
In “Genshin Impact”, why can even Childe be forgiven, but players are unwilling to let go of the stragglers?


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You know, in Genshin Impact, Sanbing has suffered a lot recently. In order to whitewash this character, the planner actually gave us players a big move at the end of Fairy Tale Kingdom. Originally, the planner intended to let the players see the whitewashing of this character, but in the end, he was slapped in the face and a wave of complaints was set off. But why is it so difficult to whitewash Sanbing? You know, didn't Tartaglia next door also do a lot of evil, but the players forgave him, but Sanbing has repeatedly failed in his whitewashing.

First of all, it's about the degree of evil. What bad things did Childe do? It wasn't him who instructed the Fatui to attack Liyue, but the lady. What the lady did had nothing to do with Childe. Moreover, this was a contract between Zhongli, the leader of Liyue, and the Fatui. Although he was a Fatui, what he did was at most a supporting role. Therefore, Tartaglia can be regarded as a half-good person, not to mention that Tartaglia is not bad in nature.

But what bad things did Sanbing do? He killed so many people in Xumi, and he did all kinds of bad things, but in the end, Sanbing didn't do anything bad. Instead, he came back and killed people everywhere. What's more important is that the planner didn't do a good job of whitewashing this character. The planner's way of whitewashing was to let him delete everyone's memory. As a result, nothing happened. He also forced Du Lin to come over, and he continued to be free and easy, leaving other things to others. This way of whitewashing is outrageous.

Moreover, Young Master's greatest advantage is that his effect is not very good. He has been tossing and turning for most of the day, running errands and fighting, but in the end, it is all for nothing. He has not accomplished anything and there is no impact to speak of. The most important thing is that he has suffered a huge loss for this, and Zhongli has taken away a lot of money for nothing. He has become a tool for the wallet. In addition, as for the way of whitewashing, Young Master did not whitewash it directly, but showed it through taking care of his younger brother.

In this regard, Sanbing has done a lot of bad things. He caused a lot of trouble in Inazuma and was merciless to the descendants of Niwa who had done him a favor. Not only that, he was also a thorn in the side of the Fatui, sneering at his superiors and not being nice to his subordinates. Even when he became friends with the Traveler, he still spoke without restraint. The most outrageous thing is that after he was whitewashed, he went directly from a villain to the number one general under Nashida. In short, Sanbing's whitewashing is really hard to evaluate.

Finally, and most importantly, the nature of Sanbing. Gongzi is not a bad person by nature, and he is even a little good, while Sanbing is a bad person to the core. The planner has always instilled in him the idea of ​​a "sharp tongue but a soft heart" personality, which makes players dislike this character even more. This is also the biggest problem with this character. Perhaps the moment he became a wanderer was actually his best state. As a result, the planner did not agree and forced him to go back to that time.