
Lai Ching-te's office hires new "advisor", his 98-year-old uncle's inclusion in the list is questioned


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[Global Network Report] According to Taiwan's United Daily News on August 2, Lai Ching-te's office announced on August 1 that it had hired 27 new "advisors" and 73 "policy advisors", including former head of the Taiwan Executive Yuan Su Zhenchang, outgoing "representative to Japan" Hsieh Chang-ting, and "independence" elder Wu Li-pei. In addition, the list of "advisors" also includes Lai Ching-te's uncle, Tong Yong, chairman of Keelung Qing'an Temple, and Yan Zhifa, who resigned as "advisor" last year after being exposed for sexual harassment. Taiwanese media questioned that such a characteristic of hiring people and not avoiding suspicion once again let the outside world see the "Lai style" stubborn personality.

Taiwan leader Lai Qingde's profile picture from Taiwan's China Times News Network

According to reports, most of the newly hired "advisors" by Lai Ching-te are from the Tsai Ing-wen era, such as former heads of Taiwan's Executive Yuan Lin Quan and Chang Jun-hsiung, former deputy head of the Executive Yuan Lin Hsin-yi, former head of the Foreign Affairs Department Tian Hong-mao, and "former President of the Examination Yuan" Yao Jia-wen. They are all former government officials who have held important positions in the DPP since Chen Shui-bian was in office.

The report mentioned that the list also includes Su Zhenchang, who was once the head of the executive department, Hsieh Chang-ting, who is about to step down as the "representative to Japan", and Han Liangcheng, a professor at the School of Medicine of National Cheng Kung University where Lai Qingde studied. There are also controversial figures, such as Yan Zhifa, who has a strong "Ying faction" color. In addition to being the head of the "Friends of Tsai Ing-wen" for a long time, he also served as an "advisor" during Tsai Ing-wen's period. The report said that it is not difficult to see Lai Qingde's consideration of factional balance from the list.

In addition, Kang Yinshou, who is on the list of "policy advisors", is the head of the "Fucheng Voice" radio station. He exaggerated the efficacy of health products in a radio program in 2016 and was prosecuted by the local prosecutor's office for violating the "Health Food Management Act". In addition, according to a press release from the "Judicial Yuan", Kang Yinshou drove without giving way to pedestrians in 2020 and collided with a man who ran a red light and crossed the sidewalk. Afterwards, the court sentenced him to 4 months in prison and 2 years of probation for the crime of negligent serious injury.

Regarding this list, Wang Hongwei, a KMT representative, blasted that the "policy advisor" candidate should not be "appointed regardless of nepotism". Lai Qingde's uncle Tong Yong is already 98 years old. With his qualifications, many temple chairmen in Taiwan probably meet such qualifications. "Is it now a family-run country?" When the DPP broke out in the sexual harassment incident, it said it would "take it seriously", but now the scar has healed and the pain has been forgotten. It has appointed Yan Zhifa, who was suspected of sexual harassment, "which shows that the quality of talent selection is worrying."

The United Daily News reported on the 2nd that according to current regulations, the "advisor" and "policy advisor" in the office of the leader of the Taiwan authorities are "unpaid positions" (positions without fixed salary or remuneration), but they can provide opinions to the leader of the Taiwan authorities on major issues in Taiwan and be available for consultation, and their status is very high. Lai Qingde "does not avoid relatives" and hired his uncle as an "advisor". The list also includes a radio host who was suspended for selling drugs and exaggerating the efficacy. Lai was suspected of relying on selling drugs and exaggerating on the radio to get to the top. This kind of personnel characteristics and the lack of avoidance of suspicion also let the outside world once again see the stubborn personality of the "Lai style".

Further reading

Jin Canrong: A key issue must be resolved before a non-peaceful reunification of mainland China

Regarding the Taiwan issue, judging from the current objective situation, although the Chinese mainland has always regarded peaceful reunification as the priority option, as an observer, I believe that non-peaceful reunification is more likely in reality. Therefore, we must be prepared for non-peaceful reunification in advance.

The key to the so-called preparations for non-peaceful reunification is military preparations.

This "Joint Sword-2024A" exercise has a characteristic - cold start, that is, it was not announced in advance, and once it was announced, the troops were already nearby. In addition, this military exercise covers a wider area, is closer to Taiwan Island, has a larger force scale, and has a stronger sense of actual combat. In reality, the means that the Eastern Theater Command has now taken out are sufficient.

