
Film Review: The Moon is as Bright as My Heart


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The American comedy science fiction film "Fly Me to the Moon" (English name "Fly Me to the Moon") was first released in theaters in the United States, Canada, Hong Kong, China, Taiwan and other countries and regions in July this year. This is Sony Pictures' second foray into modern and contemporary historical themes after "Napoleon", trying to cut into the historical side and bring the "Apollo Moon Landing" event, which reached the peak of the US-Soviet space race in 1969, to the screen. The overall positioning of the film is more commercial, with a strong cast. The seemingly light-hearted and humorous tone makes the audience laugh, and also triggers the audience's thinking: What purpose should humans have and what choices should they make on the road to exploring the universe?

The title itself is full of the romantic color of "flying to the end of the sky with the moon". At the beginning of the film, Scarlett Johansson's character Kelly is full of aura, pretending to be a pregnant woman with ease, playing with the car tycoons in the palm of her hand, which makes people laugh. At the same time, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is worried about the funding and public opinion of the "Apollo Moon Landing Project", and it is difficult to get the project started. If there is anything that can connect the eloquent marketing expert Kelly with the rigorous and precise NASA, it must be the law of the commodity world that "everything can be marketed". Cole, the head of the launch center played by Channing Tatum, is cautious and meticulous. Although he is burdened with the pain of failed launches and lost troops in the past, he embarks on an absurd and exciting "moon landing journey" because of a "perfect encounter" with Kelly in a restaurant.

The famous "McGurk Effect" in marketing believes that vision is the decisive factor among the senses, and it can affect the judgment of our other senses. We may be able to easily understand the visual effects applied to products as small as diapers and chocolates, as large as cars and houses, but the film provides another bold idea: these marketing "tricks" can also be used in the US moon landing project. As soon as Kelly took office, she gradually "bought" the trust of everyone. From scientists to secretaries and security guards, everyone obeyed the arrangements of Kelly and her assistants. In Kelly's eyes, everything about the moon landing plan can be used for marketing - the researchers wore Omega watches, held TANG fruit drinks, and showed a charming smile full of intelligence, which instantly increased the popularity of Apollo 11 among the American people.

However, it was these actions, which Cole considered to be pure nonsense, that made the Apollo moon landing program move forward step by step towards the goal of passing the project. Cole was a typical gentleman. He fell in love with Kelly at first sight, but he always put the goal of landing on the moon first in his mind. In his view, landing on the moon was a sacred feat of human exploration of the universe. Astronauts continued to go forward, which obviously had a deeper and broader meaning beyond the competition. He disdained the marketing plan of Kelly's team and tried again and again to keep the launch center "normally operating". Kelly was just the opposite. She came from the bottom of the society and knew the cruelty and complexity of the world. No matter how great the mission was, it needed to be achieved through operation. Under the test of reality, Kelly's plan won one after another. In order to win the votes of several US senators, Kelly even tried her best to please them, greatly satisfying the vanity of the congressmen in exchange for the imperative of "moon landing marketing".

In the film, Cole's attitude towards the universe and life can be described as "a heart as pure as ice in a jade pot"; while the reality in Kelly's eyes is "the world is dark and indifferent, and the competition is busy", without competition, there is no place to stand, and without competition, there is no way to accomplish anything. The two contrasts here are very interesting.

The climax of the story is of course the scene of the successful moon landing simulated in the studio. The "mysterious man" who hired Kelly proposed that in order to ensure that the Apollo program was foolproof, the century-old freeze-frame picture of the successful moon landing and astronauts walking on the lunar surface was replaced by a carefully constructed simulation scene. The huge studio was set up in a warehouse in the launch base. The astronauts were played by actors, and the lunar surface was simulated very realistically with artificial materials. But this plan was obviously beyond everyone's expectations. Kelly tried to escape and give up, but finally chose to join forces with Cole, replacing the fake with the real, leaving respect for the astronauts who contributed to the moon landing plan and giving respect to all human beings. This scene is full of dramatic tension. Fake scenes and fake astronauts can appear in Plan A openly, but the real moon landing scene can only be used as Plan B. How ironic is it? What's even more ridiculous is that the studio scene is extremely similar to the moon scene captured by the camera. When the picture was transmitted back, even Cole couldn't tell which one was real and which one was fake.

"Moon Landing" does not have a grand narrative, but chooses "real or fake moonwalking", the most hotly debated topic in the Apollo moon landing program. Starting from the perspective of small people, it reflects the significance of the moon landing itself to all mankind and the twists and turns behind the moon landing program. The film has received good reviews since its release, but it did not achieve the ideal box office, which is a bit regrettable. The film projects the love between Kelly and Cole into the social background of the United States at that time - the desolate launch base, the vast universe and the galaxy, the individual is so small, but so great; a frame and a moment are so short, but the cold and hot seasons are so long.