
The summary of the AI ​​course on Bilibili comes out in a few seconds, and the explanation is given when the word is highlighted. This "AI learning partner" is really good


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Author: Yang Wen, Zhang Qian

After ChatGPT became popular, many people in the workplace started learning AI with the mentality of "if you can't beat it, join it". Unfortunately, many people took a detour and even got cheated by some "199" courses.

In fact, learning AI is not difficult. Reading articles, watching videos, and reading papers are all good ways to learn.

Of course, there are still many readers complaining that learning AI is just like learning English. You will always encounter some "new words" that give you headaches. Reading papers is more troublesome than doing reading comprehension. You don't know which video course is suitable for you, and you waste a lot of time.

All these "stumbling blocks" you encounter on the road to AI learning are because you lack a learning partner.

We randomly opened an article from Synced, and some people may get stuck at the first sentence: What is AlphaGo? Don’t worry, just take a quick look and the Learning Partner will explain it clearly.

Do you need to read English papers after learning a certain level, but your English level is average? Don’t worry, this partner can not only translate, but also wait for your questions at any time.

There are so many learning videos on the Internet, and I don’t know which one to choose? It doesn’t matter, let the learning partner summarize it first.

How about it? With this learning partner, is your AI learning journey much smoother?

This is a learning and work artifact we recently discovered——Doubao PC versionWith it, the efficiency of the editorial department of Synced has been greatly improved in reading papers and learning things. The key is that it is free and there is no need to ask the editor-in-chief for reimbursement.

Next, let’s reveal how this efficiency-enhancing tool helps us learn AI.

Can I still get a teaching assistant for the free courses on Bilibili?

For most AI beginners, watching videos is the fastest way to get started. In this regard, Bilibili can be said to be a "paradise" for AI enthusiasts, with a wide range of learning resources, such as learning videos recorded by Pokémon Master Li Hongyi and Li Mu, who is known as "Mu Shen". You can find them by just browsing.

However, finding a video does not mean it is suitable for you. Many videos are actually quite difficult and require some basic knowledge of programming and mathematics to understand. Many beginners may click on more than a dozen videos in succession, feel frustrated, and waste several hours before finding the one that suits them.

New students in the editorial department also encountered this problem when learning AI. So, when they found that Doubao’s computer version of “AI Watches B Station"When we got the function, we felt like we had found a treasure.

Take the course "Introduction to Generative Artificial Intelligence" recently taught by Li Hongyi as an example. Before we clicked on it, we were still worried whether the course would be very demanding. As a result, after reading the summary of the first lecture summarized by Doubao, this concern was dispelled.

To further confirm, we also asked Doubao:

Since the threshold is not high, then just try to learn it. However, you always have to take notes when studying, and workers have to squeeze out time to watch videos, so they don’t have time to organize them slowly.

When we watched the second lecture, we found that Doubao could do this job. It not only sorted out the key points of each class, but even drew a mind map. You know, teacher Li Hongyi speaks with a strong Taiwanese accent, and it is somewhat unexpected that Doubao can summarize it so accurately.

Some people may say that the content previously taught is too simple. The course is 26 hours in total. In order to save time, I only want to watch what I have not learned. Doubao PC version makes this so easy, because whether it is the "original webpage" mode or the "AI video watching" mode, it has a partial summary arranged according to the timeline. You can directly click on the part you are interested in to watch.

However, sometimes these summaries may not answer our questions, or we may not have heard of a concept that the teacher talked about. In the past, we would have to switch web pages, such as opening ChatGPT to check, and then switch back after understanding. To watch a video, we often have to jump back and forth between various web pages.

In the computer version of Doubao, all these problems can be solved in one interface because it has a "Continue in Chat" function, which allows you to ask questions while watching the video, just like listening to an online class with a teaching assistant. No matter what you ask, there will be someone to respond to you.

We also tried Li Mu's course with this tool, and the effect was just as smooth:

In general, when I watched AI videos on Bilibili before, I was very confused after searching for the courses that met the requirements. I didn’t know which one to watch, and I was full of questions after watching. Now I can watch it with Doubao in a few seconds to get a general idea, and in the process of watching, I can solve most of the problems, and my learning efficiency has been improved. Friends who like to watch videos to learn can try this function.

Read AI articles without getting stuck, mark the parts you don’t understand

It is best to watch the video to get started, and then read a few articles to consolidate the learning results. However, many readers reported that they always encountered some troubles when reading articles, such as not knowing the meaning of a word after reading a few sentences, just like doing English reading comprehension in the exam room. It would be perfect if there was something like a "dictionary pen".

On the Doubao computer version, this "dictionary pen" really exists, and it is your mouse.When you read a paragraph, just swipe the mouse and the Doubao toolbar will appear.Moreover, according to our actual test, this function is not limited to browsers. In other words, no matter which browser you use to read the article, you can call Doubao by "marking words", it is like it is built into your system.

When you first start learning AI, you may be confused by all the professional terms. Here is a trick! Continue to highlight the word and click "Explanation" or "Search".

If your English is not good enough and you cannot understand the original text quoted in the article, you can just highlight the words and click "Translate".

If a section in the middle of the article is too long and you don't have time to read it slowly, just mark the entire section and click "Summary", and the highlights and essence of the original article will be listed in detail.

During the exploration process, we also found that this toolbar is actually customizable, and you can prioritize several functions that you often use.

If I were to describe the overall feeling of using this function, it would be that I used to get confused after reading a few paragraphs, and I was too lazy to look up some parts I didn't understand because switching web pages was a distraction. Now, with this "dictionary pen"-like word-marking function, I can learn more from reading one article than from reading several articles in the past, which is an experience I have never had before using other independent AI large models.

