
After watching these videos, I feel that AI cannot replace humans for the time being.


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Recently, Shichao found himself staying up late and seemed to have hallucinations.

I was watching short videos late at night and saw a bowl of steaming rice noodles. I was almost greedy, but the next second,The fungus in the bowl turned into penguins right on the spot.

Source @NUX5

This is not over yet. The penguin was jumping in the bowl, and the scene suddenly changed, and it went straight to Antarctica.

Anyway, I was stunned when I saw this video at 1am. If you guys are also seeing this video for the first time, then there is no doubt thatYou really should go to bed.( no)

Just kidding, I believe it should not be difficult for everyone to guess that this video was created by AI, right?

In the past two or three months, various AI video generation tools, such as Runway, Keling, and LumaAI, have been available for free trial.The application of AI video is becoming more and more extensive.

Some people use AI to shoot short dramas, and some people make old photos move to bring back memories. The application prospects of AI videos seem to be thriving.

But the more I went on, the more I realized that in addition to these serious applications,Those who engage in abstraction may be late, but they will never be absent.

Take the “food broadcasting trend” that first started on a certain short video platform.

For example, in the scene where Zhen Huan had a miscarriage in "The Legend of Zhen Huan", the actress started to eat chicken legs while crying.What a good way to turn grief into appetite.

Source @A Love Senior

There are also other examples like Donnie Yen eating lobster, Tang Monk eating hamburgers, and Erkang drinking beer... One netizen commented: "This AI is like a disease when it falls into the hands of humans."

But this is not the end.Abstract human plus convulsionAI, even more outrageous things are yet to come.

This classic old animation of "Master, what do you do for a living" has surprisingly given netizens something new to say.

The air conditioner repairman turned into a Gundam in seconds; he was repairing the air conditioner in the last second, and in the next second he drew his gun and went to the battlefield.

Source @Ansy

After all this fuss, it turns out the master can do everything except repairing the air conditioner, right?

And the imagination of netizens does not stop there. If air conditioner masters and film and television dramas have a basis in reality, then the following videos areDemons are dancing wildly, completely crazy.

Look at this smiling child. Isn’t he cute?

Source @Ai Daddy Huang Xixi

You can't imagine it at all, the next second the child turns into a muscular man, and throws a right hook to the man behind him. The rocking bed behind him turns into a boxing ring. The two men push and shove, and the child turns into a motorcycle and is ridden away...

This nonsensical plot twist and scene switching, I can only say,After all these years, someone can finally show the feeling of dreaming.

If you still feel unsatisfied, let me show you what it means to eat electronic mushrooms and get the cyber virus.

Who still remembers the popular slogan “Everyone in Huanglongjiang area should be equipped with Bluetooth” during the Chinese New Year?

"You have such high-speed machinery entering China. Remember the principle I gave you when you were young. It's the developer. One of the principles of developing this thing is that the underworld is in charge of the power. Do you know why there are living beings to operate it for him? There are also people who specialize in raising this. Why is this kind of thing produced underground? He is in charge of the descendants of five generations living together. Do you think I'm joking with you? Aren't you a policeman? All the people in Huanglongjiang have Bluetooth. Huanglongjiang, I tell you, is that alias in the underworld. The alias is my uncle, my dear uncle, the legitimate son and grandson of Zhang Xuelan.

Even if you feed this seemingly illogical nonsense to AI, it will still be able to produce it for you without guaranteeing the quality.

Source @ Stupid Meteor

The text keywords are captured correctly and the scenes are switched correctly. Just tell me, is that right?

What I didn’t expect was that some people thought this exciting video festival was not abstract enough, so they created another“Reverse AI Challenge”, under the banner of AI repair, they began to throw mud at AI.

In other words,Human ImitationAIHuman Imitation Contest (No nesting dolls allowed).Many short video bloggers took advantage of this wave of popularity and released similar videos.

AI likes eating shows, right?

Source @ Tianjin Chen Jinhao

The death of AI has taught this guy the essence of the game.

The nonsensical plot development and scene switching are also controlled by humans.

Source @ Tom's Chaotic Space

The two people who were about to fight hugged each other after opening the car door, and then took out a bowl of noodles from somewhere and started to perform an eating show on the spot.

But there are also some funny people in the comment section who say that this AI looks fake at first glance, because"AI packs kisses"

There are also weird movements and styles. You know what, the guy who suddenly stood up from the sofa on the left in this video has too much AI flavor...

Source @Jiaber Wu Botao

The main thing is that I actually got itOfficial certification: The content is suspected to be generated by AI, please identify it with caution.

At this moment, abstraction is pushed to a new level.

Anyway, after watching these videos, there is only one sentence left in Shichao's mind:What a hearty abstract celebration.

As for the reasons that led to this situation, AI must bear half the blame, but humans are obviously not easy to deal with either.

To be honest, if we analyze it from a purely technical perspective, this year's AI videos have made great progress compared to last year, both in terms of video length and generated detail effects.

For comparison, we can look at Will Smith eating noodles last year.

However, due to the lack of high-quality training data for video models and insufficient computing power, the video generatedProblems with controllability, screen flickering, frame rate, etc., there is no perfect solution.

But these are not things that ordinary users should consider. On the contrary, after this AI video live broadcast, those who are worried that humans will be replaced by AI in the future should be relieved.

When it comes to abstraction, it depends on human beings.

Written by:Xixi

edit: Jiang Jiang & Noodles

Art editor: Huan Yan

Image, source

Tik Tok, Bilibili, some images from the Internet