
SASAC: In the next five years, central enterprises are expected to arrange large-scale equipment renovation with a total investment of more than 3 trillion yuan


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On July 26, the State Council Information Office held a series of press conferences on "Promoting High-quality Development". Wang Hongzhi, deputy director of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, attended the press conference to introduce the situation and answer questions from reporters. The main points are as follows:

SASAC: We will improve the rules and regulations for cooperation between state-owned enterprises and private enterprises.

Lin Qingmiao, Director of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council's Enterprise Reform Bureau, introduced that further leveraging the leading and driving role of state-owned enterprises and promoting the coordinated development of state-owned and private enterprises are key tasks in deepening and upgrading state-owned enterprise reforms, and are also an important cornerstone for building a high-level socialist market economic system. In the next step, the institutional rules for cooperation between state-owned enterprises and private enterprises will be improved, and the coordinated development and project promotion of state-owned enterprises and private enterprises will continue to be carried out. State-owned enterprises will be guided to build a collaborative and win-win supply chain ecology, and state-owned enterprises will be encouraged to expand the open sharing of innovative resources, give full play to the resource advantages of state-owned enterprises, private enterprises and other types of enterprises, and continue to deepen cooperation to achieve common development.

SASAC: Through the management and control of "three increases", "three new investments" and "three boundaries", we will effectively promote central enterprises to better achieve high-quality development

Liu Shaowei, head of the Financial Supervision and Operation Evaluation Bureau of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, said that in the second half of the year, facing the complex external environment, the development of new quality productivity will be an important focus, and the central enterprises will be effectively promoted to achieve high-quality development through the "three increases", "three new investments" and "three boundaries" management and control. The "three increases" mainly refer to taking the lead in increasing the production and supply of coal, electricity, oil and transportation and important basic products to ensure "increased supply"; deepening business efficiency, management efficiency, and reform efficiency to ensure "increased benefits"; actively serving the national strategy to drive the common development of the upstream and downstream industrial chains to ensure "increased investment". The "three new investments" mainly refer to increasing investment in scientific and technological innovation and accelerating the breakthrough of "stuck neck" technical bottlenecks in key areas; increasing investment in industrial renewal and accelerating the layout of new tracks and new industries; increasing investment in equipment renewal and accelerating the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries. The "three boundaries" control mainly refers to strictly observing financial boundaries, strictly controlling the rapid growth of debt scale, relying on the treasury system to strengthen real-time penetration and intelligent supervision, and resolutely guarding the bottom line of no major risks; strictly observing business boundaries, strictly controlling irrelevant excessive diversification of operations, and concentrating superior resources to improve the main business and strengthen the industry; strictly observing corporate boundaries, strictly controlling the disorderly expansion of multi-layer structures, vigorously compressing management levels, reducing equity levels, reducing the number of legal entities, and plugging management loopholes.

SASAC: Central SOEs have completed the reorganization and integration of 28 groups of 50 enterprises

Wang Hongzhi, deputy director of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, introduced that since the new era, central enterprises have completed the reorganization and integration of 28 groups of 50 enterprises, and newly established and accepted 15 central enterprises; vigorously promoted the high-end, intelligent and green development of traditional industries, and promoted strategic emerging industries to accelerate the formation of a systematic layout. In 2023, the investment growth rate of strategic emerging industries reached 32%, and operating income exceeded 10 trillion yuan for the first time. The control and influence of the state-owned economy in important industries and key areas will be further enhanced, and new tracks and new advantages will be accelerated.

SASAC: Increase the proportion of income and added value of strategic emerging industries, and accelerate the transition to innovation-driven endogenous growth

Wang Hongzhi, deputy director of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, introduced that the next step will focus on improving the "five values" to promote enterprises to further fulfill their functional missions. They are: improving added value, increasing the overall contribution of enterprises to GDP, and carrying out the accounting of the added value of the state-owned economy; improving functional value, promoting the establishment of an evaluation system for state-owned enterprises to fulfill their strategic missions, and more scientifically measuring the operating efficiency and comprehensive contribution of enterprises; improving economic added value, strengthening the awareness and habit of "calculating before investing", optimizing the investment direction and layout of state-owned capital, and enhancing the ability to create value; increasing the proportion of income and added value of strategic emerging industries, and accelerating the transition to innovation-driven connotative growth; improving brand value, cultivating more central enterprise brands with excellent quality, obvious advantages, and independent intellectual property rights, and polishing the golden signboard of central enterprises.

SASAC: Accelerate the formation of new production relations that are compatible with new quality productive forces

Wang Hongzhi, deputy director of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, said that we must persist in strengthening, optimizing and expanding state-owned capital and state-owned enterprises. This is the leading goal of deepening the reform of state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises. We will persist in using reform methods to accelerate the removal of development system and mechanism obstacles, promote enterprises to achieve reasonable growth in quantity and effective improvement in quality, enhance control and influence in important industries and fields, and provide strong support for the stable and healthy development of the economy and society. Accelerate the formation of new production relations that are compatible with new quality productivity. This is a clear orientation for deepening the reform of state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises, and it is also a feature of the times. We will seize the opportunities of the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, accelerate the improvement of systems and mechanisms that are conducive to original innovation, the development of strategic emerging industries, and the stimulation of talent vitality, promote the spirit of outstanding entrepreneurs and scientists, promote changes in organizational structure, operating mechanism, and management system, and promote the gathering of various advanced production factors to develop new quality productivity.

