
The author who was praised as a god because of the "PVZ hybrid version" collapsed overnight"/> Main site mall forum self-operated login registration The "submarine Weiwei fan" who was praised as a god because of the "PVZ hybrid version" collapsed overnight...


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The "Submarine Weiwei Fans" who were praised as gods for the "PVZ hybrid version" collapsed overnight

Aunt Wang Li


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Author: Auntie Wang Li

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And you, wait.

You know, Plants vs. Zombies is a great game, it's incredibly fun, and I've always been a fan of Plants vs. Zombies, and I've spent countless unforgettable nights with it. Sometimes it's really hard to make a choice, but after countless days and nights of thinking, I decided to bring my talents to Plants vs. Zombies Crossover. Now, I can't wait to open Plants vs. Zombies Crossover, and as for the original Plants vs. Zombies, I wish it all the best in the future.

——If it was three months ago, this statement would have been the true feelings of most people. After all, there are many second adaptations of "PVZ", but it may be the only second adaptation with such strong originality as "Hybrid".

However, it seems that the days of "Plants vs. Zombies Hybrid" (hereinafter referred to as "Hybrid") and its creator "Submarine Weiwei Fans" may not be easy now. Because the "originality" that "Submarine Weiwei Fans" boasts of being different from others has become his Achilles heel.

To be honest, in the case of "Plants vs. Zombies" (hereinafter referred to as "PVZ"), where the plant species have long been fixed and the creative materials are very limited, communication between various second-generation authors is a common thing. Therefore, many fans suggested that "Submarine Weiwei Fan", who was stuck in a creative bottleneck, could go to "Da Mai" (other second-generation bloggers) to find some inspiration. But "Submarine Weiwei Fan" rejected this suggestion and publicly stated that "only people without creativity will imitate others."

To be honest, the "Submarine Weiwei fan" who originally endorsed "originality" and spoke so confidently in front of everyone couldn't help but make everyone look up to him. It seems that the title of "genius boy" is tailor-made for "Submarine Weiwei fan".

But when "Submarine Weiwei fans" changed their offensive and suddenly said that they were plagiarized by "Da Mai", countless believers became furious - the ugly "Judas" who blasphemed God should be roasted to death on the fire rack.

But this campaign against "Da Mai" did not cause much trouble. The person involved, "Da Mai", added "Submarine Wei Wei Fan" on WeChat that day and apologized sincerely. So far, it seems that this minor misunderstanding should be stopped.

However, "TIP", who assisted "Da Mai" in the development, later said that his idea, from project establishment to design, had detailed processes and discussion records at every step, and there was no possibility of plagiarizing "Submarine Weiwei Fans". It was just because his fans were too exaggerated and he couldn't compete with them, so he chose to apologize.

As soon as this was said, the rhythm started again. Some people felt that "Submarine Weiwei Fans" was now a typical "large number of fans means justice" hegemony, while others felt that the "Da Mai" team was still thinking about overturning the verdict... So in those few days, the comment areas of both sides were full of gunpowder and insults - playing games is not as good as attacking the author directly.

Seeing that the momentum was growing and the situation was becoming increasingly difficult to control, the "Submarine Weiwei Fans" who had been accused of "big V bullying small teams" chose to apologize very generously and said that "plagiarism, reference, imitation, and collision of ideas" were unavoidable in this circle and there was no need for everyone to quarrel over this.

The seemingly magnanimous and "high emotional intelligence" apology actually did not satisfy many people. Because during the dispute over the past few days, some people continued to dig into the dark history of both parties, and then found that the "melancholy pumpkin head" that the two people were arguing about had already been published by others a few years ago. If we only determine whether it is plagiarism based on "chronological order", then "Submarine Weiwei Fans" are already plagiarists in their own words.

Once the signs of something wrong appear, there will definitely be more suspicions. According to some viewers, the "Submarine Weiwei fans" who always put "creativity" and "originality" first, seem to have a low level of originality in their works. Even most of the hybrid plant designs in the "hybrid version" have been published by members of the "PVZ second modification circle" a few years ago. However, at that time, "PVZ second modification" was just a hobby of a small group of people, and it had not expanded to such an exaggerated scale as it is now.

For example, the very useful "small pot mushroom" in the "hybrid version" actually had its shape in 2021.

Image source: B station @I only use 1437 to play pvz, what about you

For example, the "hybrid version" of the classic opening crop "Sunny Thunder" is also a design that appeared in 2021.

Image source: B station @I only use 1437 to play pvz, what about you

Even the "magnetic nut" that "Submarine Weiwei fans" are most proud of is an idea that appeared in 2020.

Image source: Station B @ZYNzzzzz

In response to this, the "Submarine Weiwei Fan" did not make any explanation, but instead made the QQ number of the initiator of these "black fart" behaviors public in his dynamic status, and claimed that he would call the police - he wanted to put all those who blackened him in this group in jail.

