
The State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission made an important statement!


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China Fund News reporter Lu Yu

On the morning of July 26, the State Council Information Office held a series of press conferences on "Promoting High-quality Development". Wang Hongzhi, Deputy Director of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, Lin Qingmiao, Director of the Enterprise Reform Bureau of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, and Liu Shaowei, Head of the Financial Supervision and Operation Evaluation Bureau of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, attended the press conference.

According to the above-mentioned SASAC official, the SASAC will fully implement the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee and the National Science and Technology Conference in the next step, use the creation of "three high grounds" as a starting point, and promote central enterprises to play the role of the main battlefield and main force in the development of new quality productive forces; and will increase policy support for investors, guide central enterprises to keep a close eye on the direction of the new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation, and play a leading role in this round of large-scale equipment renewal; in the next five years, central enterprises are expected to arrange large-scale equipment renewal and transformation with a total investment of more than 3 trillion yuan.

Focus on creating an "innovation highland"

Wang Hongzhi said at the press conference that the next step will be to fully implement the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee and the National Science and Technology Conference, focus on building "three high grounds", concentrate superior resources and forces, and promote central enterprises to play the role of the main battlefield and main force in developing new quality productive forces.

"We will focus on building an 'innovation highland' and strengthen the primary driving force for developing new quality productivity. Taking national strategic needs, scientific and technological development trends and industrial upgrading needs as the main attack direction, we will implement the new national system in all aspects, firmly invest in areas with long R&D cycles, large research and development investments, and weak willingness of other types of enterprises to participate, create an upgraded version of the innovation consortium, promote the integration of industry, academia and research, and promote full-chain innovation from basic research to industrialization." Wang Hongzhi emphasized.

According to Wang Hongzhi, over the past 10 years, the assets, income and profits of central enterprises have increased significantly. The cumulative taxes and fees paid account for about 1/7 of the national tax revenue. In addition, they also handed over 1.5 trillion yuan of state-owned capital income and transferred 1.2 trillion yuan of state-owned capital to the social security fund.

At the same time, fixed asset investment in 2023 reached 5.1 trillion yuan, an increase of 11.4% year-on-year, 8.4 percentage points higher than the growth rate of fixed asset investment in the whole society, injecting confidence into stabilizing social expectations.

By the end of 2023, the total assets of central enterprises reached 86.6 trillion yuan, 2.8 times that of the end of 2012. The added value, revenue and profits have all doubled compared with 2012. Efficiency indicators such as operating income profit margin and labor productivity per capita have grown steadily, and economic operations have continued to maintain stability and progress, with improved quality and efficiency.

In terms of strengthening the research and development of key core technologies, during the 13th Five-Year Plan period, the central enterprises' R&D investment grew by an average of 14.5% per year, and in the past two years, R&D investment has exceeded one trillion yuan. A number of landmark results have been achieved in aerospace, deep sea, energy, transportation and other fields, and major breakthroughs have been achieved in key materials and core components.

In terms of structural optimization and adjustment, the SASAC has vigorously promoted strategic restructuring and professional integration, completing the restructuring and integration of 28 groups of 50 enterprises and newly establishing and taking over 15 central enterprises.

In addition, central enterprises have provided strong support for the implementation of major national deployments. They provide nearly 100% of the country's basic telecommunications services, 96% of power grid coverage, 67% of oil refining capacity, 54% of power installed capacity, and 25% of coal production, and are an important force in maintaining energy resources and food security.

Promoting the coordinated development of state-owned and private enterprises

Further leveraging the leading and driving role of state-owned enterprises and promoting the coordinated development of state-owned and private enterprises is a key task in deepening and upgrading the reform of state-owned enterprises, and is also an important cornerstone for building a high-level socialist market economic system.

