
World of Warcraft: A preview of accessories for the WLK beta five-player version, the best choice for trumpet upgrades!


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Taking stock of the preview of the top-quality accessories for the five-player dungeon in the beta mode of Wrath of the Lich King Classic, it is really a blessing from heaven for players with weak trumpets, so take a look!

1: Eye of the Mother of Dragons, produced by the cruel Ik of Gudrak.

At this stage, the BIS accessory for magic output must be Flame of Heaven, and after the third stage, the Eye of Dragon Mother, which is almost free, is too tempting. It is no exaggeration to say that those brothers who cannot get Heaven and Reign of Death can just go to Gudrak to get it. It is very useful with any accessories. It is conceivable that Gudrak will be crowded by then, especially magic output professions must refresh it every day until they get the Eye of Dragon Mother!

2: Royal Sigil of King Llane, from the Black Knight of Trial of the Champion.

I can't believe that Ulduar Yogg-Saron's super high health line accessory Royal Seal can be given away by clicking on it. Let alone other professions, blood DK must have one, and the strength of DKT itself and the demand for group dungeons are great, so there are still a lot of brothers who continue to start a small account, and then they must go to the Champion Trial to check in one.

Three: Elemental Focusing Stone, produced by King Ymiron of Utgard Pinnacle.

If the magic output wants to eat pork ribs steadily, then Uncle Miao thinks the first attribute to ensure is hit, not to mention that the passive of this thing is haste. So for brothers who generally do not pursue the ultimate, Uncle Miao strongly recommends that you match it with the above-mentioned Eye of the Mother of Dragons. The double passive accessories make the operation worry-free. It is really a quasi-artifact for Brother Pork Ribs to travel through all major group copies, and it is a must-have!

Four: Spark of Hope, produced by Summoner Novos of Drak'Tharon Keep.

As for Spark of Hope, we won't exaggerate or criticize other professions, but for the druid healer, you can just buy it without thinking. The permanent spirit and stable reduction of spell mana consumption are really useful for specific scenarios of protracted battles. Of course, it must be said that the priest also gets it at a high price. There is really no need to pile up spell power and haste blindly. Sometimes enough spirit can really let you face high-pressure scenarios without worries. It is really worth having!

5. Blue Iron Infuser, produced by the demon Keristrasza.

Although the big guys of Blue Iron Infusion will definitely not give it a second look, but for ordinary hunter and thief players, Uncle Meow thinks there is nothing wrong with it. The hit attribute will never be out of date, and the attack power triggered by the critical strike is still good. The only drawback is that the critical strike trigger is a bit awkward, but it is still very good if you get the equipment. At least it should be stronger than the Death Bell!

6: Energy Bend, produced by Magic Anomarus.

This thing looks awkward, but Uncle Meow mainly shares it with the resto. I feel that this big brother is the only one that can take five rounds in the Wrath of the Lich King version, and the demand for it in the group is also great, so there are also many small accounts. Combined with the 431 points of magic power increase for 20 seconds, Ramen Master is still worth a try.

Seven: Furnace Stone, produced by Ajol-Nerub Anub'arak.

The finale of today is the less-favored Furnace Stone. After all, the priority of blood armor is absolutely dominant in this version, which makes dodge and armor unpopular. However, for small bear tanks, dodge is still equal, not to mention that the 20-second armor increase and damage reduction are still visible to the naked eye. What else can you ask for for free accessories? Then the final soul-searching question is also given to you in front of the screen. Among these 7 accessories for the five-player beta mode, which one are you most looking forward to?

Okay, that’s all for this issue of the preview of the top accessories for the five-player dungeon in the Wrath of the Lich King Classic Beta mode. If you have more advanced recommendations, you are welcome to give me some advice! Of course, remember to pay attention to me, the cute and healthy uncle!

PS: I also hope that everyone can keep their original aspirations in mind in today’s fast-food gaming environment, and regain their old love for Warcraft!

World of Warcraft, our other world!