
Dong Yuhui's resignation exposed Yu Minhong's biggest fear


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Author | Mr. Yan

Yesterday evening, the circle of friends was flooded with news about Dong Yuhui's resignation.

According to an announcement made by Oriental Selection on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, on July 25, Dong Yuhui acquired Yuhui Tongxing (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd. from New Oriental for RMB 76.5855 million.

My first reaction after seeing the news was full of doubts: Is this Dong Yuhui's redemption money? You must know that Yuhuixingxing is essentially a sales company without any entity. Its core competitiveness is Dong Yuhui himself.

To put it bluntly, without Dong Yuhui, Yuhui Tongxing is just a shell company. If Dong Yuhui really wants to set up his own business, he can just wave his sleeves and start a new account. After all, his fans recognize him as a person, not a certain signboard.

But why did Dong Yuhui spend so much money to buy himself? How long has "Yuhui Xingxing" been established? How did they get the valuation of 76.58 million? Is Dong Yuhui too honest, or is Yu Minhong too shrewd?

This really makes people feel like a story about a thousand-year-old fox fooling a little white rabbit, and the deception is too obvious and too explicit, which is not like Yu Minhong's usual style.

When Yu Minhong left the education and training industry, he donated 80,000 sets of desks and chairs to rural primary schools. How did people describe him? Decent. This is indeed an accurate adjective. No matter what the situation, he always behaved decently.

If we follow up on Dong Yuhui's resignation, we will find that this time is no exception. Perhaps he anticipated the public reaction. While announcing Dong Yuhui's resignation, Yu Minhong also specially issued a statement saying:

"Hui holds the equity purchase money required to go with Hui, and I have arranged for it to be paid in a manner consistent with the rules for listed companies and the company's articles of association."

In case people didn’t understand, he added the most important sentence: “I arranged the money for Yuhui to buy the company. The company is a gift to Yuhui.”

This is not the end. Dong Yuhui’s subsequent reply not only agreed with Yu Minhong’s words, but also added a detail: Yu Minhong also provided free support for the operating system to Dong Yuhui and his future colleagues.

All the profits previously earned from traveling with Hui were also left to Dong Yuhui.

What do these elements of information mean when taken together?

That is, Yu Minhong paid out of his own pocket to give Yuhui Tongxing to Dong Yuhui, and also left him with enough start-up capital and a sufficiently mature operating system.

Not only do they help me get on the horse, but they also give me a ride. This is not something that can be described by the word "decent". Looking across China, it is hard to find another boss like this.

What makes people sigh is that indeed, what Yu Minhong did was grand and well-structured enough, but from his words, I actually saw deep helplessness and...fear.

What do respectable people fear most? Being dishonored.

Yu Minhong had already deeply experienced this feeling of being "dishonorable" and having his reputation at stake in the previous short essay incident when Dong Yuhui was attacked by thousands of mothers-in-law.

At that time, he decisively came forward to apologize, did a live broadcast with Dong Yuhui, and made major adjustments to the company. Only then did he finally turn the tide and avoid the disaster, and barely get out of it unscathed.

Now that Dong Yuhui has resigned, what we can see with the naked eye is that even though Yu Minhong has done such a magnanimous thing, he is still afraid of misunderstandings, afraid that any point will make the mothers-in-law dissatisfied, so he is treating it as a formidable enemy and all the details must be explained clearly in a document.

Who is this enemy? It may be Dong Yuhui, but it is definitely not just Dong Yuhui.

Yu Minhong and Dong Yuhui are both intellectuals. People say that intellectuals are pedantic, but to put it bluntly, they just want to save face. Dong Yuhui wanted to leave, so the two sat down and discussed it carefully. With the emotional foundation they had before, they could communicate on any issue, and it was not complicated.

But the mother-in-law is the biggest variable, the most uncontrollable and the most impactful force. Therefore, Yu Minhong’s biggest challenge is not only to satisfy Dong Yuhui, but also to leave the mothers-in-law speechless.

The master and the apprentice worked together for a long time. From the initial close relationship without any taboos to the cautiousness of BE in the end, it is always heartbreaking to think about it. But returning to reality, this incident also confirms an ultimate maxim:

When there is a disagreement, what is the most important prerequisite for decency?

Only when both sides have the ability to hurt each other can they maintain peace.

-End -

The happy and vengeful Master Yan
