
"Boundless Generation, Bounded Walker" - The first offline salon of Mind Observation Institute discussed the next explosion point of AI


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On the afternoon of July 19, the first offline salon hosted by and Mind Observation Institute was officially held. With the theme of "Boundless Generation, Bounded Traveler", many speakers shared their insights in their respective fields with the audience on topics such as the response and governance of ethical issues driven by the AIGC technological revolution, the concept of embodied intelligence represented by humanoid robot motion capture, and the US's control over China's AI computing power.

The speakers attending this salon included Zhang Weiqiang, Dean of the AI ​​Governance Research Institute of Beijing Ruilai Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd., Wei Chang, Asia Pacific Business Director of Movella Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., and Han Lijie, Partner of the Shanghai Office of Kettle Law Firm.

Li Bo, general manager of, attended the meeting and delivered an opening speech. Sun Yan, head of Mind Observation Institute, presided over the meeting.

Li Bo: The Observatory of Mind has lofty ambitions

In his opening speech, Li Bo, general manager of, said that the "Mind Observation Institute" is a new content creation team formed by with high technology as its main observation direction, and strives to build the "Mind Observation Institute" into a high-quality technology content IP of The Mind Observation Institute will do its best to track the latest developments in science and technology at home and abroad, grasp the pulse of the technology product market, and judge the general trend of geopolitical games, and expand the communication channels at home and abroad with three-dimensional content release forms such as text, pictures, and videos.

Li Bo, General Manager of

Li Bo explained that how to ensure the high-quality integration of production, learning and research and promote the effective commercialization of scientific and technological achievements is a topic of general concern in the industry. One of the important purposes of the series of science and technology salons held by the Mind Observation Institute is to explore how to closely understand and understand the concerns of the front-line groups in the science and technology industry from the perspective of new media people and timely connect with industry needs.

Li Bo emphasized that the communication and business models of domestic science and technology and financial media are currently undergoing a profound transformation. has focused on domestic and international political news for many years, and has accumulated a huge amount of popularity at home and abroad. It has also summarized a set of mature, effective and systematic content creation and publishing methodologies. Based on this, hopes that representatives of science and technology companies, investors, and university academic leaders will actively participate in the conference and work with the Mind Observation Institute to tell the narrative of China's new quality productivity.

Zhang Weiqiang: Ensuring security is the top priority of AI governance

Zhang Weiqiang, Dean of Ruilai Smart AI Governance Research Institute, delivered a speech entitled "Artificial Intelligence Security Situation and Response Practice in the Big Model Era".

Zhang Weiqiang first traced the history of artificial intelligence research and governance in my country, pointing out the importance of AI in helping to build new productivity, especially in improving social governance capabilities and information utilization capabilities. But at the same time, the development of AI technology has also brought many new social ethical issues.

Zhang Weiqiang, President of Ruilai Smart AI Governance Research Institute

Zhang Weiqiang explained that compared with traditional computer technology, artificial intelligence does not have a solid theoretical foundation. The big model is still a "black box" for humans, which will generate new security risks. For example, "poisoning" and polluting data during the training of the big model can mislead AI judgment and output wrong information; for example, AI forging text, pictures, audio and video will disrupt the public's information cognition and bring serious social security risks. These new risks require all sectors of society to work together to find countermeasures.

Zhang Weiqiang emphasized that the most fundamental thing in AI risk governance is to establish the underlying technical theory, which requires continuous innovation and breakthroughs in mathematical theory, model architecture, etc. Secondly, the construction of governance measures should be strengthened, such as continuously enhancing the security assessment capabilities of large models, and artificial intelligence products can only be put into the market after strict security assessments; continuously improving the ability to detect AI forged information, and using technical means to ensure the authenticity of digital information in the fields of news, justice, and social networking.

Zhang Weiqiang proposed the concept of "shooting range" in the summary of his speech, arguing that the factory conditions of artificial intelligence products should be similar to those of cars, and that attack and defense drills should be completed before leaving the factory to ensure their safety. Ruilai Wisdom has accumulated rich experience in this field, such as conducting security assessments of artificial intelligence models, setting up face security firewalls, and implementing multi-modal information forgery detection. It has developed and developed security in parallel, improving the technical capabilities of both aspects in the contest between "spear" and "shield".

