
Plan to spend 3 billion yuan to "buy at the bottom"! Why did the pump industry stocks do this? Big news for brain-computer interface! Many potential stocks were hit into a "deep pit"


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Data is a treasure

Data treasure

Less worries about stock trading

The world's top academic conference in the field of brain-computer interface is held in Asia for the first time 25 years after its establishment.

Leo Group intends to use

Investment not exceeding 3 billion yuan

Leo sharesAccording to a recent announcement, the company's board of directors agreed that the company and its subsidiaries could use their own funds up to RMB 3 billion (or equivalent foreign currency at the time of investment) to invest in securities. Investment methods include new share allotment or subscription, stock and depositary receipt investment, bond investment and entrusted financial management.

The company stated that using part of the idle funds for securities investment can maximize the role of idle funds, improve the efficiency of fund use, increase investment income, and seek more investment returns for the company and shareholders.

The reporter noticed that in the first half of this year,Leo sharesThe performance forecast is a loss of 650 million to 800 million yuan, but the non-net profit is a profit of 140 million to 190 million yuan. This is mainly due to the fair value changes of the Ideal Auto shares held and the total profit and loss of some Ideal Auto shares sold during the reporting period, which is approximately -1.27 billion yuan, affecting the net profit attributable to the parent by approximately -953 million yuan.These data indicate that most of Leo Group's performance losses in the first half of the year came from losses in securities investments.

From the perspective of the secondary market, the share price of Leo Group has been hovering above 1 yuan since late May, with the latest closing price of 1.48 yuan and a total market value of 10.02 billion yuan. Some investors are not convinced by the company's plan to use 3 billion yuan for securities investment.

but,Leo sharesStill optimistic about the investment in Ideal Auto. The company stated in an institutional survey on July 15 that as of now, the company still holds about 10 million shares of Ideal Auto in ADS. As a leader among new car-making forces, the company is still optimistic about the future development prospects and stock price performance of Ideal Auto in the long run. The company currently has no plans to sell the Ideal Auto shares it holds, and believes that there are still opportunities to reap considerable returns in the future.

At the end of the first quarter of this year, the company's book trading financial assets were 3.309 billion yuan, accounting for 14.09% of total assets. Such a high securities investment ratio, coupled with the company's digital marketing sector's sluggish growth and declining performance, led to the company's stock price continuing to fall, even falling below its net assets.

at present,Leo sharesThe stock price has triggered the risk area of ​​delisting at par value. Some investors believe that the company holds a large amount of cash and instead of investing in securities, it would be better to increase repurchase efforts, increase the net asset value per share and boost the company's stock price.

The world's top academic leader in brain-computer interface

The conference will be held in Asia for the first time

Recently, the brain-computer interface industry has been making frequent moves. Recently, Tianqiao Brain Science Institute and BCI Association announced that the two parties will jointly hold an international conference in Shanghai, China on December 6 and 7 this year - BCI Society & Chen Institute Joint BCI Meeting, marking the first time that this top academic conference in the field of brain-computer interface in the world has been held in Asia after 25 years.

The BCI Association is the world's most influential brain-computer interface academic institution. Its flagship event, the International BCI Conference, has become a benchmark academic conference in this field since it was first held in New York, USA in 1999.

According to a McKinsey research report, the market size of brain-computer interface is expected to reach US$70 billion to US$200 billion between 2030 and 2040. This huge market size indicates that brain-computer interface technology will usher in rapid development in the next decade.

Since the beginning of this year, the central and local governments have stepped up efforts to introduce policies to encourage and support the development of the brain-computer interface industry. On July 26, a symposium of responsible comrades of the national industrial and information technology authorities was held in Beijing. The meeting emphasized the need to accelerate the cultivation of new pillars and new tracks, seize the opportunities of a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, focus on multiple fields including brain-computer interfaces, and accelerate the development of new quality productivity.

On July 1, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology publicly solicited public opinions on the "Plan for the Establishment of the Brain-Computer Interface Standardization Technical Committee". This move indicates that the formulation of my country's brain-computer interface technical standards is expected to be accelerated.

On May 29, the Cyberspace Administration of China, the State Administration for Market Regulation, and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology jointly issued the "Action Plan for the Construction of Information Technology Standards (2024-2027)", which mentioned that it is necessary to promote the research on brain-computer interface standards, strengthen the development of key technologies and application standards such as input-output interfaces, brain information encoding and decoding algorithms, and brain information security and privacy protection.

In addition, Shanghai has included a number of cutting-edge "hard technologies" including brain-computer interfaces and virtual reality into the "14th Five-Year Plan for the Development of Shanghai's High-end Equipment Industry."

Many potential stocks were hit into "deep pits"

According to statistics from Securities Times Databao, brain-computer interface concept stocks have been weak since the beginning of this year, with the average decline of 30 concept stocks being nearly 32%.ST Zhizhi, Xiangyu Medical, International Medical, Jiahe Intelligent, Nanjing Panda, Hanwang Technology, UCloud-WThe declines were all over 40%.

Judging from the performance data, 12 concept stocks have announced their first half performance forecasts.Peking University MedicineThe company expects net profit after deducting non-recurring items to be between 83.07 million yuan and 95.07 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 220.4% to 266.68%.

Regarding the progress of commercialization, CITIC Securities believes in its latest research report that every step of the commercialization of brain-computer interfaces in the future will attract great attention from the global market, improve the investment boom in the domestic track, and recommends focusing on three main investment lines. Main Line 1: Breakthroughs in overseas leading industries drive up expectations for the prosperity of domestic mapping targets; Main Line 2: Companies that are expected to launch consumer-grade brain-computer products; Main Line 3: Application-end companies that are expected to benefit from the implementation of brain-computer products.

ChengyitongIn the investor interaction platform, the company stated that in terms of invasiveness, the company has established a "brain-computer interface implantable biological laboratory" in May this year. In terms of non-invasiveness, the company will first integrate with Longzhijie's existing rehabilitation products to achieve functional upgrades of existing rehabilitation products; and cooperate with Tsinghua University, South China University of Technology and other universities to actively promote the implementation of non-invasive brain-computer interface products.

Shanxi Securities is optimisticChengyitongGiven the certainty of growth in the next three years and a relatively good match between the price-to-earnings ratio and growth potential, we give Chengyitong an "Overweight-B" rating.

Statement: All information content of Databao does not constitute investment advice. The stock market is risky and investment should be cautious.

Editor: He Yu

Proofreading: Yao Yuan

Data treasure