
More than 300 flight trainees go to college on Kunpeng


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Original title: More than 300 flight trainees take Kunpeng to college

More than 300 flight trainees go to college on Kunpeng

Hunan Province admitted 178 candidates in this recruitment, ranking first in the country in the Air Force recruitment for five consecutive years.

On August 1, more than 300 newly admitted flight cadets from the five provinces (regions) in Central and South China gathered in Changsha for the 2024 training. They boarded two Y-20 aircraft of the Air Force and went to the Air Force Aviation University to report. Photo by Li Jian, a reporter of Huasheng Online

"Welcome to join the People's Air Force. We are honored to accompany you and light up the first route of your flying career!" Accompanied by the Y-20 crew broadcast, "Kunpeng" soared straight up. On August 1, more than 300 newly admitted flight cadets from the five provinces (regions) in Central and South China in 2024 gathered in Changsha and boarded two Y-20 aircraft of the Air Force to report to the "cradle of air force pilots" - Air Force Aviation University. The on-site ceremony was full of ceremony!

Walking on the red carpet and going to college on the "Kunpeng"

The sound of war drums and the fluttering flags... the newly admitted flight cadets lined up in an orderly manner, wearing flight suits and big red flowers, and walked across the red carpet with their heads held high and crossed the departure gate. Accompanied by a huge roar, full of blessings and expectations, they "flew" to the first stop of their military career - the Air Force Aviation University.

Before the expedition, parents personally arranged flight suits and accessories for their children, gave hugs and blessings, and new and old pilots had face-to-face exchanges with new trainees to share their growth experiences. At the expedition site, everyone sang songs such as "I Love the Blue Sky of the Motherland" and "Strong Army Battle Song". Afterwards, the commander shouted, "Are you ready, comrades?" The trainees answered in unison: "Always ready! Listen to the party's command, win battles, and have a good style!"

It is reported that from August 1 to 2, the Air Force used multiple Y-20s to transport newly admitted flight cadets to the Air Force Aviation University from six boarding points in Shenyang, Shijiazhuang, Jinan, Nanjing, Changsha and Chengdu to report. Simultaneously, simple and warm farewell and welcoming ceremonies were organized at each boarding point and the Air Force Aviation University to encourage the new cadets to use their outstanding and extraordinary youth to draw a magnificent course in life.

Hunan has ranked first in the country in air force recruitment for five consecutive years

It is reported that this year, Hunan Province has admitted a total of 178 candidates as Air Force flight cadets. The Air Force's flight recruitment work has achieved great success and has ranked first in the country for five consecutive years.

"When the long-awaited scene was right in front of me, it felt like a dream. My 'aerospace dream' finally got the 'admission ticket'." Wang Yile, a student from the 2024 aviation class of Zhounan Middle School, is one of the pre-selected candidates for the "dual-enrollment" flight cadets jointly trained by Tsinghua University, Peking University, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, and Air Force Aviation University.

As the scientificity and accuracy of flight recruitment and selection continue to improve, the proportion of admitted cadets who meet the physical standards of fighter jets remains high, 96% of the flight potential assessments reach excellent levels, and basic physical fitness and athletic ability have significantly improved, providing a strong basic support for building a strong air force flight personnel team.

The reporter learned that the enthusiasm for applying for the Air Force recruitment in 2024 is even higher. All 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) have achieved recruitment, the distribution of students is more balanced, and the academic scores are steadily increasing. 46% of the students ranked in the top 10% of the province in the college entrance examination, and 18% of the students ranked in the top 5%. The proportion of students with scores above 600 increased by 4% compared with last year. Among them, the college entrance examination scores of young aviation school graduates have increased significantly, and the proportion of students with scores above 600 increased by 7% compared with last year. The recruitment targets are further focused on top students. (Liu Zhendong, Liu Dongzhi, Hu Sirui)

(Hunan Daily)