
Insider information on volunteer application data: Why did three 985 universities hit the daily limit and ten 211 universities plummet?


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This article is 《Volunteer application data internal reference》Chapter 25.

For a more in-depth data comparison and analysis, you can read my original article "Volunteer application internal reference》special topic.

1. Analysis of changes in the admission score of 985 universities in Sichuan Province

Judging from the data, Shandong University, Hunan University and Dalian University of Technology Panjin are the top three with the largest declines, while Jilin University, Northwest A&F University and Northeastern University are the top three with the largest increases.

Regarding the sharp drop in the rankings of Shandong University and Hunan University, I have made predictions in advance in the article "Insider Reference for Volunteer Application: These 985 and 211 Universities May Plunge in Sichuan!" If you are interested, you can take a look at it!

II. Analysis of the changes in the admission score of 211 universities in Sichuan

Judging from the data, the fluctuation of 211 universities is much greater than that of 985 universities. China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing) has plummeted by 62,000 places, which is really shocking!

The selection concept of professionalism first has caused 985 and 211 universities to fall from the altar.

III. Analysis of changes in the admission scores of non-key universities in Sichuan Province

The fluctuation of non-211 universities is even more tragic! Compared with 211 universities, the fluctuation of the top ten non-211 universities is at least 40,000, while the fluctuation of the top ten 211 universities is only 10,000.

4. Brother Xun’s View

When choosing universities and majors, candidates and parents basically make their choices based on the strength of the identification.

From the perspective of identification, 985 universities > 211 universities > non-985 universities.

The higher the identification, the more stable the school's admission ranking. Therefore, 985 universities are relatively stable, and the admission ranking of 211 universities is relatively stable. However, the selection criteria of non-985 universities are different, so there will definitely be large fluctuations in the data!

This is the underlying logic behind the fluctuations in Sichuan Province’s old college entrance examination data!

In the midst of fluctuations, we can only seize some good opportunities based on our personal positioning and the major of the school.

2025 will be the first year of the new college entrance examination in Sichuan Province, and there will be more opportunities to seize.