
Haitong Securities Announces: Jiang Chengjun Resigns


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China Fund News Dawn

There is big news again from Haitong Securities!

On the evening of July 31, Haitong Securities issued an announcement regarding the resignation of its deputy general manager.The board of directors of Haitong Securities received the resignation report of Jiang Chengjun, who resigned from the position of deputy general manager of the company for personal reasonsAfter his resignation, Jiang Chengjun will no longer hold any position in Haitong Securities, and the resignation report will take effect from the date of delivery to the company's board of directors.

On the same day, Haitong Securities held the 11th meeting of the 8th Board of Directors (an extraordinary meeting) and reviewed and passed a number of proposals, including the "Proposal on the Assessment Results of the Company's Senior Management in 2023".

According to public resume information, Jiang Chengjun was born in 1968, holds a master's degree in economics and is an economist. From July 1993 to July 1994, Jiang Chengjun served as a cadre of Xiamen International Trade Group Co., Ltd. From July 1994 to August 2000, he served as deputy manager of the financial securities department, manager of the investment management and development department, assistant to the general manager, secretary of the board of directors, and deputy general manager of Xiamen Guotai Enterprise Co., Ltd.

In 2000, Jiang Chengjun joined Haitong Securities, mainly engaged in investment banking business. He successively served as deputy general manager of the investment banking department, deputy general manager of the investment banking department (in charge of work), general manager of the investment banking department, and general manager of the investment banking headquarters.

From March 2017 to June 2023, Jiang Chengjun served as Assistant to the General Manager of Haitong Securities; from April 2017 to July 2023, he served as Joint Company Secretary and Joint Authorized Representative of Haitong Securities; from March 2017 to September 2023, he served as Secretary of the Board of Directors of Haitong Securities.

On June 30, 2023, Jiang Chengjun was appointed as the deputy general manager of Haitong Securities, and has been in office for just over a year.According to Haitong Securities' 2023 annual report, Jiang Chengjun's total pre-tax remuneration in the company that year was 1.9774 million yuan.

As of press time, Jiang Chengjun's registration information can still be found in the China Securities Association's public information on practitioners. He registered as a practitioner at Haitong Securities in August 2003, with the registration category of "general securities business"; in October 2012, he registered as a "sponsor representative" with a registration status of "normal".

Haitong Securities' official microblog shows that Jiang Chengjun attended the company's integrity culture exhibition and delivered a speech on July 18. Jiang Chengjun said that honest work is a vital professional ethics requirement in the securities industry. This exhibition shows the good style of the company's employees who respect, uphold and practice integrity, convey the value concept of integrity and promote the further cultivation and promotion of Haitong's integrity culture.

Image source: Haitong Securities official WeChat public account

In January this year, the Shanghai Stock Exchange announced a decision to take regulatory measures against Haitong Securities and relevant responsible persons. Jiang Chengjun, as the person in charge of the sponsorship business at the time, was given a regulatory warning. The Shanghai Stock Exchange requires Haitong Securities and relevant responsible persons to take this as a warning, carefully find and rectify problems, establish and strictly implement internal control systems, work processes and operating specifications for investment banking business, be honest and trustworthy, be diligent and responsible, effectively improve the quality of investment banking business, and strictly conduct internal accountability in accordance with the company's system.

Editor: Joey

Review: Xu Wen

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