
Zhou Hongyi: Yu Minhong is generous and generous, Dong Yuhui has made great contributions, we should work harder on business management


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Sanyan Technology reported on July 30 that on the evening of July 29, Zhou Hongyi released a video with the theme "Wishing Yu Minhong and Dong Yuhui a more legendary development in the future", expressing his views on the "breakup" of Yu Minhong and Dong Yuhui.

First of all, Zhou Hongyi believes that the criticism and accusation of the incident between Yu Minhong and Dong Yuhui is a kind of keyboard warrior behavior. Zhou Hongyi said that many people do not understand the inner things, and he does not agree with accusing both parties based on their own speculation under the premise of information asymmetry. He believes that Yu Minhong and Dong Yuhui have worked together, achieved mutual success, and achieved good interim results. After friendly negotiation, a decent breakup is a good result for both parties. Since both of them accept this result, everyone should give their blessings.

Secondly, Zhou Hongyi said that he understood Yu Minhong's decision. He thought Yu Minhong did a very good job, was very generous and kind. Yu Minhong did not regard Dong Yuhui as an employee, but as a younger brother and partner.

Zhou Hongyi thinks Dong Yuhui is a good young man. Dong Yuhui created a super IP. His hard work in recent years has helped Dongfang Selection to start from scratch, and Dong Yuhui has made an indelible contribution. Considering Dong Yuhui's value, giving Dong Yuhui "Traveling with Hui" is a recognition of his contribution.

Zhou Hongyi said that Dong Yuhui's role is not just an internet celebrity or anchor, but has become an entrepreneur, founder, and start-up. In the future, Dong Yuhui may need to work harder on how to raise funds, manage the company, and operate the company. Dong Yuhui may need to find his own partners to let others make up for his shortcomings.