
General Administration of Customs: my country's foreign trade has increased by nearly 1.6 trillion yuan per year, and the total trade volume of goods has ranked first in the world for seven consecutive years


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Cailianshe reported on July 30 that the State Council Information Office held a press conference on the theme of "Promoting High-quality Development" at 10 a.m. today. Zhao Zenglian, Deputy Director of the General Administration of Customs, and others attended the press conference to introduce the situation and answer questions from reporters.

General Administration of Customs: my country's foreign trade has grown by nearly 1.6 trillion yuan per year, and the total trade volume of goods has ranked first in the world for seven consecutive years

According to the relevant person in charge of the General Administration of Customs, since the 18th CPC National Congress, my country's foreign trade has grown by nearly 1.6 trillion yuan per year, which is equivalent to the annual import and export volume of a medium-sized country. my country's total trade in goods has ranked first in the world for seven consecutive years, and has become the main trading partner of more than 150 countries and regions. The number of foreign trade enterprises has nearly doubled compared with 2012. These data objectively reflect that since the 18th CPC National Congress, my country's foreign trade has become larger in scale, better in structure and more dynamic.

In the first half of this year, my country's foreign trade exceeded 21 trillion yuan for the first time, setting a new record

At the meeting, it was introduced that since the 18th CPC National Congress, the national customs has strictly guarded the national security, provided strong guarantee for the realization of high-quality development, and my country's foreign trade has achieved leapfrog growth. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, my country's foreign trade has grown by nearly 1.6 trillion yuan per year. The total value of foreign trade imports and exports in 2023 (41.76 trillion yuan) has increased by 17 trillion yuan compared with 2012. This figure ranks high (fourth) in the world's trade rankings in 2023; the volume of goods under customs supervision has also increased by 54.5% during the same period. my country's total trade in goods has ranked first in the world for seven consecutive years, and has become the main trading partner of more than 150 countries and regions. The number of foreign trade enterprises has nearly doubled compared with 2012. The export of high-tech, high-value-added and green products such as automobiles, integrated circuits and lithium batteries in 2023 increased by 8 times, 1.8 times and 15.2 times respectively compared with 2012. In the first half of this year, my country's foreign trade exceeded 21 trillion yuan for the first time, setting a new record. my country's foreign trade has achieved leapfrog growth and entered a new era. The foreign trade pie is bigger and the gold content of high-quality development is more sufficient.

General Administration of Customs: Support the standardized development of new business forms and models such as cross-border e-commerce, overseas warehouses, market procurement, and bonded maintenance

Zhao Zenglian, deputy director of the General Administration of Customs, said that in the next step, the customs will follow the deployment requirements of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, further support the construction of a new highland of institutional opening, continue to promote policy innovation and regulatory reform of comprehensive bonded areas, optimize the innovation mechanism of customs supervision system in free trade pilot zones, establish a customs supervision model that is compatible with the development needs of new quality productivity, create an institutional environment conducive to the development of new formats and models, and support the standardized development of new formats and models such as cross-border e-commerce, overseas warehouses, market procurement, and bonded maintenance. Strengthen the study of foreign technical trade measures, give full play to the role of the customs foreign cooperation consultation mechanism, strive to promote the elimination of unreasonable foreign technical trade measures, escort foreign trade operators, and promote sustainable and high-quality development of foreign trade.

General Administration of Customs: Market access for agricultural and food products will be expanded steadily and orderly

Lv Daliang, spokesman of the General Administration of Customs and director of the Department of Statistics and Analysis, said that in the next step, the customs will further deepen the innovation of import customs clearance supervision in accordance with the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee, and support the construction of important open platforms such as the China International Import Expo and the China International Consumer Goods Expo. Recently, we have also issued the "Customs Facilitation Measures to Support the Seventh China International Import Expo" and the "Customs Clearance Notice" to help exhibitors facilitate customs clearance. We will also steadily and orderly expand market access for agricultural and food products, innovate inspection and quarantine models, expand the scope of pilot projects such as "release first and then inspect" and third-party acceptance, provide better customs clearance supervision and services for expanding imports, and make China's large market a great opportunity for the world.

General Administration of Customs: Make good preparations and supply for a new round of customs clearance policies to help enterprises reduce burdens and costs

Lv Daliang said that the current external environment is becoming more complex, severe and uncertain, and geopolitical risks are also high. Some countries are promoting unilateralism and protectionism, and the disruption to the global supply chain is gradually emerging. The Red Sea crisis you mentioned has caused shipping congestion and freight increases, which has further increased the cost pressure of enterprises. We believe that foreign trade will continue to grow in the second half of the year. We still face many challenges. Of course, it is normal to have wind and rain on the road ahead. With the support of the domestic super-large-scale market and the complete supporting advantages of the industrial system, and the escort of various policies and measures to stabilize foreign trade, especially the strategic deployment of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee on deepening the reform of the foreign trade system, it will surely inject strong impetus into the development of my country's foreign trade, and my country's foreign trade will also be stable and long-term. Customs will continue to implement various policies and measures to stabilize foreign trade in accordance with the decisions and deployments of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, promote the expansion of intermediate product trade, help expand the import of advanced technology equipment and key components, support the development of new formats such as cross-border e-commerce, and strive to consolidate the positive trend of foreign trade. At the same time, we will closely monitor changes in the situation, strengthen data monitoring and analysis, prepare and supply a new round of customs clearance policies, help companies reduce their burdens and costs, and fully serve the quality and quantity of foreign trade.

General Administration of Customs: Continuously optimize the working mechanism of special actions to promote cross-border trade facilitation

Zhao Zenglian, deputy director of the General Administration of Customs, said that in the next step, the deployment requirements of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee will be resolutely implemented, and the three aspects of work will be focused on: First, continue to optimize the working mechanism of the special action to promote cross-border trade facilitation, comprehensively promote the implementation of facilitation measures at the "border" and "post-border" links of ports, and improve the customs clearance efficiency and logistics efficiency of the entire chain of import and export goods. Second, by institutionalizing and mechanismizing good experiences and practices such as "customs directors delivering policies to the door" and "zero enterprise problems", further help enterprises to alleviate difficulties, implement 17 facilitation measures for advanced certified enterprises, and enhance the sense of gain of business entities. Third, through the dual-wheel drive of deepening reform and technology empowerment, further enhance the system integration of reform and innovation, and strengthen port facilities and data sharing.

General Administration of Customs: Strive to build the basic framework of smart customs by 2026

Lin Shaobin, head of the General Administration of Customs' Comprehensive Business Department, said that in the next step, they will focus on process optimization, information exchange, and system integration, and strive to accelerate the construction of smart customs. We will pay attention to both stability and progress and highlighting key points. Our goal is to strive to build the basic framework of smart customs by 2026 and form a complete smart customs system by 2029.