A two-plane formation simulates attacking a target (Photo/China Military Network)

The picture shows a 3D virtual-real animation of a joint attack by multiple military services

Of course, if a real fight were to take place, the PLA might hope to handle it more beautifully. However, if it wants to fight beautifully after taking action, it must prepare for the worst-case scenario in advance, that is, assume that the United States and its allies will intervene with all their strength.

In addition, military fans should all know that in war, landing battles from sea to land are the most difficult to fight, and Taiwan’s own defense system is very good. It has been improved during the Chiang Kai-shek period and has not stopped since then. Coupled with the United States’ best efforts to help, some military experts believe that Taiwan’s defense system is even better than Israel’s.

Taiwan's military digs trenches under the bridge (Taiwan media)

Taiwanese soldiers digging trenches (Taiwan media)

Considering Taiwan's strong defense capabilities and the difficulty of landing operations, coupled with the comprehensive intervention of the United States and its allies, it has to be admitted that liberating Taiwan by force is not an easy task.

Of course, I also believe that our PLA must have many means that have not been demonstrated, and they are stepping up their efforts to this end. By the way, although our military modernization is moving forward well, we have not fought actual combat for many years, so we must also be prepared in this regard.

The second most important thing is financial preparation.

In terms of economy, as I mentioned in the year-end "Answer Show" of, there is a big problem in China's current economy, which is the lack of economic strategic autonomy.

The size of China's economy, if calculated based on the constant exchange rate in 2011, China's GDP reached 79% of the United States; if calculated based on the current exchange rate, our GDP is 65% of the United States; if we look at purchasing power parity, it is 120% to 160% of the United States, fluctuating, but generally exceeds the United States. It can be said that the size of China's economy is very large.

However, China's economy is also quite fragile. We need to import food. We are the world's largest food importer, importing 169 million tons of food last year. In terms of oil, our dependence on foreign countries is 73%; in terms of natural gas, our dependence on foreign countries is 42%. In addition, we are also short of many minerals.

On the other hand, a major shortcoming of the Chinese economy is the lack of market.

Our products are produced in large volumes. As data from the World Trade Organization show, my country's exports accounted for 14.2% of the international market in 2023, maintaining its position as the world's largest trading country in goods for seven consecutive years. In addition, compared with the manufacturing of other countries, our products are of high quality and low price.

What is more worth mentioning is that our business reputation is particularly good - we didn't say much about this before, but we will say more in the future. Suppose a foreign merchant places an order in China and requires delivery by the 15th of next month, the Chinese will definitely work overtime to complete the task. If this foreign merchant foolishly goes to India to place an order, on the 15th, the Indians are likely to say "Ah? There is such a thing?" and then start to cheat.

Generally speaking, China's manufacturing and product quality are excellent. However, there is a terrible dilemma now: our domestic market cannot absorb so many products, and we have to rely on the international market, especially the US market, to subsidize them in the name of export tax rebates, and the cumulative export tax rebates handled each year exceed one trillion yuan.

Consumers shop in a supermarket in Washington, the capital of the United States (File photo/Xinhuanet)

Insufficient domestic demand and lack of markets, which I call the lack of economic strategic autonomy, are problems we need to address.

In addition to military and economic preparations, political unification is also needed. At present, there is no complete consensus in the country on whether to adopt non-peaceful means of unification.

Secondly, we must do our best to gain the understanding of the international community. Many countries fully support the "one China" principle, and we need to further implement this.

For example, the "Joint Statement of the People's Republic of China and the Russian Federation on Deepening Comprehensive Strategic Cooperative Partnership in the New Era on the Occasion of the 75th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between the Two Countries" released on May 16 this year has a clear statement: "The Russian side reiterates its adherence to the one-China principle, recognizes that Taiwan is an inalienable part of the People's Republic of China, opposes any form of 'Taiwan independence', and firmly supports China's efforts to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity and achieve national reunification." - Pay attention to the last half sentence.

In short, the Taiwan issue is a special difficulty in the process of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. This difficulty is currently intensifying, and the reason for the intensification does not come from mainland China, but from the United States and the "Taiwan independence" authorities. In a sense, the evolution of events has little to do with our wishes. Once they want to do something, we may have no choice.

I need to emphasize again: Although we are determined to achieve reunification, the priority option is still peaceful reunification. However, the reality is that the hope for peaceful reunification is becoming increasingly slim. Therefore, we need to make preparations in advance for non-peaceful reunification, which includes military, economic, domestic political and international understanding. All of these require serious work.