
Why do more and more people not lay wooden floors? Experienced people say: These 6 disadvantages are unbearable!


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For home decoration floors, tiles and wooden floors are still the main ones.

I don't know if you have noticed that many rich people prefer wooden floors, while ordinary families prefer tiles.

Especially with the popularity of tiled flooring, more and more people have given up wooden floors and chosen tiles.

So should we choose tiles or wooden floors?This is also a question we should decide before decorating.

Why do more and more people not install wooden floors? People who have experienced it say these 6 disadvantages are unbearable.

Why did many families choose wooden floors?

Wooden flooring is a floor covering material that uses wood as the base material and then has its surface treated with wear-resistant or other treatments.

Wooden flooring is divided into solid wood flooring, solid wood composite flooring and laminate flooring according to the materials used and processing methods.

There are indeed great differences in the conditions and usage effects of these different wooden floors.

So why did many families choose to lay wooden floors?

In fact, I personally think that there are many reasons. For this reason, I have specially summarized and believe that the following four points are the main reasons.

1. Comfort

One of the important reasons why wooden floors were chosen by many people was that they were very comfortable.

In fact, our home decoration, to a large extent, is to create a comfortable home.

When it comes to comfort, the floor is also critical.

In particular, many friends are used to walking barefoot on the ground, so they have very high requirements for the comfort of the ground.

And if we compare various floor decoration materials, we will find that wooden floors are very comfortable.

The comfort of wooden floors is mainly reflected in the following two aspects:

1. The hardness is relatively comfortable. It is very comfortable to walk barefoot on the wooden floor. Because it has a certain degree of softness, it will not hurt your feet, but it is very soft and feels very comfortable.

2. The temperature is also comfortable. Because the temperature of the wood surface is not particularly low. Similarly, walking on it barefoot also feels very gentle and makes people feel particularly comfortable.

2. Safety

When many friends chose wooden floors, one factor they would consider was safety.

Why do we choose wooden floors for safety reasons?

In fact, this mainly considers the hardness and slip resistance of the wooden floor surface.

If you compare this to tiles, then tiles are really a complete loser.

Especially for families with elderly people and children, it is a good idea to choose wooden floors.

Because even if you fall on the ground, there will be no problem. However, falling on the tiled floor may be a hidden danger.

The reason why wooden floors are safer is mainly due to the following reasons:

1. The hardness of the wooden floor surface is not high. Even if a child falls on the ground, it will not break. Therefore, if there are elderly and children in the family, this requirement is very important.

2. The surface of wooden floor is more slip-resistant. Wooden floor is not as smooth as the surface of ceramic tile, so even if you run on the wooden floor, it is not easy to fall, which is safer.

3. High-quality

At the beginning, many friends chose wooden floors because they were attracted by the high-end decoration of wooden floors.

This point is indeed very obvious.

If we compare the wooden floors and tiles in our home, you will find the difference.

The most important difference is the level of decoration.

Because wooden floors are made of wood and have wood texture on the surface, they give people a very natural and classy feeling.

After laying wooden floors at home, the overall decoration level can be significantly improved:

1. Wooden floors can better show the grade of decoration and improve the cultural atmosphere of the whole home. This is also the reason why many wealthy people install high-end wooden floors in their homes.

2. Wooden floor can be better matched with some solid wood furniture at home. It creates a very typical Chinese decoration style, which makes people look very tasteful.

4. Follow the trend

There was another reason why many friends chose wooden floors at the beginning, which was to follow the trend.

I wonder if you have ever studied the changes in home decoration materials?

If you study the changing trend of home decoration materials, you will find that there was a time when wooden floors were very popular.

It can be said that during that time, most home decoration would choose to lay wooden floors.

In fact, we may not know what the benefits of wooden floors are. We just see others installing them and then we install them in our own homes.

This is caused by following the trend. The reasons are as follows:

1. When I saw my relatives, friends or neighbors installing wooden floors, I felt that if I laid tiles in my own home, it would be a bit out of date, so I laid tiles in my own home too.

2. When we choose the decoration style or decoration materials, we are also attracted by the overwhelming promotion of wooden flooring. There are people laying and selling wooden flooring everywhere, so we unconsciously follow suit.

Why do more and more people not lay wooden floors?

If you learn about home decoration now, you will find that the mainstream floor paving is tile laying.

So, if we look for a designer, you will find that most designers recommend to us that the whole house is covered with tiles.

In fact, if you go to the market, you will find that there are indeed many more tiles for sale than wooden floors.

So why does this happen? Why do more and more people not lay wooden floors?

