
Yike Business Review | Beyond assetization, digital collections will lead a new virtual social ecosystem


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Source: Cover News

Soul App debuts at the 21st ChinaJoy, launching the ChinaJoy special edition of "Shanhailing·Dasheng Shanhai"

On July 26, the 21st ChinaJoy in 2024 opened grandly at the Shanghai New International Expo Center. As a new social platform that has long paid attention to youth culture trends, Soul officially launched the original IP "Shanhailing·Dashengshanhai" China Joy special digital avatar at this CJ exhibition, showing the native trend culture nurtured by the platform. At the exhibition, Che Bin, vice president and product manager of Soul App, said: "AI has gradually blurred the boundaries between social scenes and game scenes. Next, there may not be a need to strictly distinguish between social and games, because social and games will eventually end up in the same place. Whether it is social gamification or the continuous enhancement of social attributes of the game itself, users should have interesting and interactive experiences in more immersive scenes."

Comments:In the past, digital collections were all based on the perspective of digital assetization, providing users with a new possibility to explore a whole new universe. Today, virtual images such as "Shanhailing·Dashengshanhai" are active in the public eye, giving people a concrete display of online travel, sports, singing, etc. with other people in the online world. Combined with Soul's social scenes, no user has a reason to refuse this way of socializing. In line with the development trend of pan-entertainment social networking in the metaverse, Soul and its digital human images and digital collection function innovations are bound to lead a new virtual social ecology.

lululemon announces its first appearance at the CIIE

The 7th China International Import Expo officially ushered in the 100-day countdown to its opening. The sports lifestyle brand lululemon announced that it will make its first major appearance at the Expo from November 5 to 10 this year. At that time, lululemon will focus on the exhibition theme of "Feeling First" to tell the brand's extraordinary journey in China. While showcasing innovative products in various categories, it will also share the moving story of actively building a vibrant community in China over the past decade.

Comments:The CIIE is coming, and the spillover effect has been continuously manifested. From overseas food, clothing, daily necessities to imported lifestyles, "Internet celebrity" brands have become "long-lasting" at the CIIE. Represented by lululemon, the import of high-quality products and services appears at the CIIE, which is very necessary for the high-quality development of China's economy and the high-quality life of the people. After all, while expanding the scale of imports, it is also necessary to optimize the import structure, increase the import proportion of consumer goods, especially high-end products and services, and strike a balance between buying a product and experiencing a service.

Helping to integrate online and offline consumption, Meiwan won the first Shanghai Business Innovation Award

On July 25, at the Shanghai Business Innovation Award Ceremony held by the Shanghai Federation of Commerce, Meiwan (Shanghai) Network Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Meiwan") won the first "Shanghai Business Innovation Award Nomination Award", which is intended to recognize Meiwan's efforts and achievements in promoting the integration of online and offline consumption, releasing consumer vitality through digital live broadcasting, and cooperating with Silk Road partner countries. According to relevant Meiwan officials, in the future, Meiwan will continue to uphold the corporate responsibility and values ​​of "human fireworks and righteousness", use the live broadcast economic effect to give full play to its accumulation in live broadcast e-commerce and content innovation, promote multicultural exchanges while promoting products, and help Silk Road partner countries to create more possibilities for cooperation.

Comments:Through multiple online themed live broadcasts to promote new attempts, Meiwan has innovated the "Silk Road Cloud Products" consumption scenario, effectively integrating products and culture, allowing consumers to experience the unique charm of the "Silk Road Countries" without leaving their homes, and increasing the exposure of characteristic products of the "Silk Road E-commerce Partner Countries", effectively leveraging the unique advantages of live broadcast e-commerce in enhancing consumer experience and releasing consumption potential.

The Deputy Minister of Commerce of Thailand and his delegation visited Simba Xinxuan Group

On July 25, PUNTIL JONGJITTRAKOON, Deputy Minister of Commerce of Thailand, and his delegation visited Xinxuan Group for inspection and exchange, and held discussions with Xin Youzhi, the founder of Xinxuan Group, and others, to discuss in depth the blueprint for cooperation between China and Thailand in the fields of e-commerce and supply chain, and visited the Xinxuan live broadcast room.

Comments:As a leading live streaming e-commerce company in China, Xinxuan Group launched the first stop of its "Xinxuan International Overseas Expansion Plan" in Thailand last year, with total sales exceeding 830 million yuan and total orders exceeding 6.78 million, of which 1.62 million durians were sold. We believe that in the future, the two sides will work together to actively build new trade infrastructure and promote exchanges and cooperation between China and Thailand in e-commerce and various industries.