Whether this behavior is right or wrong is not the point for now, but the act of directly disclosing the QQ number and posting the person without a code is tantamount to intensifying various contradictions. Some people think that it is a bit too much for a big V to post people casually, while others think that this "submarine Weiwei fan" who implies that he is the "official incarnation" every day should shut up.

Bloggers in the same circle are not spared

But in any case, from this time on, the "resistance" against the atrocities of "Submarine Weiwei fans" began.

First of all, "Submarine Weiwei Fan" claimed to be self-taught, and then he was called a "genius boy". But in fact, he did not have the ability to develop on his own. He was able to start "creating" various second-modified designs thanks to the "modifier" developed by the author of the 95 version.

Many years ago, "Submarine Weiwei Fan" was still a "young Wei" who knew nothing. At that time, he began to harass the original author of the modifier. From "Why did 360 kill the modifier" to "Can you help me write a modifier", "Submarine Weiwei Fan" asked the original author to teach him step by step carefully. If he did not get a timely reply, he would directly spam the screen to serve.

After he became famous, he did not add the original author's name to the modifier as promised, and also deleted the author's contact information. In response, the original author of the modifier also said in his dynamic that he was indeed harassed by "submarine Weiwei fans" and did not keep his promise to sign the name.

Not only that, he once said that "he is just a second creator, so he can tamper with the game as he pleases", but now he has begun to find ways to suppress other modifier authors - obviously everyone is a second modifier, but he wants to have the sole right of interpretation.

When enough stains accumulate, even the most dazzling god will eventually fall. The comment section of this talented young man, who is respected by everyone as "the great one", has now been occupied by the "rebels".

But even so, there are still many fans who support him and fight against haters in the comment section. You can say that these are brainless "filial sons" or that these are the water army hired by "submarine Weiwei fans"... But in the final analysis, all of this is inseparable from the popularity of "Plants vs. Zombies Crossover", which is really amazing.

If I tell you directly that a game from more than ten years ago has become popular again this year, and has attracted millions of players to indulge in it, attracting countless praises - you must think that I am going to turn into "Lian Po" at this moment and start to advertise a certain game. But unfortunately, this is what really happened. During that period, "Plants vs. Zombies Crossover" became the most fashionable item: office workers used it to kill time; anchors used it to easily broadcast more than a thousand people in their rooms; if you do a little research, post a related lineup strategy video, and it seems to make some sense, you can also gain a large number of fans instantly.

Not only that, when everyone had a "rough understanding" of the personal resume of "Submarine Weiwei Fan", he dropped out of school at a young age, rarely communicated with adults, and developed games alone - this is simply the existence of the male protagonist in a cool article, and he is the successful self in the hearts of countless people.

But in fact, in the "PVZ modification" circle, "Submarine Weiwei Fans" has long been criticized by all authors for publicly selling the second modification version collection on Douyin's small yellow car. You know, any second modification is a non-commercial behavior without copyright. Other bloggers understand that this can only be done with love and for self-entertainment in their own small circle. "Submarine Weiwei Fans" took away everyone's achievements and changed the author's name. This behavior undoubtedly infringed on the rights of the genuine copyright and disrespected the labor results of the second modification author. If the domestic officials were a little more serious, it is very likely that the entire second creation would be banned.

However, after less than a year of silence, "Submarine Weiwei Fan" finally ushered in his spring.

When "Plants vs. Zombies Crossover" suddenly became popular, "Submarine Weiwei fans" gained millions of fans overnight, major media and well-known writers also became the solid backing of "Submarine Weiwei fans", officially endorsed his image, and created a perfect image. His advantages were so dazzling that they completely covered all his previous shortcomings. It seemed that he should be the "genius boy", "the godfather of PVZ second modification", and "the new producer born in the 2000s". No matter how much other history is said, it would be all awkward slander and nonsense.

And it seems that the matter should be settled. With millions of fans and various business orders, "Submarine Weiwei Fan" no longer needs to rely on "selling secondary creation integration packages on the small yellow car" to make money, and the "PVZ modification" circle may leave a black history about him, but this cannot be a reason to defeat him. Players who like him will continue to play his games, and he can also become a popular "Plants vs. Zombies field master" under the halo of "genius boy".

But the story of "the dragon-slaying boy becomes the evil dragon" has been repeated countless times, and it is now happening to "Submarine Weiwei Fan" - after being praised by everyone, "Submarine Weiwei Fan" gave up his favorite "Plants vs. Zombies", and then destroyed the golden statue and clay sculptures piled up by everyone with a series of actions.

If we look back at the comment section of "Submarine Weiwei Fans" at this time, the atmosphere of discussing games and design in the past has disappeared, and all that remains is "the tape recorder repeating the comments."

New applications of various popular internet meme formulas.

And the simplest bad breath, the most direct enjoyment.

Just click refresh, there are new discoveries every time

The Internet is like a blender, it can break a person up, break him down, and blend him until everyone can only see his good points. Now, the blender of "Submarine Weiwei Fan" has obviously stopped, but he started the blender again with his own hands.

The true God, never forget the original intention