
There is only one kind of heroism in this world


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Safe Evacuation from the 21st CenturyIt was officially released yesterday.

As early as half a month ago, after watching the preview, I had already written a long review, enthusiastically recommending this film. Of course, when I looked back at what I wrote at that time, it was more likeAfter eating the "cyber mushrooms", his mind was a little confused, and he was talking nonsense with great joy...

I finished watching "Safe Evacuation from the 21st Century" for the second time yesterday.Less laughter, more comfort——After getting over the surprise at first sight, I saw the film more clearly and liked it more, so I want to write another long article for this film.

This time I won't talk about anything else, just the movie.The most precious one"Youthful Spirit"

Li Yang still has the same temperament as he did a dozen or twenty years ago, with almost no changes. Many people say that "Safe Evacuation from the 21st Century" still has a lot of "The Adventures of Li Xianji" flavor.Some of the criticized perspectives in the film and things that are no longer appropriate today are the best evidence.

These shortcomings and advantages together make the film look a bit simple and even "old-fashioned":Rough, vigorous, passionate and flamboyant, in this increasingly decadent and depressed atmosphere of the times, it has become a spark of life that never stops.

Rewatching "Safe Evacuation from the 21st Century", I foundThe setting of the three teenagers in the film is very typical, enough to encompass all of our adolescence.

Wang Chengyong, the eldest brother of the trio,In my own eyes and in the eyes of others, I have taken the lead roleHe is the bravest and the best fighter among his peers, and his grades are not bad either. The most important thing is that he is a couple with Yang Yi, the class beauty admired by countless people, and they made a promise to "be together forever" at the age of 18.

The 18-year-old Cheng Yong was undoubtedly full of ambition and arrogance. He had no doubt that he would win everything in the future., which made him more yearning and curious about the world 20 years later: Have I become more powerful? Am I still with Yang Yi, and will we be together forever?

But life as an adult brought Cheng Yong nothing but disappointment and torture. He lost to reality. In order to save his father's life, he completely abandoned himself, broke up with Yang Yi, cut off contact with others, and became a scavenger for the Third Master...

So when the 18-year-old Cheng Yong found out what he would be like when he was 38, he couldn't help but feel depressed about the future and even hesitated about everything he had when he was 18.

Wang Chengyong is one of us who is constantly disappointed with the world and worn down by reality.

Bubble, the follower of the trio,Others and he both feel that they are the supporting roles among the supporting roles., who has always been at the bottom of the class, is like many other boys. He also has a crush on Yang Yi, but he knows that he is not worthy of her, so he can only hide the throbbing in his heart, just like other negative emotions of inferiority.

Bubble is the person who is most easily ignored, even he himself thinks so, but after watching the movie for the second time, the person I can empathize with the most is Bubble——Because I was more like him when I was a teenager, and also because he is a portrayal of the youth of more mediocre people.

“I hate myself when I was 18!”Even though he hasn't seen what he will be like 20 years later, Bubble might think so. There is no 18-year-old boy who doesn't want to get Chengyong's script, but Bubble can only watch others indulge in their youthful style, while he always has to pretend to be very happy.

Did Bubble, who was in better shape at the age of 38, live a better life? Not necessarily. Being Yang Yi's backup was a matter of mutual consent, so there is not much to comment on, but Yang Yi said it himself,"You are not happy at the age of 38."

Bubbles are us who have never been treated well by the world and have always been accompanied by depression.

In fact, Wang Chengyong and Paopao alone are enough to tell everyone's past and present in detail, but such a story is too dark, so that dazzling freak came into being.

Wang Zha, the second oldest of the trio, has a bad temper and is straightforward. His brain stopped growing in the third grade. He is heartless and unrestrained. He would think about "what kind of woman is worthy of Chengyong", quarrel with Yang Yi for his idol, and teach Bubble how to do things for his elder brother.There seems to be no self in his world, but if you look closely, you can see that he is everywhere.

In the real world, people like Wang Zha are rare.Because he isA truly dull, sincere, and simple personIn "Safe Evacuation from the 21st Century", he is the favored person who represents the temperament of the movie.

After reaching the age of 38, Cheng Yong and Paopao are both rapidly recognizing and accepting everything around them. Only Wang Zha begins toAlways keep your curiosity and lack of eyesightWhat impressed me most was that when he found out that the broken trailer was Liu Lianzhi’s home, the first thing he blurted out was “Fuck! So awesome?!”

Similarly, Chengyong and Paopao are both intelligent people. When they repeatedly travel through time and space between the ages of 18 and 38 and realize that "the future is predetermined" - Sister Mang is destined to have a bicycle accident, the winner is destined to win the lottery, and their 38th year is destined to be unchangeable - Chengyong and Paopao can't hide their disappointment, and only Wangzha will foolishly keep asking "What does it mean?"

Wang Zha understood this truth a little late, butWhether he understands it or not, it will not change his choice, he will sacrifice himself to save the world!

The king bomb is the rarest and most precious one among us who dare to fight against the world and change the world, and who are always young and passionate with blood still fresh.

It is not difficult to find that the protagonists in the filmLife is actually full of tragedy(Including Liu Lianzhi who is always used and let down), the future is not bright at all, and everyone would rather stay in the summer vacation of 1999.

This raises an interesting question: when the soul of an 18-year-old travels to a 38-year-old and two bodies share one soul, where does the soul of the 38-year-old go?

From the fatalistic setting of the film, they are trapped in a reincarnation cycle from 1999 to 2019. The 38-year-old middle-aged man is replaced by an 18-year-old boy who is destined to save the world and enter the next reincarnation. But I personally prefer Yang Yi’s simple statement. At the age of 38, he lives like a walking corpse. What’s so strange about his soul automatically dissipating?

Of course, no matter what,Young people will rush towards powerful enemies again and again without hesitation to make the world a better place.

To be honest, the "main theme" of society has changed in recent years. It has become lifeless and lacks hope. Not to mention the middle-aged people, even the young people are always mature, worldly-wise, calm and conservative... We are proud of lying flat and enjoy self-deprecation.No one thinks that the world after growing up is as beautiful as they imagined when they were young., let alone surpassing it.

Don’t even mention “saving the world”; the mainstream is those who are always shouting “destroying the world”.

The fact is, the world we live in after we grow up has been constantly disciplining us, teaching us to exercise self-restraint and even self-loathing. Happiness is something that needs to be guarded against, and disappointment and pain are the norm in life.

That’s why, like so many people, I love “Safe Evacuation from the 21st Century” so much - we all understand that “the goldfish pond, summer, rabbits, fireworks…” and other things that Liu Lianzhi talked about will eventually be lost. Even if they still exist, they will no longer be the same as we liked when we were young. Wang Zha will miss Liu Lianzhi again and again... But Wang Zha, Cheng Yong and Bubble will still try again and again to make the bad world a better place.

After half a lifetime of wandering, he still remains a young man when he returns.

To use the words at the end of the movie, it is like a wave hitting the rocks, rushing towards the steep future again and again, and like a spark in the wilderness, exploding to pieces in the night sky and illuminating the long night.

I thought of a sentence, although it has been quoted so many times in recent years that it has become a little desensitized, but I put it at the end of this article to highlight"Forever 18-year-old boy's spirit"is most suitable:

There is only one true heroism in the world, and that is to still love life after recognizing the truth of life.