
Zhou Hongyi: I am the first in the industry to announce that the big security model is free, and I will implement the free policy to the end.


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"BundleLarge ModelTo take down the altar, we must implement free services to the end. Today, I am the first in the industry to announce that the big security model will be free. "On July 31, the 12th Internet Security Conference ISC.AI2024 opened, focusing on the new security opportunities brought by AI.360FounderZhou HongyiHe said that the essence of using AI to reshape security is to make security "Autopilot", 360 first launched the security big model, providing big model standard capabilities free of charge to users who purchase 360 ​​standard products, realizing the universalization of big models and the transformation of new quality productivity in the security industry.

Zhou Hongyi introduced that 360 has summarized a set of professional big model methodology through more than 100 practical cases, emphasizing that it does not pursue an all-round big model, but a model that does one thing. "The 360 ​​security big model is the best practice of this methodology." It is reported that the 360 ​​security big model consists of six expert sub-models, including attack detection, operation disposal, tracking and tracing, knowledge management, data protection, and code security. A large state-owned enterprise user has achieved a 900% increase in alarm noise reduction efficiency and a 96% reduction in event analysis time.

Zhou Hongyi believes that as an important scenario of the big model, the security industry will usher in a new revolution in 2024, and security must be reshaped by "modeling with modeling". He believes that building a big security model is the only way for security to move towards "autonomous driving" and is also the way to success. He proposed that using AI to upgrade security must have L1-L5 level goals similar to autonomous driving. At present, the 360 ​​security big model has L4 level "autonomous driving" capabilities, which is equivalent to the "advanced autonomous driving stage" of automobiles. At the same time, the 360 ​​security big model also achieves a deep understanding of the security knowledge of the entire network, thus achieving a major breakthrough in that the local security brain can also use the knowledge of the entire network in a closed network.

According to reports, 360's full line of security products have integrated security big model capabilities, and all users who purchase 360 ​​standard products are provided with big model standard capabilities for free. Zhou Hongyi said that big models cannot become a rare and profitable tool in the hands of a few manufacturers. 360 supports open source, "so that everyone can obtain the technical dividends brought by big models and realize the new quality productivity transformation of the security industry."

Zhou Hongyi also said, "Doing security is a road of moving forward with a heavy burden, but 360 has no hesitation." (Dingxi)

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