
Breaking news! An anthrax outbreak occurred in Liaocheng, Shandong. Learn about anthrax and take precautions!


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Review of the anthrax terrorist attack-1: The anthrax terrorist attack from the US military laboratory

Review of the anthrax outbreak in Liaocheng, Shandong

Recently, a piece of news from Qiji Town, Yanggu County, Liaocheng City, Shandong Province, has attracted widespread attention. A number of cows died from suspected anthrax infection at a local farm. After the incident was exposed, the local village committee and government departments quickly took measures to burn and bury the sick cows and strictly control the relevant areas. It is reported that the CDC has confirmed the discovery of positive cases of anthrax in livestock and is currently conducting further investigations.

The staff of the Qiji Town Qier Village Committee revealed to the media that more than half a month ago, there were indeed sick cows in the village, and the sick cows had been burned and buried, and no human transmission occurred. According to the staff of the Qiji Town Government, the county government leaders have rushed to the scene to conduct relevant inspections, and the staff of the Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Section of the Yanggu County Center for Disease Control and Prevention also stated that positive cases of anthrax in livestock were indeed found, and the local investigation is underway. The latest developments of the matter will be announced to the public in a timely manner.

In addition, a notice signed by Shandong Lianyuan Holding Group Co., Ltd. is also circulating on the Internet. The notice mentioned that a suspected case of death caused by anthrax infection was recently found in Qiji Town, Yanggu County, and reminded local residents to seek medical attention in time if they have any symptoms such as macules, papules, blisters, ulcers, etc. on the hands, forearms, face, neck, etc., or fever, fatigue, chills, dry cough, headache, cough, sneezing, diarrhea, chest pain, etc. It is also recommended not to eat beef and mutton in the near future, and not to go to Qiji Town.

Anthrax Basics

Anthrax is an acute infectious disease caused by **Bacillus anthracis**. The bacteria can form tough spores to survive for a long time in adverse environments. Anthrax is transmitted through skin contact, inhalation, and eating contaminated food. Based on the different infection routes, anthrax can be divided into cutaneous anthrax, inhalation anthrax, and intestinal anthrax.

Cutaneous anthrax

Cutaneous anthrax is the most common type, accounting for more than 95% of all anthrax cases. Typical symptoms are skin ulcers and black scabs. Although cutaneous anthrax is relatively easy to treat, it can cause more serious systemic infection if not treated promptly.

Inhalation anthrax

Inhalation anthrax is the most dangerous type, which is contracted by inhaling anthrax spores. Initial symptoms are similar to those of a cold, including fever, cough and chest pain. If not treated promptly, it can lead to severe respiratory failure and has a high mortality rate.

Intestinal anthrax

Intestinal anthrax is caused by eating contaminated meat and has symptoms including abdominal pain, vomiting and severe diarrhea. Although it is less common, it has a higher mortality rate.

Epidemiology and Historical Events of Anthrax

Anthrax has a long history of epidemics and is an ancient infectious disease. There have been many anthrax outbreaks in history, including cases of animal and human infection. For example, in 2021, due to the thawing of permafrost in the Arctic region of Russia, anthrax spores became active again, resulting in a large number of reindeer and some humans being infected. In the same year, an anthrax outbreak also occurred in Liaoning Province, China, and many patients received timely treatment.

Important anthrax incidents in history

2001 US anthrax mail incident: This was a bioterrorist incident that shocked the world. Terrorists sent letters containing anthrax spores by mail, resulting in the infection and death of multiple American citizens. This incident raised global awareness of the potential of anthrax as a biological weapon.

2016 Russian Arctic Anthrax Outbreak: The thawing of permafrost has caused anthrax spores to become active again, causing large-scale reindeer deaths and human infections.

Anthrax treatment and prevention

Anthrax treatment mainly relies on antibiotics, such as penicillin, ciprofloxacin and doxycycline. For confirmed cases, early treatment is the key to reducing the mortality rate. In addition, high-risk groups (such as farm workers, veterinarians and laboratory researchers) can be prevented by anthrax vaccination.

Public panic over anthrax and its causes

The lethality of anthrax and its history of use as a potential biological weapon have created a deep fear of anthrax among the public. The anthrax mail incident in the United States in 2001 further deepened this panic, and the potential of anthrax as a means of bioterrorism has become widely recognized.

Tips to allay panic

Although anthrax has a high mortality rate and is easily spread, modern medicine and scientific means can effectively treat and control the disease. The public does not need to panic excessively, but should maintain a rational and scientific attitude and pay attention to the advice and instructions of the government and health departments.


Strict hygiene standards: Maintain good personal and environmental hygiene and avoid contact with infected animals or their products.

Food security: Make sure meat is thoroughly cooked, especially in areas with a high incidence of anthrax.

Vaccination: People at high risk should be vaccinated against anthrax, especially those who work with animals.

Although anthrax is dangerous, its threat can be effectively controlled with the help of modern science and technology. The public should remain vigilant, but there is no need to panic. Through scientific preventive measures and timely treatment, the risk of anthrax to public health can be minimized. I hope everyone will work together to raise awareness of disease prevention and maintain public health safety.