
100 Easter eggs in "Deadpool and Wolverine" | 10,000-word article with detailed explanation


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"Deadpool vs. Wolverine" is experiencing "ice and fire".

It is very popular overseas, but its performance in China is average, even a little cold.

The reason is, of course, that domestic audiences are disenchanted with Hollywood movies and superhero IPs. On the other hand, many audiences simply don’t understand them.

"Deadpool and Wolverine" has more than 100 different Easter eggs, covering the gags of multiple superhero groups such as the X-Men and the Avengers.

If you don’t know much about the behind-the-scenes, the movie-watching process might be quite boring. In a sense, this is a "carnival" exclusively for Marvel fans.

"Deadpool vs. Wolverine" tells the story of Deadpool needing Wolverine to save his universe (otherwise it will be destroyed by a faction of the Time Administration), but as we all know, Wolverine is dead, so he has to go to other universes to pull a mutant Wolverine, and the two join hands to bring an adventure. Therefore, it will interact with major characters and elements such as the Marvel Universe (MCU) and the X-Men Universe of 20th Century Fox.

Therefore, we have compiled 100 Easter eggs in the film for fans to refer to. However, the following description contains serious spoilers, please watch with caution (the details of the Easter eggs are based on the progress of the movie)——

Deadpool joins MCU exclusive title

Before 2018, the Deadpool IP actually belonged to 20 Fox Films, but after being acquired by Disney, it was incorporated into the Marvel Universe. Therefore, "Deadpool and Wolverine" not only opens with the classic Marvel Studios animation logo, but Deadpool is also among the heroes, and he hums the exclusive music that has been played before Marvel Universe movies since 2016.

Tribute to 20th Century Fox

At the beginning, Deadpool briefly talks about the possibility that the third Deadpool movie will not be released, because Disney acquired 20th Century Fox in 2019 and returned the rights to X-Men to Marvel Studios.

In addition, when the credits appear at the end of the film, some nostalgic behind-the-scenes footage is included next to it, from many Marvel movies produced by 20th Century Fox, starting with "X-Men" in 2000, when Hugh Jackman played Wolverine for the first time.

Wolverine's Tombstone

At the end of the final Wolverine film in 2017, Laura Kinney (X-23) leaned against a cross on a grave, turning it into an iconic X.

In "Deadpool vs. Wolverine", Deadpool found Wolverine's grave, and the opening scene was a close-up of this X-tombstone.


The Time Variance Administration (TVA) knocked on Deadpool's door and arrested him, accusing him of "abusing the sacred timeline" - at the end of "Deadpool 2", Deadpool rewrote time to save his friends and relatives.

TVA is an organization that manages the timeline of the Marvel Universe. It has been involved in many previous Marvel movies and is the core storyline of the "Loki" series.

207 bones

In order to revive Wolverine, Deadpool dug up his grave, but what he got was a skeleton. Deadpool used Wolverine's adamantium bones (including the metal claws) to defeat the agents of the Time Administration. Before Deadpool used Wolverine's adamantium bones as a weapon, he said that the human body has 206 bones, and when he watched Gossip Girl, there were 207...

Gossip Girl, which premiered in 2007, stars Blake Lively, the wife of Ryan Reynolds, who plays Deadpool. The latter has become a hot female star because of this, and also guest-starred as the female version of Deadpool in this film.

Deadpool interviews Avengers

Back to before Deadpool's battle with TVA, on April 14, 2018, Deadpool appeared at the Avengers base on Earth-616 to be interviewed for the position of Avengers. This was probably before the events of Avengers 3: Infinity War.

Earth-616 is the main world of the Marvel Universe.

Iron Man Driver

The person who interviewed Deadpool was Happy Hogan, played by Jon Favreau, who made a brief cameo in this new Marvel movie (this is his ninth appearance in the Marvel Universe). Jon Favreau directed the "Iron Man" series of movies that opened up the Marvel Universe, and played Tony Stark's driver and bodyguard Happy Hogan in the film. In "Iron Man 3", he was promoted to the security minister of Stark Industries. In "Spider-Man: Homecoming", he was assigned by Tony to be responsible for the asset management of the Avengers.

Therefore, Deadpool kept making jokes to Happy Hogan about the driver and asked Happy if his superpower was parallel parking, which made Happy quite unhappy.

