
"Illustration" Further promote the high-quality development of Shanghai venture capital, this opinion is issued


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The General Office of the Shanghai Municipal Government introduced that in order to accelerate the cultivation and development of new quality productivity, achieve high-level scientific and technological self-reliance, and create new momentum and new advantages for development, several opinions are now put forward on further promoting the high-quality development of Shanghai venture capital (including angel investment). The "Opinions" include further accelerating the development of Shanghai's venture capital industry, giving full play to the guiding and leading role of various government investment funds, promoting the coordinated development of venture capital and multi-level science and technology financial service systems, promoting the synergy between venture capital and industrial and regional development, and strengthening talent and policy guarantees. This opinion will be implemented from August 1, 2024 and will be valid until July 31, 2029. See the diagram↓

Source: "Shanghai Release" WeChat official account (Source: Municipal Government Office, Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Big Data Center)

Original title: [Graphic] Further promote the high-quality development of Shanghai venture capital, this opinion is issued