SASAC: In the next five years, central enterprises are expected to arrange large-scale equipment renovation with a total investment of more than 3 trillion yuan

Liu Shaowei, head of the Financial Supervision and Operation Evaluation Bureau of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, said that in the next step, we will adhere to the principle of giving as much as possible and giving as much as we should, increase policy support for investors, guide central enterprises to keep a close eye on the direction of the new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation, and play a leading role in this round of large-scale equipment renewal. In the next five years, central enterprises are expected to arrange a total investment of more than 3 trillion yuan in large-scale equipment renewal and transformation. At the same time, we require central enterprises to treat all types of enterprises equally when purchasing equipment, insist on buying equipment with the best technical level and the highest cost-effectiveness, and let equipment suppliers with both good quality and price stand out.

SASAC: This year, more than 80% of the state-owned capital operating budget will be used to support corporate scientific and technological research and industrial upgrading

Wang Hongzhi, deputy director of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, said that state-owned enterprises are an important carrier for the liberation and development of productivity, and must make progress in accelerating the formation of new quality productivity. Since last year, state-owned central enterprises have strengthened scientific and technological innovation and industrial innovation with unprecedented strength, and have achieved positive results. On the one hand, it is to strengthen the source of innovation and promote the same direction of science and technology and industry. On the other hand, it is to optimize the development ecology and strengthen the policy supply of new fields and new tracks. This year, more than 80% of the state-owned capital operating budget is used to support corporate scientific and technological research and industrial upgrading, and a total of 250,000 key talents and scientific research backbones have been implemented with equity dividend incentives, forming a strong synergy to promote the development of new quality productivity.

SASAC: Implement the new national system in all aspects, and firmly invest in areas with long R&D cycles, large investment in key research, and weak willingness of other ownership enterprises to participate

Wang Hongzhi, deputy director of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, said that in the next step, they will fully implement the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee and the National Science and Technology Conference, focus on building "three high grounds", concentrate superior resources and forces, and promote central enterprises to play the role of the main battlefield and main force in developing new quality productive forces.

We will focus on building an "innovation highland" and strengthen the first driving force for the development of new quality productivity. With national strategic needs, scientific and technological development trends and industrial upgrading needs as the main attack direction, we will implement the new national system in all aspects, firmly invest in areas with long R&D cycles, large investment in key research, and weak willingness of other ownership enterprises to participate, build an upgraded version of the innovation consortium, promote the integration of industry, academia and research, and promote full-chain innovation from basic research to industrialization.

We will create an "industrial highland" and strengthen the core carrier of new quality productivity. We will promote the high-end, intelligent and green development of traditional industries through equipment transformation, technical research, process upgrading, product creation and other methods; we will adhere to the balance of endogenous and exogenous development, continuously improve the mechanism for cultivating emerging industries, and accelerate the layout of new fields and new tracks.

We will also create a "reform highland" and build production relations that are more compatible with new productivity. We will accelerate the transformation of corporate organizational forms and management methods, implement more active, more open and more effective talent policies, and flexibly carry out various forms of medium- and long-term incentives with innovation and creation as the orientation. At the same time, we will innovate organizational methods, strengthen cooperation between upstream, midstream and downstream enterprises in the industrial chain, and continuously optimize the industrial ecology of developing new productivity.

Wang Hongzhi said that developing new quality productivity is not only a must-answer question for state-owned central enterprises, but also a common question for all types of market players. We will continue to deepen cooperation with all types of enterprises in new fields and new tracks, and work with everyone to jointly develop new technologies, jointly build a new industrial ecology, work together to promote the development of new quality productivity, and constantly create new momentum and new advantages.

SASAC: As of the end of June, the scale of intelligent computing power of central enterprises has doubled year-on-year

Fang Lei, head of the Science and Technology Innovation Bureau of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, said that as of the end of June, the scale of intelligent computing power of central enterprises has doubled year-on-year, and 10,000 card clusters have been built in Shanghai, Hohhot and other places. The computing power platform has initially realized the scheduling of multi-heterogeneous computing power, effectively supporting the training iteration of general large models at the level of 100 billion and above, and the autonomous and controllable capabilities have been gradually improved, providing solid support for the implementation of large-scale applications. More than 100 application scenarios have been created in the fields of new materials, communications, manufacturing, etc., and large-scale model applications have been initially realized in the fields of electricity, transportation, petrochemicals, etc., and cost reduction and efficiency improvement have been obvious in scientific research, production, customer service, etc. A batch of high-quality data sets have been initially built in the fields of logistics, finance, medical care, etc., data governance tools have been developed, and value-added services such as data processing have been gradually provided to the outside world.

SASAC: Will accelerate the development of artificial intelligence industry driven by application demonstration

Fang Lei, head of the Science and Technology Innovation Bureau of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, said that in the next step, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council will accelerate the development of the artificial intelligence industry driven by application demonstrations. Central enterprises also have the confidence, determination and ability to seize strategic opportunities and work with all parties to accelerate their development as suppliers of intelligent computing resources, transformers of application scenarios and cultivators of industrial ecology. First, we will deeply explore high-value scenarios and fully open them up, carry out supply and demand collaboration, and form a number of industry application demonstration benchmarks. Second, we will explore the standard system and construction path of high-quality data sets, and build high-quality data sets for key industries in batches. Third, we will orderly promote the construction of intelligent computing centers and computing power scheduling and operation platforms, strengthen the supply of intelligent computing capabilities, and better serve small and medium-sized enterprises. Fourth, we will keep a close eye on the frontier to enhance the basic large model capabilities, improve the large model evaluation system, explore the establishment of a number of industrial development communities, and accelerate the promotion of external empowerment.