Iron Man and Spiderman photo

During the Deadpool interview, there were a lot of Marvel Universe references in Happy Hogan's office. One of the most interesting elements was a photo of Tony Stark and Peter Parker, who first appeared together in Avengers 4: Endgame, but Spider-Man was blocked by an Iron Man helmet - the same helmet that young Parker wore in Iron Man 2. Therefore, this was a clever way to show Tom Holland's version of Spider-Man while avoiding licensing issues with Sony.

Iron Man's Ark Reactor

In his office, Happy shows Deadpool the Ark Reactor from Iron Man, with the words "Proof that Tony Stark has a heart" written on it.

Chili pepper cover

Gwyneth Paltrow also makes a brief appearance in Happy's office - she plays Pepper Potts, who is on a Forbes magazine cover (below, right).

Complaining about the cable

During the interview, Deadpool said that he was the founder of X-Force (actually it was Cable who first founded the team). He said that all the members of X-Force were killed, especially Cable, who performed poorly, which seemed to explain why Cable did not appear in this movie at all.


After Deadpool failed the interview, he returned from Earth-616 to Earth-10005, which is the official multiverse name of the Fox Universe. Fox's X-Men series of movies are all in the universe numbered Earth-10005, including Wolverine and Deadpool. Correspondingly, Earth-616 is the timeline used by the main Marvel Universe.

The first two Deadpool movies have guest appearances

Most of the characters in the first and second Deadpool movies appeared at Deadpool's birthday party, including Vanessa, Peter, Steel, Black Queen Teenage Warhead, Xue Xu, Blind Al, Buck, Dobinder (taxi driver) and Broken Star.

"Do you want to build a snowman?"

One of the highlights of Deadpool's birthday party was that Deadpool and Blind Al were swearing at each other. She asked him if he wanted to take some cocaine? Deadpool said that this was something Kevin Feige (President of Marvel) would never agree to. She rattled off a bunch of different pseudonyms, and he said Feige knew them all. Finally she said, "Do you want to build a snowman?" He said, yes, but I can't.

"Do you want to build a snowman?" is the title of a song from the Disney animated film "Frozen".

Please call me angel

At Deadpool's party, you can hear the first "Deadpool" interlude, "Just Call Me Angel" by American singer Nina Simone.

Captain America

After Deadpool was captured by TVA, several monitors playing MCU scenes focused on Captain America played by Chris Evans, and Deadpool also saluted. This not only foreshadowed the key turning point later in the movie, but also related to Deadpool's admiration for Captain America Steve Rogers in the comics.

Mr. Paradox

Mr. Paradox, the manager of the TVA branch responsible for capturing Deadpool, is played by Matthew MacFadyen, who plays Tom, the son-in-law of media tycoon Logan in the American TV series "Succession". Mr. Paradox tells Deadpool that due to the death of Wolverine, the universe he is in is facing collapse.

Coincidentally, the name of the tough entrepreneur and media tycoon Logan in "Succession" is exactly the same as Wolverine's real name, Logan.

Thor hugs Deadpool

A monitor in the TVA showed a scene from Thor: The Dark World, with Thor holding Deadpool instead of Loki. Mr. Paradox suggested that this was a scene from the distant future, possibly a future scene from Avengers: Secret Wars.

Black Adam

When Mr. Paradox invited Deadpool to join the MCU, Deadpool said that "the power hierarchy of the MCU universe is about to change"... This was borrowed from the remarks of Dwayne Johnson, who played Black Adam in the DC Universe, who once claimed that Black Adam would forever change "the power hierarchy of the DC Universe"... But this did not happen, and "Black Adam" was a box office failure.

The Anchored Man

Mr. Paradox captured Deadpool and invited him to join the Earth-616 universe. He also revealed that in each universe, there is an Anchor Being who can prevent the collapse of the universe. In Deadpool's timeline, it was Wolverine's death in "Logan 3" that caused the gradual decline of his 10005 universe.

Anchors are people who stabilize the timeline as long as they appear in it. When these people die, their universe begins to decay until one day, it disappears completely.

But Anchor Beings should not be confused with Nexus Beings, who are known in the comics for being able to travel across the multiverse, such as Scarlet Witch and Doctor Strange in Doctor Strange: The Multiverse of Madness.

“So, this is what love feels like.”

As TVA's monitors played footage of Wolverine's death, Mr. Paradox repeated Wolverine's famous last words - "So this is what it feels like".

