
Huawei Smart Assistant Public Test: Supports synchronized flight itineraries of Air Travel


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IT Home reported on August 2 that Huawei has launched the public beta of "Smart Assistant Today" (formerly Huawei Smart Assistant) version, with the activity date being 2024/8/2-2024/8/5. After installing the app, slide from the desktop to the negative one screen to enter "Smart Assistant Today".

IT Home Attached New Optimization Functions: Parking Card Optimization Search Page Service Suggestion Access Game Service Search Page Product Card Added Coupon Component. Experience Path: You can search for "Tongcheng Travel" to experience the power card optimization. Experience Path: After connecting to a Bluetooth device, click on the power card to pop up the device list > Click on the corresponding device to jump to the corresponding interface

Supports synchronization of flight itineraries with Air Travel and dynamic display of reminder cards for this itinerary.Experience path: Swipe right from the desktop to enter the negative one screen > Click "More" on the right side of the "My" page > Click the settings icon in the upper right corner of the message page > Click "Flight" on the smart reminder settings page > Click "Unbind" in Air Travel, and complete the binding operation according to the interface prompts. After successfully binding the Air Travel account, purchase a flight, and the itinerary notification in the Air Travel App will be pushed directly to the negative one screen for dynamic display.

Smart Assistant App is a system-level service software for mobile phones launched by Huawei. It supports the addition and use of service cards, as well as quick access to common service functions such as phone recharge and life payment. Interested users can go to "Member Center" → "Experience Officer" to participate in the public test.