
The Gemini test has not yet ended, and "Delta Operation" has been updated again?


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While countless players were still reminiscing about the exciting activities at the "Delta Operation" exhibition area at ChinaJoy, Linlangtian took advantage of the fact that the twin tests had not yet ended and carried out another wave of updates yesterday, July 30, bringing new special operators and new maps for the comprehensive battlefield mode to players.

New Operator Uluru: A versatile player in defense and counterattack

This time, the Linlangtianshang team designed an image-guided cruise missile skill for the new operator "Uluru", which is commonly known as the "TV bomb" by players. Obviously, although this weapon tests the player's predictive ability and has a certain threshold for getting started, it is a new threat to vehicles.

From the actual experience, due to the characteristic of the image-guided cruise missile that it will fire four additional bombs after the explosion, it can also play a certain role when targeting personnel targets. However, its two-minute CD of the ultimate move, limited range and turning performance, plus the damage to the vehicle is not fatal, so it is not too powerful. Only multiple "Uluru" salvos can have the effect of killing vehicles instantly, which can be regarded as taking into account the balance to a certain extent.

However, having said that, "Uluru" can still play a huge role when cooperating with vehicles in combat and guarding points. Thanks to its "battle-hardened" operator expertise, it has a stronger resistance to fractures and the deceleration effects caused by arms equipment. This ensures sufficient flexibility whether it is following tanks to repair vehicles or defending points, and it is quite convenient to use.

As for his quick-setting cover that can be built quickly in the form of projectiles, the launch and effectiveness times are not very fast. In a tense encounter, there is basically no time to throw it out. Therefore, it is not difficult to see that its design intention is to provide more convenience for guarding points and setting up guns, and further enhance the defensive capabilities of the operator.

What really impressed me about Uluru in actual combat was its exclusive composite incendiary bomb. This thing lasts for a long time and has a large range, and the damage is very considerable. In addition, "Delta Operation" currently does not have related designs such as throwing smoke to extinguish fires. The effect is even more vividly highlighted in the full battlefield mode.

So at present, Uluru is a uniquely designed operator. Its powerful defense and coordination capabilities have no lack of room for use in both dangerous operations and full battlefield modes. Its addition has also made the current gaming environment more strategic and enriched the choices of players.

New Map Tipping Point: The Threat From Above

As for the new map "Critical Point", I think its attack and defense conversion speed is much faster than the previous two maps, and it has the characteristics of being easy to defend and difficult to attack. Whether it is an indoor scene that focuses on medium-range combat or an outdoor scene that relies on light vehicles for fast maneuvering, the defensive camp can always occupy a favorable position above the head, greatly consuming the remaining troops of the offensive camp.

This means that in the current normal game, it is very difficult for the attacking camp to break through the defense line from the front. Only by constantly changing the attack target and testing the opponent's weak points on the entire front can they have a chance to win.

However, in a random game with random players, this can only be easily achieved with a team of two or three people. This also means that the new map is currently in a state of "easy to defend and difficult to attack". I played several games and most of the attacking sides ended in failure, which shows that it is a very strategic test.

In the occupation mode, since the strict offensive and defensive relationship is weakened, the strategic nature of the "critical point" is more vividly highlighted. Players have to rely on the skills of the operators to fight each encounter and compete for the high-rise buildings around the target point. I think this experience is more interesting and more balanced than the offensive and defensive mode.

To sum up, "Critical Point" is a map with innovative design, especially for those players who like to go around and perform "special operations". They can use the geographical advantages of this map to achieve additional effects and find an experience different from the previous "Ashes" and "Ascend".

At present, the new operator "Uluru" and the new map "Critical Point" are both online. The addition of these new contents has brought more fresh experiences to the players. This can be regarded as an extra surprise given by the official Linlangtianshang team to the players who are participating in the Gemini test. After all, no matter how many rewards and activities there are, they can't compare to these real new contents to make people happy!