In the 2017 movie "Wolverine", Wolverine sacrificed himself and said this classic line before his death. The Chinese subtitles of the imported film translated it as "So, this is what death feels like."

But many viewers disagree with this translation. When Laura first called Wolverine "Daddy", combined with the context, Wolverine might have meant "So, this is what it feels like to be a dad", or - "So, this is what love feels like."

Trimming the timeline

If you have watched the "Loki" series, you probably know that TVA is responsible for supervising the timeline, pruning the timeline, and even deleting a universe.

Mr. Paradox mentions the new state of TVA after Rocky Season 2 (with Rocky's help, the old managers were overthrown), and he doesn't like the mess it's in - the timeline needs to be more regulated, rather than being controlled and trimmed as it was before.

After Wolverine's death, the 10005 universe gradually collapsed. Although it would take thousands of years for it to completely disappear, Mr. Paradox decided to delete the universe where Deadpool was in advance.

Avengers Assemble

One of the last MCU scenes broadcast on the TVA monitor, with the Avengers assembling in their first film, highlighted Deadpool's chances of joining them... as long as he gave up everyone he cared about - that is, promised Mr. Paradox to delete that universe's timeline.

Mocking the Will Smith slapping incident

After rejecting Mr. Paradox's proposal, "Deadpool vs. Wolverine" cuts back to the scene where Deadpool uses Wolverine's bone to kill the Time Management Bureau agent.

However, after a soldier insults Canada (Reynolds is Canadian), Deadpool makes one final kill with a samurai sword and says "Get My Country's Name Out Of Your F***ing Mouth", echoing Will Smith's memorable slapping incident at the 2022 Oscars.

At that time, after the host Chris Rock teased Will Smith's wife, Will went up and slapped him, and after returning to his seat, he shouted, "Keep My wife's name out of your F**king Mouth!"

Superman version of Wolverine

Deadpool obtained a universe-traveling device from the Time Administration and has been searching various universes for a new Wolverine as a replacement anchor figure for his own world. As a result, various versions of Wolverine appear in the film.

Many of the Wolverines resemble the classic versions from the comics, one of which is played by DC Universe Superman actor Henry Cavill, who has long been a major fan favorite of Wolverine.

The Wolverine variant was repairing a motorcycle in a warehouse, and when he turned around, Deadpool found that it was not Hugh Jackman's face, but Henry Cavill. Deadpool was very surprised and called this Wolverine "Cavillin" (a derivative of Cavill and Wolverine).

Then, Superman Wolverine stretched out his claws, knocked Deadpool away, and passed through a time gate to another universe.

Edward Norton Hulk

Wolverine made his first appearance in The Incredible Hulk #180, and they've faced off dozens of times in the comics. Due to complicated rights issues, the two heroes have never shared the screen in live-action - until now.

The film begins with Deadpool traveling through the multiverse in search of a Wolverine who can help him save the universe. He encounters several different Wolverine variants in different timelines, one of which is fighting the Hulk - a scene that recreates the famous comic book cover with the Hulk's face reflected in Wolverine's claws during their confrontation. From the brief glimpse of the green guy, it seems that he is Edward Norton from Marvel's 2008 Hulk movie "The Incredible Hulk", not Mark Ruffalo from the Avengers era.

Shorty Wolverine

In the original Marvel comics, Wolverine is portrayed as an energetic, short Canadian, about 1.6 meters tall, so when the 1.8-meter-tall Australian Hugh Jackman was initially selected, X-Men fans doubted whether he could play the short hero well. But later, Hugh Jackman proved that he could play well and became synonymous with Wolverine.

As Deadpool searches for Wolverine across the multiverse, he encounters a diminutive but comics-true version of Wolverine, also played by Hugh Jackman, in a bar.

"Fever Dream" Wolverine

Wolverine has many famous comic book covers, but one of the most iconic is the scene in the "Fever Dream" storyline where he is tied to an X-shaped cross made of skulls. The evil Reaver brutally tortures Wolverine, testing his healing abilities, but he mentally overcomes the punishment and gains his freedom.

This scene also appears in the film.

"Age of Apocalypse" Wolverine

In the famous "Age of Apocalypse" storyline in the comics, Wolverine is an alternate future freedom fighter under the reign of the super villain mutant Apocalypse. After being experimented on by Darkseid, this Wolverine's skin is nearly indestructible, but one of his hands is broken off by a laser during a battle with Cyclops.

