
Still have wallpaper on your walls? You are old fashioned. Now it is popular to do this!


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The house is a 110-square-meter Chinese-style three-bedroom apartment. The decoration style tends to be simple, but it also uses many Chinese elements, but it is not tacky and very creative. Come and have a look! .

living room

The living room is decorated very warmly and comfortably, with the combination of fabric sofa and wooden coffee table, full of personality!

Under the soft lighting, with new Chinese furniture and the embellishment of green plants, the whole space is filled with a natural and fresh feeling.

The background wall of the TV is decorated with Chinese wood veneer and black lines, and there are also several black and white paintings with Chinese style hanging on the wall, which greatly improves the grade of the whole house!

The living room and dining room are connected.

Dining room

The dining room is designed behind the sofa

Under the warm yellow light, the new Chinese-style dining table made of solid wood looks very beautiful; if you have any decoration questions, please contact the designer qijiagc

The color of the restaurant curtains has a transitional color from cold to warm, which is pleasing to the eye! There is also a sideboard and a large refrigerator next to the dining table.

Master Bedroom

Three spotlights are installed above the head of the bed in the master bedroom, and two wall lamps are installed on both sides of the bed.

The combination of the simple and neat bed and the gray curtains makes people feel very comfortable;

Second Bedroom

The second bedroom is a bit small, but overall it is very good, with good lighting and ventilation.