
The compensation for the return of World of Warcraft official server has been finalized, and the merchant stack mechanism has caused dissatisfaction among players, who directly called the official stingy


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There have been too many good news about the Chinese version of World of Warcraft recently, or it can be said that these news have been announced a long time ago, but they are only recently being fulfilled. Players are getting closer and closer to the opening of the official Chinese version of World of Warcraft. Recently, the official World of Warcraft also announced the opening time and compensation rules of the official version of the merchant store, and of course, announced which items will appear in the merchant store. However, this time the merchant store compensation has made many players dissatisfied. So why did this merchant store compensation cause dissatisfaction among the players?

Let's talk about the first core content first. The Merchant Outpost of the official server of World of Warcraft will be officially opened on August 2. In fact, I'm not sure whether the opening on August 2 will cause dissatisfaction among players, but from my perspective, I think there is a certain possibility that the opening on August 2 is that the World of Warcraft official is sanctioning the studio. Some players who have not played the official server may not understand a mechanism that the Merchant Outpost is not refreshed on the 1st of each month, but on the 2nd of each month. If you ask me why it is refreshed on the 2nd, I don't understand.

Because the official mechanism is refreshed on the 2nd of every month, the opening time of the Merchant Stack in the national server is also on the 2nd. However, it seems like a disaster for most studios, because as early as July, the studios were ready to start taking orders, because they could use one or two days to quickly help everyone complete the July tasks and obtain enough Merchant Stack coins for exchange. The studios have also received many orders, and now they can only cancel the orders.

So currently, the people who hate this strategy the most are actually the studios and some boosters. However, this is not the first time that World of Warcraft has sanctioned the studios, especially when the WLK nostalgic server was just launched and it directly announced that it would launch a direct upgrade package, which directly caused many studios to lose a large number of orders, and this time is no exception. Of course, ordinary players will also lose more or less, but the loss will not be that much. Secondly, August 1 is a working day and most players can't actually do much.

Secondly, the official is quite considerate to a certain extent. Although players cannot participate in the merchant exchange in July, the official is still very considerate and gave everyone the 500 merchant coins given in July. Rounding it off, players can get 1,500 merchant coins in August. Of course, this includes 500 merchant coins given in August and 500 merchant coins obtained by completing the August tasks, so a total of 1,500 merchant coins can be obtained.

Secondly, the official will launch the National Service Merchant Coin Compensation Plan in September. This compensation plan is actually very simple. As long as you have game time, you can go to the official website every month to receive 500 Merchant Coins. Of course, a National Service Exclusive Merchant will also be added. However, the specific items in the National Service Exclusive Merchant will be subject to the official announcement at that time. Of course, this compensation plan will last for a total of 12 months, although it can largely allow players to obtain items that they have not obtained before.

But there is another problem, because the amount of Merchant Coins that can be obtained each month is relatively fixed, but the items that can be exchanged have been increased to include some exclusive items for the Chinese server, so sometimes it makes players feel difficult to exchange. Secondly, players missed out on 17,000 Merchant Coins, but the official only compensated 6,500 Merchant Coins, which is a bit stingy to a certain extent, but of course for casual players, this compensation is relatively good.

However, most players still think that the official is rather stingy, because compared with Hearthstone's launch gift package, World of Warcraft's launch gift package does seem a bit stingy. After all, Hearthstone directly fills in the missing cards in 2023 for players, which is a direct boost for some casual players and zero-氪 players, while the gift package on the World of Warcraft side seems a bit better than nothing. I hope that other compensation rewards will be richer so as not to disappoint the players.