Deadpool confronts this violent Wolverine, who is dressed in a futuristic black and red costume, during a bloody alley fight.

One-Eyed Wolverine

In a certain universe, Deadpool finds a Wolverine wearing an eyepatch, playing cards in a casino.

According to the comics, when Wolverine was at a low point, he went to Southeast Asia alone and appeared in bars or casinos in a one-eyed dragon style, wearing a tuxedo and a bow tie. Therefore, during that period he also used the alias "Eye Patch". This style first appeared in the fourth episode of "Wolverine".

In the original film, Wolverine has 20 different variants. Nine of them are shown in the film.

Wolverine Classic Suit

Deadpool finally found a Wolverine in a certain universe that is most like his own universe, and this Wolverine is wearing the authentic yellow and blue costume in the comics - the most classic combat suit. In Fox movies, Wolverine often wears black leather or casual clothes - probably because it is not authorized.

Therefore, Deadpool complained that it took more than 20 years for Wolverine to find his classic battle suit. Hugh Jackman first starred in Wolverine in 2000.

Furious Goddess

Deadpool and Wolverine were thrown into the void (a garbage dump at the end of time and space, shown in the first season of Rocky), where it looked like a scene from Mad Max. However, Deadpool said, "There should be no copyright," as Mad Max is owned by Warner Pictures.

When a group of villains arrived, the convoy they were riding in was also highly similar to "Mad Max". Deadpool teased that a certain villain mutant was "Violent Goddess" Furiosa, the heroine of the latest "Mad Max" movie that was released not long ago.

Fox Films logo broken into pieces

Some other noteworthy elements in the Void Junkyard are -

The classic Thor helmet, Captain America's shield, the 20th Century Fox logo, the S.H.I.E.L.D. helicopter carrier...

Deadpool stands next to a pile of rocks that are the broken pieces of the 20th Century Fox logo. The company is now called 20th Century Pictures.

Considering that this movie is essentially the final farewell to the Fox universe, the 20th Century Fox logo is pretty iconic.

Brotherhood of Mutants Convoy

After Wolverine and Deadpool had a fight, they were soon surrounded by a convoy of mutant villains from the former X-Men, most of whom were members of Magneto's Brotherhood, including Sabretooth, Toad, Pyromaniac and others.

Red Skull Chariot

One of the cars in the convoy is Red Skull's, though it is painted in flames. Red Skull is the founder and leader of the Hydra organization.

In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the Red Skull has appeared three times. In the 2011 movie "Captain America", he was played by Hugo Weaving; in 2018 "Avengers 3: Infinity War" and 2019 "Avengers 4: End Game", Ross Marquand returned to play the role.

According to previous rumors, Hydra in the Marvel Universe is going to form a mutant villain army, which is a way for the Marvel Universe to incorporate the X-Men.

Fantastic Chariot

There is also a magic car in the mutant fleet, which is the classic means of transportation of the "Fantastic Four" in the comics.

In 2023, someone exposed the set photos and found this "magic car". The character wearing glasses on the car is Toad with Sabretooth Tiger. Both villains appeared in "X-Men" released in 2000. The front bumper of the car is an arc-shaped design, full of technology, and there is an iconic logo on the front of the car: 4.

This is directly linked to the Marvel movie "Fantastic Four" which will be released in 2025. The earliest "Fantastic Four" was filmed in 2005 and was rebooted 20 years later.

Moon Knight

There is also an ice cream truck in the convoy, which is the same one driven by the protagonist Mark Spector Steven Grant in the series "Moon Knight". Therefore, some analysts have pointed out that Moon Knight will also appear in this movie.

In fact, only the car appears, not Moon Knight himself.

Iron Man Vintage Sports Car

In one quick shot, a mutant drives Iron Man's 1932 Ford Flathead (the car that appeared in Tony Stark's garage in the first two Iron Man movies) through the void.

Deadpool's Delivery Truck

In the comics, Deadpool has a strange obsession with burritos—or at least the pronunciation of the word "burritos." As a result, he often drives a delivery truck, and many toys based on the model have appeared over the years.

A similar truck is seen in a convoy of villain mutants traveling through the void.

Captain America and the Human Torch

In the void, Deadpool and Wolverine met Chris Evans, who played Captain America. When he first appeared, Deadpool mistook him for Captain America. However, this time he returned as the Human Torch from the 2005 version of "Fantastic Four".