As both a translator and a consultant, AI Reader accompanies you in reading papers

You have finished watching the introductory videos and articles. If you want to advance on the road of AI, you have to "go through the trials" in the papers.

As we all know, AI papers are notoriously difficult to read. Not only are they horribly long, they are also written entirely in English, and are interspersed with all kinds of incomprehensible charts and graphs. AI learners lose half their enthusiasm just by looking at these densely packed English words.

Coincidentally, Doubao PC version has aAI Reading ModeAfter a period of trial, we found that it has a "miraculous effect" on completing papers.

Take Meta's latest Llama 3 paper as an example. We threw it into Doubao and enabled the "AI Reading Companion" mode. The full text translation came out in a flash. So, if you want to learn AI these days, it's not a big deal if you don't have a good command of English.

However, the paper is 92 pages long, and even if you read the Chinese translation, it will take a while to finish. Fortunately, Doubao is waiting in the sidebar, waiting for you to assign it tasks, such as summarizing the main points of the paper.

You don't need to look for details not covered in the summary, just ask Doubao directly.

Some people don’t like to read paper descriptions and only care about model scores. In that case, you can switch the entire page to chart mode and go directly to the chart of interest with one click.

According to this method, it would only be a drop in the bucket for a senior AI researcher to read a dozen papers a day.

Write a blog in Doubao without staring at a blank document

After reading a paper, many AI learners have the habit of writing it into a blog, which is not only a way to consolidate their learning outcomes, but also an effective way to spread knowledge.

However, we have observed that many high-quality bloggers update their blogs less frequently. This may be because blogging takes up a lot of time, and it is quite tedious to conceive the framework and fill in the details; or perhaps they have the desire to express themselves, but when faced with a blank document, they give up after a while of staring blankly.

After installing the bean bag, this situation may be improved. Because we found thatDoubao not only makes outlines, but also undertakes writing, polishing, illustration and other tasks., which allows bloggers to focus on conveying ideas rather than details.

Let’s take Llama 3’s paper as an example. We feed it to Doubao and ask it to come up with an outline. To make it more focused, we also limit the prompt, and Doubao follows our instructions.

The skeleton of the article is complete, and the next step is to fill it with "flesh and blood". In order to allow Doubao to obtain the latest and most accurate information, we require the "deep search" function to be enabled in the prompt, and then write in sections according to the above outline.

Worried about the article having an AI flavor? Doubao's word-marking function is back, marking any part you are not satisfied with. For example, if the incremental information is too little, useWord expansionFunction.

If you think the language is too dry, you can also use the custom word highlighting function to make it easier to understand.

Now that we have finished the text part, the next step is to add pictures.

The "Image Generation" function of the Doubao PC version is designed to be considerate. The official has given 7 style tags, including "Portrait Photography", "Art", "Chinese Style Illustration", etc., and also provides a large number of image examples, and even comes with prompt words.

We asked it to draw a picture of a robot reading a book in 3D style. Let's take a look at the effect:

In addition, it can also upload reference pictures. For example, we upload a picture of a humanoid robot with a futuristic technology style, and after entering the prompt word, we can get 4 similar illustrations at once.

Then the effect:

This concludes a blog post about the open source AI model Llama3.

If any of your friends find this troublesome, they can also enable the "Help me write" function of the Doubao computer version, and choose from 34 genres and styles, including public account articles, papers, reports, Weibo, Xiaohongshu... It can handle it all.

For example, if we write a Weibo post about Llama3.1, as long as we tell it the topic and reference information, it can automatically convert the language into Weibo style. Even the emoticons and tags are generated, just waiting for you to copy them to Weibo with one click.

After going through the whole process, Doubao PC version can indeed save a lot of time for students who want to write some AI knowledge content.

Netizen: Doubao is like an operating system with AI functions

As soon as the computer version of Doubao came out, many netizens went to try it out.

Some netizens said that Doubao has great ambitions and has also developed a browser, which can even be said to be an operating system with AI functions.

Some netizens have also planted the seeds of the "AI viewing of Bilibili" function, and want to weld it into the small broken station.

Of course, Rome wasn't built in a day.

In June 2023, ByteDance began testing an AI dialogue project code-named Grace. At that time, the Skylark model had not yet been released.

In August, ByteDance released its self-developed Skylark large model and took the first train of domestic large model product registration. At the same time, it renamed Grace to "Doubao" and officially launched public beta.

After more than half a year of dormancy, Doubao announced new news at the Volcano Engine Power Conference in mid-May this year - ByteDance also changed the name of the Skylark Big Model, calling it the "Doubao" Big Model, and released 9 big model products in one go, covering general models, role-playing, voice recognition, literary pictures and other fields.

However, no matter how fancy the functions are, no one will buy it if it is not easy to use. After all, there are too many large models on the market, and it is difficult to retain users without some real skills.

In this regard, Doubao is confident.

Official data shows that the Doubao model processes 120 billion tokens of text and generates 30 million images per day.

As of May this year,Doubao APP has been downloaded over 100 million times in the Apple App Store and major Android app stores, ranking first among AIGC applications, with monthly active users exceeding 26 million and a total of 8 million intelligent agents created.

What do these people do after downloading Doubao? We looked through Xiaohongshu and found that in addition to studying, many people use Doubao to prepare lessons, manage finances, and even start side businesses to make money.

It would be inconvenient to use so many functions only on a mobile phone, so here comes the Doubao PC version.

From the experience of Machine Heart, this form of bean bag is more efficient for work and study, especially for reading papers, watching learning videos, taking notes and other scenarios that require a computer.

As more features are developed, I believe this PC version will become more popular. Synced will also continue to update the latest experience results, so stay tuned.