
Netizens shared the interactive gifts on Huabei official WeChat account: This happiness is worth showing off


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In the past, we often heard a famous saying: If you have an apple and exchange it with others, you will still only have one apple in the end; if you have a piece of happiness and exchange it with others, you will have two pieces of happiness.

In the Internet age, the way to share happiness is becoming simpler. The key is to find people who can share happiness with us. For many young people nowadays, Huabei official WeChat seems to have become such a partner.

What they can share is not only the happiness of their mood, but also the "real" happiness. For example, recently Huabei's official Weibo "reported" to netizens the "happiness" given out in July, and invited everyone to show off together. The "happiness" here refers to the gifts received by netizens who interacted with Huabei on Weibo in the past month.

Among the gifts received by netizens posted on Huabei’s official Weibo account were various local specialties and souvenirs such as sugar-coated pancakes, kvass, Huagang Fish Viewing Bookmarks, Yunnan Mushroom Gift Boxes, and Shibajie Mahua. After receiving the gifts, netizens were the first to share their joy with Huabei.

For example, this netizen received 6 bottles of kvass in such a high-profile and eye-catching manner, and told Huabei immediately, and even showed off a bit, feeling that he was too ostentatious.

There was also this friend who received shrimp dumplings, barbecued pork buns, and fried dumplings, and he immediately shared his joy with Huabei that he could "pretend to get up early in the morning and fly to Guangzhou for morning tea."

Look at this guy in the comment area. It doesn't matter whether the gift is received or not. What matters is whether the copy is cool or not. Obviously, such a cool copy has been recognized by Huabei's official Weibo account, and it has sent a string of "tsk tsk tsk" praises.

There were also netizens who were not posted by Huabei, who took the initiative to share their joy of receiving gifts in the comment section. Some received Tsingtao beer, some received beef jerky, and one even received 188 yuan in Huabei.

Of course, there are many netizens who are looking forward to good luck and want to make themselves familiar with Huabei.

This netizen said it well: Your job is to bring luck, which is a great job.

Seeing everyone enthusiastically sharing their happiness and the cordial interaction between Huabei and netizens, I also want to say: This atmosphere is really good.