When the Human Torch transforms, Wolverine says, "We don't know that guy." "We thought we did," Deadpool adds, a little frustrated. Deadpool then laments that Evans's price is very high, so the character's cameo time is very short.


A group of bird-like Narvas travel through the void. In the first season of Loki, when Loki was trimmed into the void by the Time Administration, it also appeared.

Narvas, also known as Void Turkeys, are small, flightless bird-like creatures that inhabit the Void, with metallic feathers, four legs, and a reflective ball for a head. They are flightless, but move relatively quickly despite their short legs and the Void's uneven terrain.

The Narvas were originally conceived by Rocky production designer Kasra Farahani, who named the creatures after his daughter, Narva.

Fire Mania

One of the main villains is Pyro, from X-Men 2 and X-Men: The Last Stand. Pyro was a student at the Charles Francis Xavier School and was good friends with Iceman and Rogue until he joined Magneto's team at the end of X2.


Sabretooth, one of the mutant villains, was chosen to be the version played by Tyler Mane in the original "X-Men" - he is Wolverine's half-brother. This relationship is reflected in "Deadpool vs. Wolverine". In the comics, Wolverine and Sabretooth have been entangled in grievances for a lifetime, and Sabretooth once tried to kill Wolverine's girlfriend Silver Fox.

In this film, Deadpool instigated a fight between the two, saying that the audience had been looking forward to it for decades. In the end, Sabretooth was defeated by Wolverine and his head and body were separated.

"Rocky Season 1 Episode 5"

After Deadpool, Wolverine and the Human Torch were captured by the villain mutants, the Human Torch talked about the monster Alioth in the void, saying that it looked like a lion. Deadpool asked, is it the "lion" that everyone avoided in the fifth episode of "Loki" Season 1 (after Loki was trimmed into the void)?

Elios is a mysterious, misty life form, strange and powerful, whose duty is to devour everything that does not belong to the void. In the "Loki" series, Loki and female Loki tamed Elios together and helped them return to reality.

Ant-Man's corpse

The mutant villains drag Deadpool, Wolverine and Human Torch to their headquarters, which is built from Ant-Man's giant head.

After the door opened, Deadpool said, "Paul Rudd is finally old!" The actor who played Ant-Man was considered by netizens to "never grow old" because he always maintained a young face and personality - but now, Ant-Man is dead.

Professor X's sister

The villain leader Cassandra Nova Xavier is the twin sister of X-Men leader Charles Francis Xavier (Professor X). Cassandra has the same bald head as Professor X.

When she appeared, she was sitting in a wheelchair that once belonged to her brother. At this time, Deadpool couldn't help but say "Hi! Charles".

“Not my favorite Chris”

After Cassandra killed the Human Torch played by Chris Evans, Deadpool said "not his favorite Chris", which is a complaint about the fact that there are multiple actors named "Chris" in Marvel movies. In addition to Evans, there are Chris Pratt who plays Star-Lord, Chris Hemsworth who plays Thor, and Chris Pine who voiced the blond Peter Parker in the animated film Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse.

Hugh Jackman's musical

In the film, Deadpool suggests to Cassandra that Wolverine perform The Music Man without rehearsal. This is a musical that Hugh Jackman will perform on Broadway from 2021 to 2023.

Sentinel's Legs

As Elios arrived, the remaining legs of Deadpool and Wolverine's Sentinel robots flew away from Cassandra's lair.

The Sentinels are combat robots created by Bolivar Trask, the founder of Trask Industries, that can recognize any mutant type. They can instantly transform and reshape themselves to defeat the X-Men.

"I'm going to tell Blake"

After being ejected from Cassandra's headquarters, Wolverine and Deadpool hugged each other and rolled to the ground. At this time, Deadpool joked that Wolverine had feelings for him and warned, "I'm going to tell Blake" (Reynolds' real-life wife).

Dog Guard

Dogpool made his first appearance as a real dog in "Deadpool vs. Wolverine". He is very cute. In the original comics, he is Deadpool's mutant and a member of the Deadpool Corps.

Good Deadpool

The dog's master is Nicepool, a new variant of Deadpool who, free of his unsightly scars, is a younger version of Reynolds himself, with long flowing brown hair and a Honda Odyssey. Unfortunately, he lacks not only Deadpool's intelligence, but also his regenerative abilities...

