
Apex Legends: The bombardment of negative reviews has not stopped, Steam online has dropped to a low point


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On July 25, EA and Respawn Entertainment bowed to strong public pressure and announced that the free battle royale game "Apex Legends" would once again support the use of in-game currency to purchase battle passes. Although this move did buffer players' negative review bombing, data shows that players' negative review bombing behavior has not stopped.

Rebirth was announced on July 25. Steam data shows that there were still 1942 negative reviews on July 25, 1513 negative reviews on the 26th, 1371 negative reviews on the 27th, 1072 negative reviews on the 28th, and 1151 negative reviews on the 29th. In other words, since July 25, there have still been 7049 negative reviews published in just five days.

As for Steam online players, data shows that the number of online players has dropped to the lowest level since January 2022. Although this situation may still need to wait for future updates to be curbed, it does show that the game's troubles are far from over, and the developer faces a long battle to win back the players it once had.

At present, plug-ins, game matching and in-game krypton gold problems are the main reasons why the game faces negative reviews. In an interview not long ago, the game director of "Apex Legends" said that the plug-in problem is not something they turn a blind eye to, but these problems are more complicated and cannot be solved in a short time. A long-term solution is needed.