
The new Star Wars game is more inspired by Tsushima than Red Dead Redemption


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Julian Gerighty, creative director of "Star Wars: Outlaws", revealed in an interview with foreign media Gamesradar that the open world design of this game is largely based on "Ghost of Tsushima", although some people think it is more like "Red Dead Redemption".

“It’s really interesting because my biggest reference was Ghost of Tsushima. Star Wars: The Desperado was more inspired by Kurosawa than Westerns, and George Lucas was inspired by John Ford.”

"Red Dead Redemption is great because it treats the world as a whole, rather than an oft-repeated checklist of tasks. But I think what I love most about Ghost of Tsushima is the sheer fantasy it gives you and the fact that you can really immerse yourself in it. The story, the world, the characters all fit into the gameplay, and the guiding principle behind everything is this fantasy of 'you are a samurai.' That's one of the guiding principles of this game."

In Star Wars Outlaws, the player's fantasy is supposed to be to be an outlaw in the Star Wars universe. The developers have mentioned several times that their goal is to make the game the "ultimate badass fantasy."