Deadpool is pregnant

Good Deadpool mentioned other members of the Deadpool Corps and confirmed that the female Deadpool had recently become pregnant and gave birth. Since this role was played by Blake Lively, in reality, Blake just gave birth to her and Reynolds' fourth child in February 2023.

Thanos Q Ship

Deadpool and Wolverine drive away, passing by Thanos' "Q-ship", which first appeared in "Avengers: Infinity War". But the Q-ship is not the official name, it is named because of its shape.

Los Angeles Rams

Deadpool wanted to know more about Wolverine's costume and he said it looked like he played for the Los Angeles Rams since their costumes had the same yellow and blue color scheme.

Death Woman

In the film, Cassandra recruits a large number of minions from past X-Men movies, including Deathly Hound from X-Men 2: X-Men United, who has the same regenerative abilities as Wolverine and five long adamantium nails on each hand. The only way for Wolverine to defeat Deathly Hound is to inject liquid adamantium into her, which should be one of the bloodiest scenes in the entire X-Men film series.

Deathly Hallows is played by 56-year-old Chinese-American actress Kelly Hu, who also starred in the DC series "Arrow".


As Wolverine drives, Deadpool continues to be his annoying side, trying some classic Spider-Man "wave" moves with his hands while making noises before Wolverine tells him to stop. Spider-Man and Deadpool's costumes are pretty similar, so the two are often discussed together online.

In 2021's "Spider-Man: No Homecoming", Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield's version of Spider-Man has entered the Marvel Universe, which may give Deadpool the idea of ​​whether they can be linked together.

The Greatest Showman

Wolverine and Deadpool were fighting in the car, and Deadpool's head hit the radio, which briefly played the song "The Greatest Show", which is the theme song of the 2017 movie "The Greatest Showman" starring Hugh Jackman.


The Guardians of the Galaxy's second ship, the Benatar, can be seen briefly in the void before Deadpool and Wolverine wake up with the Resistance.

Scarlet Witch Memorial

Before Deadpool and Wolverine meet the Resistance, a stone tablet commemorating Scarlet Witch can be seen on Mount Wandagor in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Hulk's Bed

At the Resistance headquarters, Deadpool woke up in the Hulk's bed. This bed appeared in Thor 3. When Thor arrived on Sakaar, he found that the Hulk had been here for two years - he was exiled here by Thanos. At that time, the Hulk slept in this bed.


Jennifer Garner continued to play Erica, a role she played in Daredevil 20 years ago. In 2005, she starred in her own independent film Erica. Erica is Daredevil's ex-girlfriend. In reality, Jennifer Garner is also the ex-wife of Daredevil actor Ben Affleck.

Teasing Ben Affleck

In one scene, Deadpool pays tribute to fallen Marvel heroes, and while mourning the death of Daredevil, played by Jennifer Garner's ex-husband Ben Affleck, Erica responds indifferently, "Oh, that's okay."

It was a play on the couple's real-life separation following their divorce. Jennifer and Affleck married in 2009 and had three children together before announcing their divorce in 2015, which was finalized in 2018.

Blade Runner returns 20 years later

The film features Blade, played by Wesley Snipes, the protagonist of Marvel's early film Blade (the first film was released in 1998). In 2004's Blade 3, Reynolds, who now plays Deadpool, also starred.

“You’ve never done this before”

Blade tells Deadpool "I don't like you", to which Deadpool responds, "You Never Did". This is a reference to the rumored feud or disagreement between Reynolds and Wesley on the set of Blade: Trinity, when Reynolds' character Hannibal also said the line "You Never Did".

According to the Blade 3 set, Wesley refused to call Reynolds by name and only referred to him as "that idiot." Now it seems that the two have reconciled.

"There's Only One Blade"

Wesley Snipes once said in real life, "There's only ever going to be one Blade." That was, of course, referring to himself, and also teasing the upcoming MCU reboot Blade, starring Mahershala Ali, which has seen significant development delays and a number of setbacks, including two director changes.

However, this sentence also appears in "Deadpool and Wolverine".

Poker King

British actor Channing Tatum is particularly fond of this character. He had previously participated in the planning of launching a personal movie of the King of Cards and tried for more than ten years, but was eventually abandoned after Fox was acquired by Disney in 2019. This time, he finally starred as the live-action King of Cards in "Deadpool vs. Wolverine".

