
Can Chen Sicheng, the dream maker, succeed this time?


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♪ You're so special, how could I be disappointed♫

Every day at 9 am:30, Sister Yi is waiting for you here

Text | Sister Yi (Zhou Guiyi) Sister Shan

It has industrialized spectacular visual effects, blockbuster texture, and shocking spectacle, and it is a new breakthrough for domestic films.

It’s been a long time since I’ve seen a film in a cinema that is so close to the essence of a classic movie. It’s a movie within a movie.

You can't tell whether it is a dream or reality, but you can truly feel that every cell in your body is burning along with the movie.


(Warm reminder that the following content contains spoilers)

The story takes place in the 1940s, with the Second World War as the general background, and the domestic environment being the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the Civil War between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party.

Rong Jinzhen's parents had both passed away, and his dream interpreter who raised him until he was twelve years old also passed away.

Rong Jinzhen not only has a peculiar figure and appearance, but also a lonely and weird personality. His fascination with dreams and numbers makes him a freak in the eyes of many people.

By chance, Xiao Li Li (played by Daniel Wu), the then president of the university, saw his calculations on the damaged wall and was amazed.

“How did you come up with this algorithm?”

When Xiao Lili mentioned her birthday, Rong Jinzhen blurted out, "Today is your 15,442nd day in this world."

Little Li Li was moved by the boy's talent and decided to adopt Rong Jinzhen immediately.

After growing up, Rong Jinzhen is more like a treasure that cannot be hidden.

In the university class, Rong Jinzhen effortlessly solved the difficult problems assigned by the mathematics teacher Shees (John Cusack).

He believed that Rong Jinzhen's mathematical talent should not be wasted, but his adoptive parents were evasive and hesitant at this time.

Adoptive father: He still has to learn how to live first.

Xi Yisi: Ridiculous, he is a genius, it is impossible for him to live like a normal person.

Schiess was his teacher who introduced him into the world of mathematics and also led him to participate in the war.

He said that the code is a reflection of the designer's mind and thinking, and taught him to perceive it with his intuition deep in his subconscious mind.

All of Rong Jinzhen's subsequent code-cracking was done with the teacher's guidance.

Of course, they were not the only ones attracted by Rong Jinzhen’s mathematical brilliance.

There is also Zheng (played by Chen Daoming), the director of the mysterious department 701 Bureau. From then on, Rong Jinzhen entered the door of code decryption.

Deciphering these telegrams involves many people's lives.

As Rong Jinzhen received more and more tasks, his physical and mental state became weaker and weaker, but his dreams became more and more magnificent and incredible.

Can he crack the "Purple Code"? How will the dilemma of the boundary between dreams and reality be solved?

Decryption is about how Rong Jinzhen deciphered the "Purple Secret".

It involves hundreds of millions of calculations, a huge team, and collaboration day and night.

But deciphering the code is just a channel. The core of the movie is not to decipher a mathematical code, but to decipher the human heart.

Ultimately, what is being decoded is the secret life of Rong Jinzhen.

Rong Jinzhen does not have a good family and is in the midst of war. His exploration of the truth is not only a matter of family and country, but also a pursuit of the code of personal destiny.

What did those who did secret work experience?

He was taken to 701 and was "absolutely not allowed to look at anything he shouldn't look at, and absolutely not allowed to ask anything he shouldn't ask." There was a special person in charge of his emails, and he had no contact with the outside world for a long time. Once he disappeared, it would be for many years.

Even if you have the opportunity to go home, you must not disclose any work information to your family.

In 701, he is a hero.

But in front of his family and friends, he is the most difficult code to decipher.

We have to mention Liu Haoran's condition in this drama, which is almost a plastic surgery-like breakthrough.

The whole character has a hunched back, clenched hands, empty eyes, and strange movements and expressions. The only thing left in his life is to "decrypt" the code.

In the face of great success, the characters appear lonely, small, sensitive and fragile, with a strong sense of vicissitudes and fatalism.