Lin Qingmiao said that in recent years, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council has been actively promoting the mutual promotion and coordinated development of state-owned enterprises and private enterprises in the process of actively building a new development pattern and promoting high-quality development. In summary, there are "four cooperations":

The first is capital-level cooperation. Since the deepening and upgrading of state-owned enterprise reform, central enterprises have actively carried out equity cooperation with private enterprises and other social capital, with an amount exceeding 390 billion yuan. So far, central enterprises have invested in more than 13,000 enterprises of various types, and state-owned enterprises and private enterprises have made important progress in capital cooperation.

The second is industrial chain cooperation. Central enterprises have carried out joint chain actions, and jointly supplemented, extended, consolidated and strengthened the industrial chain with upstream and downstream enterprises in the industrial chain, driving the coordinated development of more than 5,700 business entities. Behind each "chain leader" enterprise, there are many private enterprises participating and cooperating.

The third is supply chain collaboration. In the procurement work of central enterprises, by lowering the procurement threshold and reducing transaction costs, they have effectively supported the development of private enterprises. Currently, among the more than 2 million enterprises in the upstream and downstream of the supply chain directly driven by central enterprises, 96% are private small and medium-sized enterprises.

Fourth, scientific and technological innovation cooperation. In the key areas of strategic emerging industries and future industries, central enterprises took the lead in building 24 innovation consortia, carried out joint research with private enterprises, universities, research institutes, etc., and made breakthroughs in a large number of key core technologies with independent intellectual property rights in industrial software, industrial mother machines, computing power networks, new materials, etc., making important contributions to high-level scientific and technological self-reliance.

Lin Qingmiao said, "In the next step, we will improve the institutional rules for cooperation between state-owned enterprises and private enterprises, continue to carry out the coordinated development and project promotion of state-owned enterprises and private enterprises, and guide state-owned enterprises to build a collaborative and win-win supply chain ecology."

Large-scale equipment transformation of central enterprises in the next five years

Total investment will exceed 3 trillion yuan

The State Council executive meeting held last Friday made special arrangements to increase support for large-scale equipment upgrades.

In this regard, Liu Shaowei said that the SASAC recently held a meeting to promote large-scale equipment renewal of central enterprises. The main purpose was to guide central enterprises to take the lead and focus on "five accelerations" to promote the implementation of key tasks of large-scale equipment renewal.

First, we will accelerate the upgrading of advanced equipment. We will accelerate the replacement and transformation of a number of production devices and equipment that have been in service for a long time, have low production efficiency, and have backward process technology, and update and deploy a number of advanced equipment with high technology, high efficiency, and high reliability.

Second, accelerate the promotion of digital transformation. Accelerate the implementation of a number of "intelligent transformation, digital transformation and network connection" projects, promote the deep integration of new technologies such as artificial intelligence with the entire process and all factors of manufacturing, and accelerate the replacement of intelligent equipment and the large-scale deployment of new network infrastructure.

The third is to accelerate the promotion of green transformation. Promote a batch of green equipment, vigorously promote pollution reduction and carbon reduction, energy conservation and consumption reduction, strengthen equipment energy efficiency management, accelerate the renovation of equipment with low energy efficiency, vigorously plan resource recycling, and form a virtuous cycle from product research and development to recycling.

Fourth, accelerate the promotion of intrinsic safety. Implement a number of old equipment renovations, strengthen the application of safety technology and safety equipment, carry out "mechanized replacement of people, automated reduction of people" and "robots replacing people" in areas with high incidence of safety hazards, strengthen online monitoring and management of various types of hazardous sources, and improve the prediction and prevention level of accidents and disasters.

Fifth, accelerate and strengthen effective supply. Research and develop a batch of new devices and equipment, promote their application in various industrial machinery, agricultural, medical, education and other fields, and strive to provide equipment products that are technologically advanced, green and low-carbon, energy-saving and efficient, and meet market demand.

Liu Shaowei said, "In the next step, we will increase policy support from investors, guide central enterprises to keep a close eye on the direction of the new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation, and play a leading role in this round of large-scale equipment renewal. In the next five years, central enterprises are expected to arrange a total investment of more than 3 trillion yuan in large-scale equipment renewal and transformation."

Editor: Xiaomo

Audit: Wooden Fish

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