
Explore the unique styles of Ouyang Zhongshi’s three disciples, who is better?


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Ouyang Zhongshi is a famous calligrapher, educator and professor at Beijing Normal University. His students are spread all over the world and he has trained a group of outstanding calligraphy talents.

Old Master Ouyang has three apprentices. Liu Wenhua is good at calligraphy, Wang Youqing is good at seal script, and Li Song is good at Weibei.

Liu Wenhua, Wang Youyi and Li Song are all Ouyang Zhongshi's most proud disciples. Their calligraphy styles are different and unique. Under Ouyang's influence, they have become a "three-legged tripod" situation!

1. Calligraphy Master Liu Wenhua

Liu Wenhua was previously unknown, but later he died of pneumonia and reappeared in the public eye. This Wenhua Calligraphy Competition is held to commemorate him and to make him famous.

Liu Wenhua is very interested in calligraphy. Not only has he won numerous awards for calligraphy, but his works have also been collected by many national and local institutions. Some of his works have even been sent to Zhongnanhai and the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, which shows the high level of his attainments in calligraphy.

Liu Wenhua was proficient in many styles of calligraphy, especially official script. He enjoyed the kingdom of official script, starting from "Cao Quan Tablet" and then expanding to other Han official scripts, thus establishing the lofty status of official script.

The "Cao Quan Stele" he created is so lifelike that it dazzles the eyes! It is said that it is difficult to find an authentic work by a famous artist, but Liu Wenhua was able to copy it.

His small seal script travels freely in the time tunnel of ancient and modern times. In his calligraphy creation, he not only inherits the tradition, but also innovates new things. He has his own unique insights and "Wenhua Lishu".

In ancient calligraphy, out of ancient calligraphy! His calligraphy works have both the elegance and simplicity of ancient style, and the popularity and new rhythm of contemporary style, giving people a heavy sense of history.

His official script is vigorous and powerful, he is good at taking shapes according to the situation, the density of the characters is in sharp contrast, the brushwork is dry and smooth and coordinated, the composition is clear and unique, and it is quite interesting.

In this era, there are countless people who are good at calligraphy. Liu Wenhua's calligraphy is undoubtedly a rare flower in the garden of official script, with a refreshing fragrance that is refreshing and refreshing.

2. Wang Youyi, who specializes in seal script

Wang Zhiyou, who is the same age as the Republic, was born in Kyoto. The humanistic environment and superior geographical environment make him full of rich humanistic atmosphere.

He is a graduate of the calligraphy department of Beijing Normal University, and studied under Mr. Ouyang. His seal script works have been collected by major institutions and organizations.

With his unique seal script technique, Wang Youyi won the highest award in the Chinese calligraphy world - the Lanting Art Award!

His seal script started from "Sanji Pan", then to "Stone Drum Inscription", and then to "Qin Stele". In addition to oracle bone inscriptions and bronze inscriptions, he formed a complete seal script system. Therefore, there is no part of his seal script that does not exude an ancient and solemn atmosphere.

He used the "Shanshi Pan Inscription" as a model and developed a heavy, simple, clever yet clumsy brushwork. His characters are just right and unique, and full of strong spirit.

Wang Zhiyou's seal characters are famous for their "antiquity"! His painting style is majestic and vigorous, giving people a sense of elegant and agile art; the simplicity of the lines reveals a strong breath of life.

Through his study of oracle bone inscriptions, he has integrated them into an artistic realm of ruggedness, strangeness, power, and grace, and into all the characteristics of oracle bone inscriptions.

Wang Zhiyou is best at oracle bone script, and his cursive script is even better.

3. Li Song, who is good at writing Weibei

Li Song is known as the best calligrapher of Weibei in Beijing. His calligraphy is unrivaled in the world! However, he did not focus on Weibei at that time, but on the cursive script that many calligraphers like. By that time, Li Song's cursive script had made great progress.

At that time, Weibei was not well received in the calligraphy world and was called "the decline of stele calligraphy"! The strong advocacy of the two predecessors, Sun Boxiang and Ouyang Zhongshi, naturally became one of the reasons why Li Song changed his original intention and concentrated on studying Weibei.

Li Song has a good foundation in calligraphy, so his stele has a strong flavor of grass and looks very spiritual.

The contrast between light and dark, and the arrangement of density make Lanting Preface full of interest. Some people say that the most difficult thing about writing is that it has no "flavor", just like the seasoning of cooking, only with "flavor" can people like it.

Li Song's Weibei calligraphy has both the elegant, implicit and agile features of Southern Dynasty calligraphy and the majestic, simple and powerful atmosphere of Northern Dynasty calligraphy.

Li Song's Wei stele has the shadow of both "Twenty-four Portraits of Longmen" and "Zhang Menglong Stele", so his calligraphy style is simple and fresh, yet natural, with a kind of natural beauty.

Master Ouyang Zhongshi has three apprentices. Which one has better calligraphy and is more famous? Please leave your comments!