The later the work progresses, the worse the character's mental state, body, skin, and hair become. The seemingly peaceful work behind the scenes is a huge drain on the decryptor.

In his dreams, he sometimes fell into the seabed, and sometimes walked on the red beach, watching the sunset in the sky.

The password turned into water drops, surrounding him, giving him a feeling of powerlessness and suffocation, but also a feeling of fresh oxygen, like a fish in water.

He slept in a pile of documents while the Beatles were in a train car, shooting and chasing him. He escaped in the reeds with groups of soldiers following him.

As he was decrypting the code at the table, he would be blown away by the storm formed by the code and lose gravity.

Mathematical symbols flew from the wall, fell into his hands, and talked to him.

He opened and closed doors one after another. The windows and doors jumped left and right in front of his eyes.

All the handwritten numbers on the wall turned into giant computer codes and calculated rapidly in his mind.

He repeatedly thought of Sheesh's teachings: the answer lies in our subconscious.

The world of genius is crazy.

Thoughts and souls transcend time, space, and even logic in a split second.

He did not actually appear on the battlefield, but in his heart he had already been to too many battlefields, both in heaven and on earth, and experienced countless battles of gunfire and rain of bullets, and survived desperate situations on the cliffs.

No one knows whether he will solve the next puzzle in the next second or collapse instantly.

His life is inseparable from numbers, codes and dreams. His soul and body are one. Codes are both his friend and his enemy. If you get caught in them, you will be in a bottomless vortex. As the director of photography Cao Yu said, "It has a spiritual purification effect", which is both legendary and profound.

"The Decryption" has a grand narrative of family and country, as well as the love, hatred, and vengeance that the little people in the great era cannot unravel, as well as many exciting moments.

But the most outstanding thing is its wonderful narrative.

Rong Jinzhen's life is integrated with ten layers of dreams, and the trapped beast in the character's heart is transformed into a huge spectacular scene in the dream.

Those dreams directly hit the vast universe with ups and downs in the characters' hearts, which are fantastic and profound.

Formulas are highly rational and rigorous, but dreams are emotional and flow through the subconscious.

The seemingly insignificant and routine things in life become his imagination in dreams and the key to his decryption.

Therefore, the wonders are strange, but they are based on realistic details and are not abrupt.

The film realizes imagination and the inner conflicts of the characters in a very concrete way, and the wild imagination comes to life before your eyes.

At the beginning, before Xiao Rong Jin Zhen was taken away by Xiao Li Li, she encountered a storm in the old house and saw her father.

It is a metaphor for the major changes that will take place in his life, and it is the final instructions given to him by his father.

Rong Jinzhen was shot and woke up lying on a hospital bed with IV tubes inserted all over his body and a row of ENIACs in front of him.

His deciphering is a metaphor, as if he is feeding the stability of the city with his blood and sweat, and he is the center of the vortex of war.

The fact that the lights cannot be turned off and the calculation of pi in Rong Jinzhen's notebook both completely symbolize "virtuality and dreams", and dreams are the source of inspiration for Rong Jinzhen's decryption.

In addition, the symbolization of gear rotation and movement, the contrast between melody and lyrics, etc. are all metaphors for deciphering clues.

These codes are intertwined with dreams. On the surface, he is deciphering codes, but in fact, he is deciphering life.

Of course, "Decryption" not only has mirage-like spectacular scenes, but also the purest, warmest and most sincere emotions.

The relationship between Xiao Lili's family and Rong Jinzhen is a precious but short-lived bond in troubled times.

The first time the family drank big bowls of tea was a welcome and acceptance of Rong Jinzhen. The second time they drank big bowls of tea was a metaphor for the family’s celebration of the unspeakable care and love after the reunion. The world has changed, but love remains the same.

Between two bowls of tea, an era ended, making people shed tears.

Rong Jinzhen and his lover never said "I love you" to each other, but the password was their love letters.

As well as the mutual appreciation and confrontation between the geniuses Rong Jinzhen and Xi Yis.