I personally think that the following six reasons are responsible for this. Do you agree?

1. Concerns about environmental protection

In fact, the reason why many friends do not install wooden floors is largely due to concerns about environmental protection.

At this stage, more friends are paying attention to the issue of environmental protection in decoration.

Therefore, when choosing decoration materials, people are worried that these decoration materials contain formaldehyde.

Because for wooden floors, there are indeed the following problems:

1. During the processing of the board, a certain amount of glue is indeed used. These glues contain more or less formaldehyde, especially for some cheap wooden floors.

2. Pollutants in wooden floors are difficult to release, so the incubation period is very long. When affected by rising temperatures, the release will intensify, resulting in excessive pollution.

2. Maintenance is troublesome

One of the important reasons why many friends do not choose wooden floors is that it is more troublesome to maintain.

This is particularly true for solid wood floors, especially high-end solid wood floors.

If we lay ceramic tiles in our home, we almost don't need any maintenance and just need to mop the floor regularly.

However, for some high-end wooden floors, there are the following maintenance issues:

1. Regular maintenance is required. Some high-end solid wood floors generally need to be maintained once a year, and the cost of each maintenance is several thousand yuan, which many families cannot afford.

2. Wooden floors are delicate. If not maintained, there may be various problems, such as wear and tear, dullness, and even cracks on the surface.

3. High price

More and more people do not choose to install wooden floors, and one of the factors is the price factor.

For some good solid wood floors, the price is indeed on the high side.

Most of our friends will consider the issue of decoration budget when decorating.

So, after comparing various floor covering materials, we found that the price of wooden flooring is indeed high.

Why do I say so?

Compare ceramic tiles and wooden floors and you'll find the following price differences:

1. The price of solid wood flooring is basically 400-500 yuan per square meter. This price is indeed unaffordable for many families, so they may give up wooden flooring as a second choice.

2. The price of solid wood composite flooring per square meter has basically reached 200 yuan or even higher. At this price, you can buy very high-end tiles.

3. For most tiles, the price per square meter is basically within 200 yuan, which includes the cost of tiles and the cost of paving.

4. Influence of floor heating

Another reason why more and more people are abandoning wooden floors is the influence of floor heating.

Of course, this is mainly for residents who have floor heating installed in their homes.

In many areas in the north, new houses are actually equipped with floor heating.

After the wooden floor is affected by floor heating, some problems will arise:

1. Arching and cracking of wooden floor. Wooden floor will expand to a certain extent when heated. If the moisture content is not up to standard, you will find that the wooden floor arches and cracks in serious cases.

2. The release of pollutants in the wooden floor intensifies. Especially when heated by floor heating, it always feels like you can't breathe and it's very stuffy.

5. High environmental requirements

The reason why more and more friends give up installing wooden floors is actually due to environmental factors.

This mainly means that wooden floors have very high requirements for the environment in which they are used.

The environment used here mainly includes human temperature, humidity and other factors.

The influence of temperature and humidity will cause the following problems in wooden floors:

①. Cracking and deformation of wooden floors.It is mainly due to the influence of temperature, which causes thermal expansion and contraction, and then the wooden floor will begin to crack and bulge, and in severe cases, it will even warp.

②. Mildew on wooden floors.This is mainly affected by humidity. If the humidity is high, the water vapor cannot dissipate. Over time, the wooden floor will become moldy and produce a musty smell.

6. Not durable

The reason why more and more families do not install wooden floors is largely because wooden floors are indeed not durable.

When we choose decoration materials, in addition to considering comfort and appearance, we must also consider durability.

Because for most of our families, after decorating a house, we want to live in it forever.

If the wooden floor is not durable, it will cause many bad problems:

1. The wood floor peels and warps. This is also a common problem with some low-end wood floors. The manifestation is that the edges of the wood floor peel or even the whole piece falls off.

2. The gaps in the wooden floor will become moldy and black, which will eventually cause the edges of the wooden floor to slowly crack and become severely peeling.

3. Scratches appear on the surface of wooden floor. Because the hardness of wooden floor is not very high after all, if it is rubbed for a long time, many scratches will appear on it, and it will become uglier and uglier.

When decorating the floor of a home, try to choose easy-to-use and durable materials. This is also a very important reason why tile paving is popular.

So, whether to choose wooden flooring generally depends on our family situation. If we can maintain it regularly and cherish the floor, then we can choose wooden flooring. Otherwise, it is recommended that you choose to lay tiles.

(This article is compiled and edited by Qijia Anan, and the pictures are from the Internet. If there is any infringement, please let us know to delete it!)