Gambit also appeared in the first Wolverine movie in 2009, played by Taylor Kitsch.

Death of Magneto

Deadpool had hoped that Magneto would become the fourth member of the Resistance, but was dismayed to learn that Magneto had died. According to the film, Magneto was killed by Cassandra Nova.

Death of the Punisher

The Resistance confirmed that the Punisher did attempt to attack Cassandra, but failed and died as a result.

The Punisher was once a Marine. After his family was killed, he vowed to punish all criminals. He does not have any super powers, but is called a "Level 10 Agent" by Nick Fury, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., which is the highest level of individual human combat power.

Death of Quicksilver

Quicksilver also tried to defeat Cassandra, and was also killed (but it is impossible to confirm which version).

Laura X-23

The fourth member of the Resistance is a grown-up Laura Kinney, aka X-23 (played by Dafne Keen). Laura brings them together and eventually convinces Wolverine to join them in their attack on Cassandra. However, the movie does not explain why she was also deleted into the void.

Red Tank Helmet

After Magneto's death, Cassandra melted his helmet, so the resistance needs Juggernaut's helmet. Juggernaut's helmet can block Professor Charles's mind control, and can also contain Cassandra.

In the comics, Red Tank's father married Charles' mother, and they are nominally brothers.


Deadpool is struggling to understand Channing Tatum's character Gambit's New Orleans accent, and he asks Channing's dialect coach if he's the Minions from Despicable Me (who are known for speaking gibberish).

The Origin of Wolverine's Classic Uniform

In the film, Deadpool has been trying to figure out why Wolverine wore this yellow battle suit. Finally, Wolverine told the whole story - he told Laura that in his universe, Cyclops Scott, Jean, Storm and Beast all asked him to wear this suit when they were still alive, and later they were all killed, which made Wolverine heartbroken.


Before the Resistance attacks Cassandra's giant Ant-Man headquarters, a vision of Asgard (Thor's homeworld) appears in the void.

"Which Punisher?"

Blade pulls out a bazooka, claiming it once belonged to the Punisher. Deadpool asks which one, since the Punisher has been played by many actors (Thomas Jane, Dolph Lundgren, Ray Stevenson, and most recently, Jon Bernthal).

Laura's Sunglasses

Before fighting the mutant villain, X-23 Laura Kinney put on the same sunglasses as in 2017's "Wolverine".

Skating uphill

During the fight, Blade utters his iconic line from the first Blade movie when he faced vampire doctor Deacon Frost - "Some assholes always try to skate uphill."

Thanos Throne

Cassandra Noa sits on a portion of Thanos' throne, located inside Ant-Man's skull.

Doctor Strange's cape

Cassandra mentions crossing paths with an "amateur magician," and you can see the red edge of Doctor Strange's flight cape on her table.

Hanging Ring

Cassandra shows a ring for multiverse travel that can open a portal, which she got by killing Doctor Strange of a certain universe (or what he called an "amateur magician"). She is keen on killing superheroes, so she has a lot of trophies.

Marvel Exclusive Flash Ring

Cassandra used the ring to draw a spark circle, opening the entrance to the multiverse, allowing Deadpool and Wolverine to return to their universe. Deadpool then excitedly said "Marvel Sparkle Circle" - this is indeed the MCU's unique way to open the multiverse, which means they have joined the Marvel universe.


The massive corpse of Leviathan can be seen in the void, attacking New York in The Avengers and becoming part of Thanos' army in Endgame.

Tribute to the creator of Deadpool

After escaping from the void, when Wolverine and Deadpool appeared on the street, behind them was a store called "Liefeld's Just Feet". This store is named after Rob Liefeld, the creator of Deadpool. In his comics, he created many strange "feet", and some people commented that he "can't draw feet".

In February 2024, Liefeld announced that he would officially retire after finishing the last issue of Deadpool in the summer. He wrote on social media: "For 33 years, I have not only brought you the character of Deadpool, but also recorded his many popular adventures. Now it's time for Deadpool's dad to say goodbye. The most fun thing about getting older is that you can retire from many things, so I did it."


After discovering the unrest in the area under the jurisdiction of Mr. Paradox of the Multiverse, B-15 (played by Wummi Masaku) from "Loki" appeared. She became a key member of the new leadership of TVA after "Loki Season 2". She felt something was wrong and immediately went to Mr. Paradox's branch of the Time Administration to find out what was going on.

