
Two retailers reveal pre-order bonuses for The Legend of Zelda: Rise of the Wisdom


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The highly anticipated Legend of Zelda: Resurrection of the Wisdom will be released on the Nintendo Switch platform next month, and many players have already started planning to pre-order it. Now, two retailers have announced pre-order bonuses, providing players with more options.

Players who pre-order the game at GameStop will receive a cloth poster with the game logo and the image of Princess Zelda on the game box cover, measuring 18 inches x 24 inches. The poster can only be received after the game is released (September 26).

In addition to GameStop's bonus, Best Buy also announced a pre-order bonus for "The Return of Wisdom". Players who pre-order the game at Best Buy will receive an acrylic stand, which is also designed with the game box cover. Acrylic stands have become a common pre-order bonus in recent years. Best Buy also provided a similar bonus for "Princess Brigitte Show Time!" in March.

The Legend of Zelda: Resurrection of the Wisdom will be released on September 26th.