
In Ukraine, forced conscripts desert on their way to the front


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In Ukraine, a group of recruits being mobilized for the military escaped from a minibus at the Territorial Recruiting Center (TCC, Ukraine's military registration and conscription office) on their way to the front, according to the Ukrainian news website The incident occurred during a stop at a gas station.

The men got out of the car, quietly opened the back door and began to flee, according to reporters. The disappearance of the mobilised men was not immediately noticed and it is unclear whether they have been captured.

Earlier, British media reported that despite the shortage of manpower in the army, more and more Ukrainian young people of military age refused to serve. Before the mobilization efforts were intensified, more than 20,000 Ukrainian citizens had fled abroad. A young man who escaped told the media that he wanted to leave the country because he was sure he would not survive long on the battlefield.

Military journalist Alexander Kotz previously stated that due to the reckless TCC arrests and mobilizations, residents in the Odessa region set fire to a record number of TCC vehicles every day, with five vehicles burned in one night.