
Post-match report丨2024LPL Summer Group Match Report [Shanghai EDG Hechuang Auto VS UP]


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2024 LPL Summer Season Group Match

Match Report

Shanghai EDG Hechuang Automobile 2:0 UP

July 27, 17:00

first round

In this game, Shanghai EDG Hechuang Automobile won and the MVP was given to player Cryin!

[22:00] Cryin grabbed the Baron, and Leave killed the opponent's jungler;

[29:00] The big dragon BUFF pushed forward in three directions and won the victory with great momentum!

(EDG Blue Side)

Game 2

In this game, Shanghai EDG Hechuang Automobile won and the MVP was given to player Jiejie!

[21:40] In the Baron fight, Cryin killed the opponent's top and support in succession;

[27:40] Jiejie grabbed the Baron and completed a two-for-three exchange in a teamfight;

[34:30] We advanced into the middle lane and killed four people, successfully winning the victory!

(EDG Red Side)

Congratulations to Shanghai EDG Hechuang Auto for winning today's game! The 2024 LPL Summer Season journey of the EDG Knights has come to an end today.

This summer journey was not as smooth as we had hoped at the beginning of the season. Facing the challenges brought by personnel changes and version changes, our performance did not meet expectations. Although our status improved at the end of the season, we still missed the chance to advance.

We sincerely thank every young knight who has always paid attention to us and given us firm support. Although the season has ended, the journey of the Knights has not ended. We will continue to move forward and pursue our goals as always. The pace of the Knights will never stop.