The King of Repeating Grades

After reuniting with the dog and good Deadpool who came out of the portal, Deadpool called the good Deadpool "Van Milder", which is a play on Reynolds' own character Van Wilder in the 2002 classic campus comedy "The King of Repeaters".

fake marriage

Good Deadpool claimed that he could also break the fourth wall. After Deadpool said "Van Melder", he said "The Proposal" to the camera, which is the English title of the 2009 comedy film "The Proposal" starring Reynolds and Sandra Bullock.

God-given perfect fool

Wolverine said that Deadpool is truly "God's Perfect Idiot". This statement was made by Reynolds at the beginning of the first "Deadpool" movie.

Waitress and Baby Deadpool

After Dogpool and Good Deadpool, the entire Deadpool Legion of the Void also came through the portal, trying to kill Deadpool and Wolverine. Among them, several family members of Reynolds played -

His wife Blake plays the female Deadpool (at least that's her voice), daughter Inez Reynolds plays the child version of Deadpool, and youngest son Orin Reynolds plays the baby version of Deadpool.

Previously, it was said that Taylor Swift would voice the female Deadpool (or do the dubbing), but she did not appear in the finished film.

Spider-Man Bros.

In addition, Oscar winner Matthew McConaughey plays the cowboy Deadpool, and Reynolds' stunt double Alex Kyshkovych plays the Canadian Deadpool; although Spider-Man did not appear in this movie, Harry Holland, the younger brother of Spider-Man actor Tom Holland, also made a cameo appearance as a member of the Deadpool Corps.

Mocking the decline of the MCU

Before the battle with Deadpool's army, Deadpool comments that the concept of the multiverse has fallen by the wayside - clearly, this is a self-deprecating comment. Although, good Deadpool counters that "things have been getting better" since Endgame, this is not true.

Therefore, in the film, Deadpool repeatedly calls himself the "Marvel savior."

Stan Lee Appears

As Deadpool and Wolverine battled 100 Deadpool mutants, a picture of the late Stan Lee hung on the side of a bus. Stan Lee, who died in 2018, had been a cameo in Marvel movies, a trademark of the creator of most Marvel characters.

Wolverine Mask

Before the big battle, Wolverine puts on his mask, and Deadpool comments on its pure intimidation, comparing it to Batman's mask.

Reality disintegrates like noodles

When Cassandra uses the Time Crusher, reality begins to dissolve around her like noodles. This scene appears frequently in Loki Season 2.

“I have been waiting for this team-up for a long time.”

Before deciding to destroy the Time Crusher together, Deadpool sincerely told Wolverine that he had been waiting for this team-up for a long time. This was a highlight moment. But in fact, as early as 2009 in "Wolverine", they appeared on the same stage.

Vulcan Salute

Deadpool enters the room and locks the glass door, giving Wolverine the "Vulcan Salute", a nod to Spock's death and sacrifice in Star Trek. The Vulcan Salute, also known as the "Vulcan Reply Salute", is derived from the greeting ceremony of the Vulcans in the movie Star Trek.

Omega Level Mutants

B-15 identified Cassandra as an Omega Level-Mutant, the most unique and powerful mutant in the Marvel Universe, a term that comes from the comics. This explains why Cassandra is so powerful.

Premier League team owner

Ryan Reynolds's friend and business partner, actor Rob McElhenney, guest-starred as a TVA agent. McElhenney starred in the American TV series "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" and guest-starred in "Game of Thrones", but later focused on business.

In November 2020, McElhenney and Reynolds acquired the British veteran team Wrexham Football Club. The team's striker Paul Mullin also appeared in the film, playing the Welsh version of Deadpool.

"The Avengers discovered Shawarma"

After the battle, Deadpool and Wolverine are presented with shawarma, just like at the end of the first Avengers film in 2012. Deadpool also claims that Earth's Mightiest Heroes "discovered" the food.

Fitch's Pizza

At the end of the film, Deadpool takes Wolverine home to reunite with his friends and family, with food ordered from "Feige's Famous Pizza," a reference to Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige.

The real post-credits Easter egg

In Deadpool vs. Wolverine's lone post-credits scene (after the credits have all finished), it plays back all the terrible things Chris Evans's Human Torch said to Cassandra, so it kind of mirrors the purely comedic post-credits scene in 2017's Spider-Man: Homecoming, where Chris Evans' Captain America teaches the audience about the importance of patience.