
A self-media public account published false information many times and was fined!


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Source: Internet Joint Rumor Refutation Platform

Recently, a self-media public account in Xinhui District, Jiangmen City, Guangdong ProvinceIn order to attract traffic and increase ad reading,Published false information many times.For disrupting social public order, the Xinhui Public Security Bureau imposed administrative penalties on the public account operators in accordance with the law.

Recently, a self-media public account in XinhuiA tweet titled "Car accident on Xinhui Mingde Road, drive carefully" was posted, accompanied by a video and text description.Once this news was released, it attracted the attention and forwarding of many netizens, causing adverse social impact.

After a quick investigation by Xinhui Public Security Bureau,It is confirmed that the traffic accident in the video occurred somewhere else, not in Xinhui District, and the content of the video is completely inconsistent with the content of the title.The operators use public accounts to publish false information through "network copying" and personal processing and fabrication to attract traffic.

After in-depth investigation, it was found thatThis self-media public account has published false information several timesThe Xinhui Public Security Bureau has summoned the operators of the public accounts for reminders, informing them that they should strengthen the review of the content of tweets to ensure the authenticity of the information released.

The operator fabricated a traffic accident that occurred on May 20 and said it happened on July 1 and released it again

However, the operator of the public account once again crossed the bottom line of the law. On July 21, the Xinhui police summoned the operator of the public account, Zou (male, from Xinhui), to the police station for investigation in accordance with the law.

During the questioning process, ZouWithout verifying the location of the incident in the video, the police misidentified the incident and published false information on the self-media public account.Zou confessed to the illegal behavior. Zou said that he wanted to use social hot spots to attract attention and arouse the attention of netizens, so as to increase the number of readers of his company's advertising information interspersed in the public account tweets. After the police's legal education, Zou realized the harmfulness of his behavior and promised to regulate his online behavior in the future and no longer post unverified information on the public account.

At present, Xinhui Public Security BureauAdministrative penalties have been imposed on Zou in accordance with the law, and ordered it to immediately delete the relevant false information articles and videos and eliminate the adverse effects.

Source: WeChat official account of "Guangdong Provincial Internet Reporting Center" and WeChat official account of "Kuixiang Police News"