
"Safe Evacuation from the 21st Century": Run without hesitation and become a better adult.


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Safe Exit from the 21st Century, a masterpiece that defies definition.

Or in other words, there is no need to define this movie.It exists with confidence and independence.That's good.

After watching the preview, I was thinking, if I were to talk about this movie with others, how would I organize the language?

Cyber ​​mushrooms are an abstract description, and similar humor is overflowing in the movie, just like the money that Uncle San gives out, it’s impossible to pick it up, it’s everywhere.

can only say,This is Li Yang's movie."Li Yang" can be used as an adjective here.

I am particularly curious whether Director Li Yang has never grown up.

We reminisce about 1999 in the movie, and he seems to still be living in the same state as 1999 in the movie.

Nothing matters in life.What matters is the surging feelings and the colorful imagination.

No matter how big the world is,Bigger than the girl I love,No matter how bad the future is,Also try to tell yourself that tomorrow will be better.

From "The Adventures of Li Xianji" to "Bad Future" and then to "Safe Evacuation from the 21st Century", the spiritual theme is continued and the attitude is gradually clear and firm.

"Don't be bad!!!"

Being a middle school student is no longer a disease.Secondary school has become the antidote to life.

I particularly like the three weak boys in the movie. Each of them has a part of Li Yang. As early as the first trailer of the movie came out, I remembered them: "Except for the clear stupidity, there is nothing."

Weakness and clear stupidity are both softened positive words.We understand and resonate with such characters.

The 18-year-old Wang Zha always carries a big bag that is half his height. Every time the three teenagers ride their bicycles at full speed, Wang Zha's narrow and flat body and his huge bag are very funny, as if all his belongings are in it and he can leave Planet K at any time.

This was true. The bag did contain everything he cherished. When he poured it onto the floor, there was a clanging sound. There were all kinds of things, even a kitten.

When we were little, we all had our own treasure box.It can be a plastic bag or a torn cardboard box, but what is inside is all we have and it is the most precious thing to us at that time.

One day when we grow up, we suddenly remember that we once had treasures, but we can no longer remember where we lost them. Just like 38-year-old Wang Zha, his big bag is gone, and he only has a small crossbody bag left, and he continues to live carelessly.

Cheng Yong was very stubborn when he was 18, and very stubborn and fragile when he was 38. He was afraid of a bad future, and he couldn't control himself and was staggering down. He could only isolate himself and avoid the eyes of his lover. He was afraid of seeing Yang Yi disappointed in him, so he proposed to break up first.

He thought this was a brave undertaking, but in fact it was self-exile.He didn't know that the people who loved him would not be disappointed in him. Back in the summer when he was 18, he confessed his vulnerability to Yang Yi, but Yang Yi still loved him and said to him, "Don't become bad!"

Bubble is the little follower of the trio, who regards the glory of the group as his own value and is willing to be the follower and servant in interpersonal relationships.

He tried not to be the last one on the leaderboard, but failed. He also cried in fear sitting on the back seat of Chengyong's motorcycle because he knocked over the leaderboard. He wanted to be Chengyong, but he was timid and cowardly, so he could only imitate him.

At 38, he is fit and strong, but still a tiny and transparent Bubble. Having Yang Yi is the highlight of his life. He does not feel that he is copying the path that Chengyong has taken. Bubble can live happily by imagining that he is the protagonist.

These three stupid and weak people were inexplicably chosen by fate, grew up stumbling, accepted everything that went wrong, and then saved the world.

They are embedded in the orbit of time, like Sisyphus,Never stop, never compromise.

What is romantic and liberating is not only the story, but also the way of telling the story.Those very "Li Yang" audio-visual elements and creative techniques.

In 1999, the screen size was that of a big-butt TV, with a slightly yellowed texture and a very nostalgic feel; in 2019, most of the time it was a traditional wide screen, and when the future was very bad, the screen ratio would be compressed very narrow, making it suffocating; emotions were flooding, the picture filled the screen, and when punching and kicking, the special effects of the action flew out from the edge of the frame.

A sneeze can allow you to travel through time and space; a French horn can produce the sound of a erhu; because you pretend to be a good kid, when you go to your friend's house to meet his parents, the red cheek makeup you had when you were a Young Pioneer performing as a child suddenly appears on your face; the villain lives in "I Love My Family" and can hear canned laughter while living there.

Not to mention, there are also outrageous scenes of destroyed bicycles, propellers, cerebellar atrophy, and water coming out of the head when shaking. There's no way to figure out why because you're laughing too hard to care.

If you want depth, it’s in the movie; if you want madness, it’s in the movie; if you want sadness, it’s in the movie; if you want innocence, it’s in the movie.

So special, so Li Yang.

The movie ended very gently. Li Yang made Wang Zha remember Liu Lianzhi in his little brain, "I hate everything about growing up. I only like you."

It doesn't matter if the future is too bad, face it and resist it.I went back to 1999 without hesitation to find Liu Lianzhi, held her hand, and ran towards the future together to become better adults.

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