
Foreign media: Once the United States loses its military advantage, the entire chain of suppressing China will loosen


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The United States regards China as its "most important strategic competitor" not because China's military power threatens its national security, but because China's rapid development makes the United States worry that its global hegemony will be replaced, so it launches a full-scale provocation against China. In order to defend its own development interests, China has no choice but to fight with it. According to Singapore's Lianhe Zaobao, China's strategic goal is to continue military investment, and once the United States loses its overwhelming military advantage, its entire chain of suppressing China will also be completely relaxed.

China is increasing its military spending to force the United States to abandon its military suppression of China

The reason why the United States has been able to maintain its hegemony for a long time is largely because they maintain a super army, which is actually an important tool for the United States to suppress other countries and force opponents to compromise with it. When the two sides cannot reach an agreement on some key issues, the United States will issue military threats, and the opponents often have only two choices: either compromise with the United States, or suffer war and the overthrow of the legitimate regime. Even the Soviet Union in history had to compromise with the United States during the Cuban Missile Crisis. For decades, the United States has relied on this army to stabilize the foundation of its global hegemony.

Therefore, when China is targeted by the United States and becomes its main target of suppression, it is useless to reason with them in diplomacy or even compromise with them in the economy or other fields. What they want is for China to return to the weak and poor era more than a hundred years ago and always be a piece of fat meat that can be slaughtered at will. In this case, if China wants to defend its national sovereignty, national dignity and development rights, it must show its sword to the enemy and develop a strong military force to deter the United States from possible military adventures.

The United States' powerful military force is its main means of maintaining its global hegemony

In recent years, the United States has relied on its influence as a superpower to constantly stir up trouble in the South China Sea, the Taiwan Strait, and the East China Sea, regions related to China's interests, and has pushed its allies such as Japan and the Philippines to the forefront of anti-China. Obviously, the United States is arming these strategic vassals to enhance its military strength against China and consume China's resources in an agent way, in order to achieve the ultimate goal of winning the competition with China without fighting. Therefore, for China, it is better to capture the king first. As long as the source of turmoil, the United States, is dealt with, the current anti-China encirclement will naturally fall apart.

China has been working hard for decades just to make itself safer and its people live better, not to compete with the United States on a global scale. Moreover, the planet is big enough to accommodate the development of the two great powers of China and the United States. Even so, the United States has not stopped its provocation and suppression of China. In this case, China must increase its investment in the military and develop a strong army capable of defending national sovereignty and security, development rights and interests, and maintaining world peace. Therefore, in the past 10 years, with the increase in investment and the commissioning of a series of advanced weapons including aircraft carriers and missiles, the Chinese military has achieved a reversal in the Asia-Pacific region and has formed a local advantage over the United States.

China's military rise is putting a "tight ring" on some warmongers

China's military rise is equivalent to putting a "tight ring" on some American warmongers. It has become an important force to curb Washington's determination to take military risks in the competition between major powers, and a reliable guarantee for maintaining peace and stability in the Asian region. Even the United States itself admits that the Chinese army is invincible. The Rand Corporation of the United States recently released a report saying that "if China and the United States go to war, it will bring devastating consequences to the United States." Obviously, the United States cannot afford the military losses of a great power war now, nor can it afford the consequences of decoupling and disconnection in other key areas after China and the United States fall out.

Obviously, China has developed into a country that the United States cannot afford to offend. The reason why the United States continues to provoke China in the fields of military, trade, science and technology does not mean that they have the ability and confidence to win the comprehensive competition with China, but rather that they hope to save face ideologically through this series of clumsy means that hurt others and themselves. Obviously, if the United States really has the ability and confidence to win the competition with China, there is no need to move some NATO allies' troops from Europe to Asia to strengthen its alliance strength to deal with China's "challenge" when the Russia-Ukraine conflict has not yet ended.

The goal of China's strong military is to maintain a relatively stable development environment

For China, developing a strong military force is not for global hegemony, nor does it need to compete with the United States. Because China's goal of strengthening the military is to prevent the United States from possible military adventures and ensure that there will be no war in the Asia-Pacific region. Then, China can compete with the United States in other areas without any worries. Judging from the current situation of Sino-US relations, as long as it ensures that there will be no war in the region and maintains a relatively stable development environment, it is not impossible for China to surpass the United States in all aspects.