
The new profession of "Life Service Experiencer" was released on Douyin: 2.287 million people earned income by visiting stores in the past year


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On July 31, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the State Administration for Market Regulation, and the National Bureau of Statistics jointly released a new batch of new occupation information, including 19 new occupations such as bioengineering technicians, life service technicians, etc.ExperiencerThis means that millions of store explorers have their names rectified and become officially recognized "life service experiencers".

Tik TokLifestyle service data shows that in the past 12 months, the number of Douyin store explorers with active sales has increased by 40% year-on-year. With their help, merchants' revenue has increased by 63%. Data shows that in the past 12 months, 2.287 million people on Douyin earned income by visiting stores.

In recent years, store exploration has become a job choice for many young people. Among those engaged in store exploration on Douyin, those under 40 years old account for more than 44%. Store exploration also provides more employment options for talents in third-tier and lower cities, especially women. Douyin life service data shows that most store explorers on Douyin are women, accounting for 59%; in addition, nearly 60% of store explorers live in third-tier cities and below.

Previously, many Internet platforms have introduced measures to ensure the fair and healthy development of the store exploration industry. In February 2023, Douyin Life Service launched the industry's first store exploration specification, clarifying the behavioral norms and rights and responsibilities of merchants, experts and other parties in store exploration cooperation to protect the rights and interests of consumers; it then launched the "Better Life Discovery Plan" to encourage high-quality store exploration content through business order subsidies, product function optimization, and upgraded operation services, and help store exploration experts find better jobs.

The person in charge of Douyin Life Service said that with the launch of the new profession of life service experiencer, more people will join the store exploration industry. In the future, the platform will continue to provide more professional skills training and resource support for talents, providing them with smooth career development channels and abundant employment opportunities. (Yicheng)

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