
There are too many people registering, so the Warcraft official server upgrade service is suspended! Netizens: Why is it crashing so early in the morning?


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The long-awaited official server of World of Warcraft is finally here. Originally scheduled to open at 12:00, you can now log in to the game at 6:48 in the morning, 5 hours earlier. Despite this, the server was still overwhelmed by players, causing the official to suspend the character direct upgrade service to maintain stability.

What is certain is that the Chinese version of World of Warcraft is using the pre-version 11.0. If you want to level up, you can choose to run the 10.0 mainline or participate in the Radiant Echo event. The login page is still the familiar Zakuun guarding the gate, which is not much different from before the shutdown. Except for a few servers with large populations, it is basically green and the game is also very smooth.

However, due to the new Warband system introduced by Blizzard in 11.0, old players with more characters encountered a "blue bar stuck" bug when accessing this system. This was when scanning all the characters in the server. It was probably because there were too many character data and the backend could not read them all.

Regarding this unexpected server crash bug, the official "World of Warcraft" also immediately issued an announcement saying that this was caused by too many players using value-added services such as character upgrades at the same time. In order to relieve server pressure, some value-added services need to be temporarily closed.

Many netizens were speechless about this: "The server crashed so early in the morning, how many people were there in the morning? I'm really fed up. I told you not to open the official server for testing, but you insisted on everyone paying for the test, right?" "I told you to pull all the servers to use for the nostalgic server scripts", "This is a weekday morning, your computer room must be on fire at night", "The air conditioners pulled away by 9c are better than their servers"...

To be honest, there are quite a lot of people logging in on the official server, and some of them even took time off. I guess there will be even more people at night. Which profession will you guys start with in version 11.0? Feel free to leave a comment below.