
Cover News|The top 50 mobile internet tracks are released: WeChat is the only one to break 1 billion users, Taobao, DingTalk and Baidu are among the shortlisted


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Source: Cover News

Cover News reporter Ouyang Hongyu

Chat on WeChat, shop on Taobao, entertain yourself on TikTok, use DingTalk for work... Which of these commonly used apps are on your phone?

On July 30, third-party data agency QuestMobile released the "2024 Semi-annual China Mobile Internet Strength Value List". WeChat ranked first with 1.052 billion MAUs, and Taobao and Alipay ranked second and third in terms of user scale. At the same time, apps such as DingTalk, Baidu, Meituan, Weibo, and Xiaohongshu were also shortlisted.

It is understood that the domestic Internet TOP50 track list ranks the average monthly active user scale of 50 sub-industries including instant messaging, comprehensive e-commerce, efficient office, short video, etc. in the second quarter of 2024. Apps such as WeChat, Taobao, DingTalk, and Douyin are ranked first in the user scale of the sub-tracks.

WeChat is the app with the largest number of users in the instant messaging track and the largest number of users among all the apps on the list. Its average MAU is 1052.9898 million, which is an increase of nearly 10 million compared with the same period last year. Taobao, which ranks second on the list with an average MAU of 927 million, and Alipay, which has an average MAU of 893 million, have also seen their user numbers increase to varying degrees compared with the same period last year.

The increase in the number of App users is also closely related to the growth of China's mobile Internet user scale. The recently released "China Mobile Internet Half-Year Report 2024" shows that as of June 2024, the scale of monthly active users of mobile Internet will reach 1.235 billion, a year-on-year increase of 1.8%. Among them, the scale of AIGC APPs for B-side cloud services and large model services has ushered in explosive growth, with its MAU monthly active user scale reaching 61.7 million in June 2024, a year-on-year increase of 653.3%.

According to the report, this phenomenon is particularly evident in apps for industries such as efficient office and electronic documents. Taking the efficient office track as an example, as of June this year, DingTalk has connected with seven major domestic models, including Tongyi, MiniMax, Dark Side of the Moon, Zhipu AI, Orion Starry Sky, Zero One Everything, and Baichuan Intelligence, and has also iterated low-code tools, AI assistants and other functions. Its AI is called more than 10 million times a day. This reflects that driven by the wave of digitalization, enterprises have a growing demand for efficient and intelligent office tools.

Industry insiders said that the core trend of China's Internet in 2024 is the combination of mobile Internet and AIGC, which will promote new development opportunities for multi-field applications. Although there may be some "early adopters", as the commercialization path of AI technology becomes clearer, it can be foreseen that how to call AI big models more and more efficiently may be the next "match point" for each track.