Security Bureau:From the time this video was posted to the time it was deleted, the impact was not particularly huge. After we contacted him, he took the initiative to realize his mistake and deleted the post. According to the principle of proportionality between crime and punishment, we decided not to punish him because the circumstances were minor.

The police also reminded that the Internet is not a lawless place, and that relevant laws and regulations must be observed when publishing relevant information, and one must not deliberately "skirt the line" for personal gain.

Restore the routine of rumor mongers to fabricate rumors

The housing "trade-in" policy is an important measure to promote the virtuous cycle of new and second-hand houses and release the demand for housing consumption. The reporter learned that, as of now, more than 100 cities across the country have launched the housing "trade-in" policy. However, this policy is not applicable to all cities in the country. For example, Tianshui City in Gansu Province, as rumored, has not implemented this policy.

The reporter found that Zhang fabricated the rumor that Tianshui City launched the "old for new" policy, mainly in the following steps:

The first step was to promote the so-called "old for new" model in the properties they sold, and to expand the interpretation to be the official policy of the entire Tianshui City. The second step was to use the rumor that Tianshui City launched the "old for new" policy as copywriting, with photos of the properties they sold, and post it on the Internet, deliberately causing netizens to misunderstand, in order to improve their own sales performance.