
Government push, owners save themselves: an unfinished building in Hegang is "reborn"


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Looking at the busy construction site, relocated resident Jin Yong could not hide his excitement. Photo by Wang Yingchao


Although we are not professionals, we visit the construction site whenever we have time to check the progress and quality, and report any problems we find to the construction manager in a timely manner. After all, we represent more than 300 homeowners, and we hope that the new home will be built to everyone's satisfaction.
China Real Estate News reporter Wang Yingchao丨Hegang report
"It has been 14 years since the demolition. Now I finally see hope. It has not been easy to get to this day." On July 23, looking at the busy scene at the Xuefu Baishunyuan construction site in Hegang City, Jin Yong, a relocated resident, could not hide his excitement.
A reporter from China Real Estate News learned that this real estate project, which started construction in 2011 and was suspended twice due to the developer's broken capital chain, was fully restarted in June this year after government promotion and self-rescue by the owners. It has been exactly 7 years since the last suspension.
Xuefu Baishunyuan project is located in Gongnong District, Hegang City, adjacent to Hegang No. 1 Middle School, and is located in the prime location of the city. Construction started in April 2011 and stopped in September 2012. Construction started again in March 2017, but was stopped again in June 2017 due to the break in the capital chain of the developer, Hegang Rongyang Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. The project has a planned total construction area of ​​71,365 square meters.
"This project involves a total of 378 households, including returnees and home buyers. After the project was left unfinished, residents have been petitioning for years. Last year, we included the property in Hegang City's guaranteed housing projects and applied for a special loan, which was eventually approved for 38.575 million yuan." A relevant person in charge of the Hegang Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau told reporters that the Xuefu Baishunyuan project adopted the principles of state-owned enterprises taking responsibility, local promotion, and self-help by the masses to carry out the project's continuation work.
The roof construction of Building No. 4 of the project is in progress. Photo by Wang Yingchao
The project was continued under the leadership of the Hegang Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau and the Gongnong District Government, and a construction company affiliated with the Hegang Urban Investment Group was brought in to carry out the construction. In terms of funding, in addition to special loans and part of the expenses borne by the government, the government departments communicated with the owners one by one and finally reached an agreement that the owners would pay a certain fee per square meter. This fee was earmarked for the purpose and supervised by the Gongnong District Government, and the owners' representatives participated in the construction of the project throughout the process.
In the midsummer of July, the construction site of Xuefu Baishunyuan was busy with machines roaring and workers sweating profusely. As one of the five owners' representatives, Jin Yong would walk around the construction site every day and take pictures with his mobile phone from time to time.
The owner's representative is checking the construction progress at the site. Photo by Wang Yingchao
"Although we are not professionals, we visit the construction site whenever we have nothing to do to check the progress and quality. If we find any problems, we report them to the construction manager in a timely manner. After all, we represent more than 300 homeowners, and we hope that the new home will be built to everyone's satisfaction." Jin Yong told reporters that his family has been renting a house outside since the relocation in 2010. Over the years, many elderly people in the relocated households have passed away. After hearing the news that the construction site had resumed work, the owners were very excited, and many of them took the initiative to pay.
Workers are racing against time to complete the construction. Photo by Wang Yingchao
"There are more than 200 workers working on the construction site at most, usually from 6 am to 6 pm, and occasionally working overtime until 10 pm to catch up with the progress. Everyone is racing against time to complete and deliver the house as soon as possible." The person in charge of the construction site introduced that the reinforcement construction and filling wall masonry construction of Building 3 are currently underway, the roof construction of Building 4 is underway, and the first floor of Building 5 is underway with steel bar binding and formwork construction. The project is expected to meet the delivery standards by the end of November this year.
The reporter learned from the Hegang Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau that the Xuefu Baishunyuan project has implemented a policy of administrative fee reduction and exemption, and real estate registration can be handled upon delivery, so that owners can be free of worries. At the same time, with the support and promotion of government departments, another unfinished project in Hegang City, Xinzhong International City, will also put the resumption of work on the agenda and will soon start reconstruction work.
On-duty editor: Su Zhiyong
Editors: Ma Lin, Liu Ya
Review: Dai Shichao

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