
China Internet Finance Association: Deeply explore the value of massive data information on the Internet financial information sharing platform and build a data


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In order to better help the Internet financial industry prevent joint debt risks, promote the construction of a credit system covering the whole society, and promote the standardized and healthy development of Internet consumer finance business, the China Internet Finance Association recently held two Internet financial information sharing platform use exchange seminars in Beijing. More than 10 platform access institutions, including Douyin,, Qifu Technology, Xinye Technology, Xiaoying Technology, and Jianxin Consumer Finance, attended the meeting.

At the meeting, the Association's Business Department reported on the platform's business transformation and current operation. The platform was built in accordance with the relevant spirit of the "Implementation Plan for the Special Rectification of Internet Financial Risks" (Guobanfa [2016] No. 21), and was launched in September 2016 to provide technical support and data support for the special rectification, such as industry investigation and joint debt risk monitoring. After the special rectification work was completed, the platform has successfully achieved business transformation. Currently, it mainly provides personal debt information sharing for Internet platforms, consumer finance companies, small loan companies, guarantee companies, insurance companies and other institutions, assists institutions in screening high-risk customers and conducting post-loan management, and prevents joint debt risks. Representatives of participating institutions exchanged and shared the use of the platform, pointing out that the platform has rich data, high quality, and a long time period. Data indicators such as overdue and multiple loans are the core reference factors for institutional decision-making. At the same time, the platform is convenient and efficient to use and query, which effectively reduces the operating costs of institutions.

The meeting conducted in-depth discussions on the future development and planning of the platform. In the near future, it is planned to further improve the platform functions from the following aspects: first, strengthen the analysis of the overall status and development trend of microcredit quality in the consumer finance industry, and regularly publish the delinquency rate of the microcredit industry; second, deeply explore the value of the platform's massive data information, build a data warehouse and data laboratory, and provide data support for modeling and calculation of the industry and practitioners; third, further enrich the product system, and develop multi-loan and time-series query products; fourth, continue to strengthen the platform data quality management and continuously improve the platform data quality; fifth, further expand the number and types of institutions connected to the platform, and provide high-quality and efficient information sharing services for all institutions that meet the use conditions.