Wei Chang: Embodied intelligence is the hotspot of the AI ​​industry, and the market potential of humanoid robots is huge

Wei Chang, Business Director of Asia Pacific of Movella Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (Movella), shared a speech on the topic of "Application of Movella (Xsens) in Humanoid Robot Scenarios" at the scene.

Wei Chang explained in his speech that motion sensors are important components for humanoid robots to control balance and movement posture. Currently, Movella can make 17 motion sensors wearable on humans to collect data such as Euler angles and quaternions, forming a three-dimensional image for collecting real-time data on human movement for secondary development.

Wei Chang, Business Director of Asia Pacific, Movella Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

Next, Wei Chang introduced the company's application cases in motion capture equipment for remote control of humanoid robots. By playing multiple videos, he vividly demonstrated why motion capture technology is extremely important in motion data collection. Taking Tesla as an example, the company has a large data collection team that can ensure that it collects data 24 hours a day. One of the typical results is that the robot's walking ability has been greatly improved, and it can walk independently for a long time and long distance without traction. This process requires solving two major problems: the robot's balance control and the robot's battery life. Tesla's advantage lies in its ability to collect a large amount of environmental space data, which enables its robot's object judgment ability to mature quickly and has a good perception of spatial position.

Wei Chang pointed out that as the driving force of humanoid mechanical applications, the ability to provide high-quality data is very critical. Therefore, motion capture equipment is currently a major focus of the development of embodied intelligence. However, the time cost and labor cost of training large models required for AI algorithm capture are extremely high, and most companies are currently unable to quickly put them into use.

Wei Chang concluded that humanoid robots can replace humans to complete high-risk tasks in the future, enter home scenes while ensuring their safety, and provide services to the childcare and elderly care markets.

Han Lijie: How to fully understand the US control of high-end AI chips in China

The topic of the speech delivered by Han Lijie, a partner of the Shanghai office of Kaiteng Law Firm in the United States, was "U.S. Measures against China's AI Industry". Lawyer Han Lijie reviewed the history of the Sino-US trade war and technology war, and pointed out that since Trump was elected as the US President, the US tariff policy has gradually escalated the corporate legal war, and relevant US departments have increasingly adopted trade control measures to implement technology containment against China. The Sino-US technology war has caused a serious risk of fragmentation in the global supply chain.

Han Lijie, partner of Kaiteng Law Firm in Shanghai

Han Lijie pointed out that the reform of the US national security review in 2018 laid the groundwork for the control of artificial intelligence technology. In 2020, the US Treasury Department's national security review listed artificial intelligence as a sensitive technology, which means that Chinese companies are basically unable to acquire artificial intelligence-related software and hardware companies in the United States, and the Russia-Ukraine war has further accelerated the process of US import and export controls on China. In October 2022, the US Department of Commerce issued a decree to restrict the export of Nvidia chips, which had a huge impact on China's supercomputing center, and many Chinese artificial intelligence-related companies were included in the US entity list.

Han Lijie explained that there have been many twists and turns in the U.S. regulatory rules on advanced chip restriction indicators. The U.S. authorities have discussed and revised the standards for "advanced chips" many times based on actual conditions and their cognitive abilities.

In addition, Han Lijie also made a detailed analysis and explanation on the impact of US tariffs on Chinese companies' overseas expansion, the future policy direction of the US's "strangling" of China's high-tech, and China's reciprocal countermeasures, which gave the audience a lot of information.

The audience interacted with the guest speakers at the salon


The audience and each speaker had a very fruitful Q&A interaction. The midsummer sun in Shanghai was scorching, and the atmosphere at the event was equally warm and cheerful. The offline salon hosted by the Mind Observation Institute with AIGC as the main topic ended successfully with applause. Mind Observation Institute observes "new quality" with "mind", focuses on new quality productivity with science and technology as the core, and deeply discusses cutting-edge technology topics, technology industry trends and technology enterprise cases. It is committed to promoting China's independent innovation in science and technology, and providing the most profound insights and foresight into scientific and technological progress, industrial development and industrial applications.

The "Mind Observation Institute" has been accompanying China all the way towards self-reliance and self-improvement in science and technology.

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