
Which is better, Dulux latex paint or Nippon latex paint? How much does artistic paint cost per square meter?


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Nowadays, in the decoration market, due to the special wall effect of artistic paint, this kind of decoration paint is favored by most consumers. So, do you know how much is the price per square meter of artistic paint?

From the market point of view, there is no fixed price for art paint. It is affected by many factors, mainly brand, product quality, and consumer market conditions. In terms of brand, the price of internationally renowned brands is relatively higher because their product formulas are more environmentally friendly and better; secondly, the product quality is also guaranteed, which will affect the final selling price. Whether the product is environmentally friendly and safe can be judged based on the product test report. Finally, the purchasing power of consumers in the market will also affect the price. If consumers in a region do not pursue the artistic quality of the wall and have low spending power, the price of art paint will naturally be lower.

In short, no matter what the price of artistic paint is, you must choose environmentally friendly and safe products. Now in the market, many consumers will consider buying Dulux or Nippon, so which of these two brands of artistic paint is better?

Because I don't know much about Nippon Paint, today I will mainly talk about Dulux's art paint. Dulux art paint has more products to choose from. In order to give you more choices, Dulux divides art paint into textured wall paint and colorful wall paint. On the one hand, it cleverly combines art and home furnishings. Through unique velvet, sandstone, star jade, and relief textures, it boldly incorporates various elements into our modern classic matching, bringing many different charming styles. Among them, I like its relief texture very much. My friend's family uses this wall paint, which is decorated with coffee white or gray, matched with original wood tables and chairs or more artistic fabric soft furnishings. In the interaction of light and shadow relief, they complement each other, plus the undulating texture, and the light and shadow changes caused by light, the whole space can really feel very rich in layers, which is both simple and very design-oriented.

On the other hand, Dulux's colorful wall paint uses advanced "HD color locking technology" to provide more than 2,000 colors, making the wall color rich and long-lasting, meeting the diverse color needs of ever-changing spaces.

At the same time, we don't have to worry about the safety of Dulux artistic paint. Its textured wall paint is dust-proof and stain-resistant, and meets the French indoor air environment testing A+ standard, and its health and environmental protection are guaranteed; and the colorful wall paint is even more powerful, with Dulux's pure and additive-free technology, no artificial addition of formaldehyde, benzene and other volatile organic compounds (VOC), plus antibacterial factors and natural activated bamboo charcoal factors, layer by layer of purification, fully protecting the health of your family.

If you are a consumer who pays attention to the quality of your home environment, you can't go wrong by choosing the Dulux brand that specializes in providing environmentally friendly products!