
14 tracks are launched simultaneously! Guangzhou Mass Entrepreneurship and Innovation Competition promotes a new model of market-oriented reform


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Recently, a reporter from Nandu learned from the Guangzhou Science and Technology Bureau that the 13th China Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition (Guangdong Guangzhou Division) and the 2024 Guangzhou Science and Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition have officially started. For the first time, a competition model combining "market" + "government" will be adopted. The city will solicit and select industry competition organizers and select 14 subdivided industry tracks.

In terms of track selection, the competition focuses on Guangzhou's strategic emerging industries, especially the subdivided tracks in Guangzhou where Guangzhou has certain advantages and industrial agglomeration, and further subdivides the tracks from the six major industry directions of the national competition: new generation information technology, biomedicine, high-end equipment manufacturing, energy conservation and environmental protection, new materials, new energy and new energy vehicles.

Among them, the field of new generation information technology is subdivided into five tracks: new generation information equipment and communication networks, software and information services, semiconductors and integrated circuits, artificial intelligence industry ecosystem, and digital creativity; the field of biomedicine is subdivided into two tracks: pharmaceutical research and development, and medical devices; in the field of new materials, there are two tracks: synthetic biology, and new materials and fine chemicals; the field of new energy and new energy vehicles is subdivided into two tracks: new energy, and intelligent and new energy vehicles; the field of high-end equipment is subdivided into two tracks: intelligent equipment and rail transit; the field of energy conservation and environmental protection is not subdivided.

In terms of award setting, separate rewards are set for each track, and ultimately there will be 14 track champions, 168 third prizes and above, with a total reward amount exceeding 40 million yuan. The highest single reward is the first prize in the growth group, with a reward of 500,000 yuan.

Sun Xiang, deputy director of the Guangzhou Science and Technology Bureau, said, "Industry competition organizers have full autonomy and can coordinate and integrate industry resources to organize competitions and take active actions around subdivided industries. They can also leverage more social capital to coordinate competitions and radiate and drive forces from all walks of life to support corporate innovation."

In terms of the judging method, the competition integrates various existing social events and government-organized events in Guangzhou through the form of solicitation and selection, solicits projects in a market-oriented manner, and conducts judging in the form of government-organized competitions.

At present, the solicitation and selection of organizers of various industry competitions has been completed. The organizers of industry competitions include various types of enterprises and institutions such as new R&D institutions, investment institutions, incubation and innovation carriers, industrial alliances, etc. The participating entities of the competition are more extensive, the organizational form is more flexible, and the implementation process is more efficient.

According to the new competition rules, the competition is divided into registration, industry competition, finals, due diligence and other links. Each track is divided into two groups: start-up group and growth group. The 14 industry competitions are hosted by various social enterprises and institutions. Registration is completed based on the "Science and Technology Brain" system of the Guangzhou Science and Technology Bureau. According to the unified work requirements, the project review is carried out independently, and no more than 20 (inclusive) winning companies in the start-up group and growth group of the track are recommended to advance to the finals. The finals will be organized by the organizing committee of the competition in the form of offline roadshows.

In addition to the industry competition, the competition also has a Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan competition, which has unique characteristics of the Bay Area. This year's competition strengthens the joint innovation between Guangzhou and Hong Kong. The Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan competition is combined with the Guangzhou competition of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology's million-dollar entrepreneurship competition, further leveraging the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology's many years of competition mechanism and entrepreneurial ecosystem resources to discover and cultivate Hong Kong and Macao scientific and technological innovation projects with high technical content and good industrialization prospects, attract more Hong Kong and Macao scientific and technological achievements to be transferred and transformed in Guangzhou, and explore new models and mechanisms for Guangzhou and Hong Kong to jointly create a full-chain innovation development path.

Enterprises or teams with backgrounds in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan can sign up for the Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan competition (the same enterprise and project cannot sign up for both the industry competition and the Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan competition). Through the "superimposed rewards" of the two brand competitions, the winning projects will be given support of up to nearly 500,000 yuan (equivalent), helping the scientific and technological achievements of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan to be "created in Guangzhou".

Written by: Southern Metropolis Daily reporter Wang Meisu and correspondent Li Xiaoyin