
Blizzard sent out another questionnaire. World of Warcraft Plus is about to be launched. Is it possible for the Chinese server to be launched simultaneously?


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Recently, some players of the Classic and Exploration servers may have received a questionnaire email from Blizzard. If you are not sure whether you have received it, you can check the trash folder of your mailbox and you may see it. Of course, if you are only a pure Chinese server player, then you don’t need to check it, it is definitely not there. Because this questionnaire is only for foreign server players, so if you have played Asian servers, you can check it out. This questionnaire is about the content of World of Warcraft Plus Server+, so what content do you hope to improve?

Because there is a lot of content in this questionnaire, I will just pick out a few important ones to talk about. For the rest, you can directly look at the original questionnaire screenshots. One of them is the new or unexplored story lines and legends. For World of Warcraft game players, the plot is actually a rare thing. Many players even like to watch the plot in the World of Warcraft game, but if you keep following the plot of the World of Warcraft game, you will find loopholes. Of course, Blizzard may return to modify the loopholes in many cases, but players can no longer return.

Therefore, when new or unexplored story lines and legends appear at this time, I think some new plots should be introduced, or the previously incomplete plots should be modified to make the plot in the World of Warcraft game more reasonable. Of course, it is also possible that the plot of the World of Warcraft exploration server will be independent of the plot of the non-exploration server, thus making the exploration server more fun, similar to the nostalgic server but based on the nostalgic server.

The second important point is the new team dungeons and dungeons. At present, the team dungeons and dungeons in the World of Warcraft exploration server are actually not much different from those in the nostalgic server. In the future, the exploration server may be opened with team dungeons and dungeons that are more suitable for the exploration server. This will make the exploration server more independent from the official World of Warcraft server, making the game content more different and increasing the players' gaming experience, rather than simply copying previous content.

The second is the potential quality of life function. What is the most annoying thing for players, especially when fighting monsters in the wild? Is it possible that the backpack is full after a short fight? So in the future, the number of bag items may be increased, for example, from 20 items to 100, so that the player's time to fight monsters will be increased. Of course, a series of things such as optimizing flight routes or reducing spell consumption will also be done to improve the player's gaming experience.

Another very exciting thing is the addition of new races and new professions. If this is true, then it will be absolutely ecstasy for the players. Of course, it is not necessarily the case. Some players may like traditional professions, while some players may like new professions. So once added, the choices given to players in the game will also increase a lot, just like the early launch of DK in the classic nostalgic server. This is definitely a big shock, but farmers and workers are more curious about what new professions will be released.

The rest are relatively minor changes, such as some career changes, some function optimizations, or some changes in dual talent specializations and social systems. I cannot be sure whether Blizzard really wants to make changes or just collect players' opinions and then selectively optimize and repair them. Of course, I hope that Blizzard will make major changes to the exploration server, so that the exploration server can be separated from the original content of the World of Warcraft game and enrich the players' experience.

Having said so much, the core issue for Chinese players is whether the Exploration Server of World of Warcraft can be launched in the Chinese server. Although there is no news at present, I think the official may announce the news of the Exploration Server one day in the future or after the official server of World of Warcraft is launched. After all, the Exploration Server takes more time, and there may be news in a while, so we just have to wait and see.