It was Xiyis who brought Rong Jinzhen into the world of mathematics, and it was Rong Jinzhen who maintained the last bit of dignity that Xiyis had left in the world of mathematics.

They are entangled throughout their lives, playing a game of chess that will never end.

There are layers of decryption inside the movie, and outside the movie, the filming by the staff is also a crazy decryption.

"The Decoded" is adapted from Mai Jia's original novel, which was rejected 17 times during the writing process. After the manuscript was completed, no less than 6 directors discussed with the original author Mai Jia about filming this novel, but all ended in failure.

He said, I felt as if it was not me who chose the director, but fate.

One can imagine how difficult it is to adapt a novel into a movie.

Chen Sicheng said in an interview that "The Decryption" aims to create a new height for a new genre of film, and every department will transcend itself.

701 is one of the most confidential agencies involving classified information. Almost no one has ever had a glimpse of its true appearance, so the workload of the set design and art department has become very large.

They traveled all over the country looking for filming locations and searched the world for ideal props. The "cage antenna" that even professional linesmen could not dream of was restored one-to-one by the crew.

There are secret passages, hidden doors...everything is there, all of which are real scenes.

The hundreds of formulas and tens of thousands of numbers on the wall were all drawn by hand by the crew day and night.

Even the technical investigation experts said that coming here was like returning to my department.

What is even more awe-inspiring is that the tables and figures are all well-documented.

Before filming began, all the main creative staff of the crew systematically learned cryptographic knowledge, while extras learned traffic analysis, message parameter statistics, and estimating cryptographic types by comparing samples.

The crew searched for lenses all over the world, pursuing the strangeness of colors and unique glare.

Finally, 12 lenses were selected for testing and shooting, achieving a picture texture that is both retro and modern, real and dreamy.

In the actual shooting part without the intervention of special effects, a top-level dream feeling was created. The final effect was more than a hundred times better than expected, and finally achieved a seamless connection between dreams and reality.

The eye-catching red beach scene was made by staff making dozens of tons of real sand red and then solidifying it. The entire production cycle of the raw materials took about a month.

After that, go find a wave-making machine and repeat the experiment.

And the director's suggestion of "wanting the feeling of sunset" is even more difficult.

The lighting engineer directly developed a giant light stand and used 75 2400Bs to form a light array.

500 space lights were installed on the top of the studio, and an algorithm was used to calculate the trajectory of the sunset.

In the trailer, when all the equipment was in place and work started, the staff behind the scenes were stunned and couldn't help but sigh: "This is a dream-making industry. This is really called dream-making."

During the filming, the crew also created a first in Asia.

They spent an extremely high price to buy the copyright of the Beatles' most expensive song.

Chen Sicheng specifically talked about his understanding of dreams in an interview. He said:

“It is hard to explain what value dreams have for humans and for the self. Our body sensations, senses, and organs are not given by the Creator for nothing. They have great significance, but no one can really analyze them.

Just like dreams and inspiration, there is no way to trace their origins. The creations of artists are created by God through our hands.”

Since its birth, movies have been regarded as "dream machines" by countless filmmakers and audiences.

Those "dream-like" moments hide their dreamlike fascination and obsession with movies, just like Rong Jinzhen's feelings for the code.

Chen Sicheng used the ingenuity of a filmmaker and spared no effort to create dreams this time, which is also what touched me.

"The Decryption" is a very "good-looking" movie. The character Rong Jinzhen is fictional, but the unsung heroes behind him are not fictional.

The film creates a group of real people between the real and the imaginary, a group of special people who fight for the national cause all their lives and sacrifice their lives.

The praise of heroes is no longer preaching, but rather writing the four words "respect" into the subconscious.

When we read Rong Jinzhen's Secret, we are also reading Rong Jinzhen's life.

"Movies are dreams, and life is also a dream. There is no gap between them."

Everyone has a unique code, and a person's life is like a huge "decryption" process.

"Decryption" takes us into a grand dream.

This is the most magnificent, brilliant, gorgeous and dizzying dream that the movie can create for people this summer.

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