
Well-known Twitter user praised Cyberpunk 2077: Better than Old Man Ring!


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According to foreign media fandomwire, well-known game promoter Rino recently compared "Cyberpunk 2077" with "Elden Ring", saying that both are great games, but "Cyberpunk 2077" makes "Elden Ring" and other new games of this generation pale in comparison. A stone stirs up a thousand waves, and many opposing views soon appeared in the comment area.

Players who hold opposing views said: "But the quality of Elden Ring was excellent on the first day of its release, not three years later." "The two games are of different types, one focuses on gameplay and the other focuses on story." "Elden Ring is the most award-winning and highest-rated game of all time, and Cyberpunk 2077 only became half as good after updates to versions 2.0 and 2.1." "CDPR has caused me too much harm. They made clear guarantees before the release of Cyberpunk 2077. However, after completing the game and DLC, I am still disappointed with their performance, which is still different from what CDPR guaranteed."

So, which one do you think is better, Elden Ring or Cyberpunk 2077? Feel free to discuss in the comments section.