
Hangzhou: Expanding the issuance of "computing power coupons", the total amount of "computing power coupons" increased to 250 million yuan per year


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The General Office of the Hangzhou Municipal People's Government issued several measures to support the high-quality development of the entire artificial intelligence industry chain. Among them, it is proposed to expand the issuance of "computing power coupons". The total amount of "computing power coupons" will be increased to 250 million yuan each year, and the new "computing power coupons" will support enterprises to purchase intelligent computing centers that conform to the planning layout of Hangzhou and intelligent computing power provided by partners included in the computing power matchmaking. "Computing power coupons" will provide subsidies to user enterprises at a rate not exceeding 30% of the computing power contract fee. Among them, the subsidy ratio for enterprises that rely on the registered generative multimodal basic large models for model services (MaaS), intelligent body development and other applications shall not exceed 30% of the computing power contract fee, the subsidy ratio for enterprises that use domestic computing power facilities for model training, reasoning and application shall not exceed 30% of the computing power contract fee, and the subsidy ratio for enterprises that use other computing power facilities shall not exceed 20% of the computing power contract fee. The annual application for "computing power coupons" by a single enterprise shall not exceed 8 million yuan, and enterprises with generative multimodal basic large models can be relaxed.

The document also proposes to build industry clusters in subdivided fields. Focusing on building the computing power base, model cornerstone and data support of the entire artificial intelligence industry chain, strengthening the linkage between chips and machines, the connection between the whole and the parts, and industrial collaboration, a number of industry clusters in subdivided fields such as high-performance chips, high-speed optical networks, high-performance liquid-cooled servers, artificial intelligence algorithms, and multimodal data sets will be cultivated.

Strengthen the introduction and cultivation of high-quality enterprises. Focusing on the fields of intelligent computing power, large models and application empowerment in the entire industrial chain, vigorously introduce and cultivate new forces that are in the key links of the industrial chain, have independent core technologies and are high-growth, and support qualified enterprises to apply for Hangzhou headquarters enterprises. Accelerate the cultivation of leading enterprises with industrial chain control capabilities and international competitiveness, and reward the first-time recognized manufacturing "single champion" enterprises, national specialized and new "little giant" enterprises, and provincial "hidden champion" enterprises in accordance with relevant policies.

Several measures to support high-quality development of the entire artificial intelligence industry chain

These measures are formulated to seize the new round of development opportunities in artificial intelligence, actively implement the "artificial intelligence +" action, promote the high-quality development of the entire industrial chain of Hangzhou's artificial intelligence industry, and build a national highland for the development of the artificial intelligence industry.

1. Accelerate the construction of computing facilities

(I) Support computing power technology research. Enterprises are encouraged to carry out research and development of key computing power technologies, and the municipal government will provide support in accordance with relevant policies. Enterprises are encouraged to undertake national and provincial key research and development tasks, accelerate the formation of major scientific research results, and provide funding for projects that meet policy requirements at 25% of the actual national and provincial funding received, with the funding amount not exceeding 5 million yuan. (Responsible unit: Municipal Science and Technology Bureau)

(II) Increase support for interest subsidies for financing. For new computing infrastructure construction projects that are included in the unified layout of the government (with a total investment scale of not less than 50 million yuan), cooperative banks are encouraged to set up preferential interest rate credit funds to provide computing infrastructure construction project loans, and support mortgage financing for computing facilities such as servers. Fiscal funds will provide interest subsidy support, and project construction units will be given an interest subsidy of no more than 1.5 percentage points based on the preferential interest rates of cooperative banks. The amount of interest subsidy shall not exceed 50% of the interest paid by the project construction unit to the cooperative bank, and the amount of interest subsidy enjoyed by a single enterprise shall not exceed 10 million yuan per year. Support qualified computing power projects to apply for policy-based development financial instruments, and actively strive to issue real estate investment trust (REITs) products in the infrastructure field. (Responsible units: Municipal Party Committee Financial Office, Municipal Bureau of Economics and Information Technology, Municipal Development and Reform Commission)

(III) Expand the issuance of "computing power vouchers". The total amount of "computing power vouchers" will be increased to 250 million yuan per year, and new "computing power vouchers" will be added to support enterprises in purchasing intelligent computing centers that are in line with the planning layout of Hangzhou City and intelligent computing power provided by partners included in the computing power matching. "Computing power vouchers" will provide subsidies to user enterprises at a rate not exceeding 30% of the computing power contract fee. Among them, the subsidy ratio for enterprises that rely on the registered generative multimodal basic large models for model services (MaaS), intelligent body development and other applications shall not exceed 30% of the computing power contract fee, the subsidy ratio for enterprises that use domestic computing power facilities for model training, reasoning and application shall not exceed 30% of the computing power contract fee, and the subsidy ratio for enterprises that use other computing power facilities shall not exceed 20% of the computing power contract fee. The annual application amount of "computing power vouchers" by a single enterprise shall not exceed 8 million yuan, and the generative multimodal basic large model enterprises can be relaxed. (Responsible unit: Municipal Bureau of Economic and Information Technology)

2. Cultivate an open model ecosystem

(IV) Support model compliance filing. Encourage enterprises to apply for model filing for self-developed models. For enterprises that obtain generative artificial intelligence model filing from the Central Cyberspace Affairs Office, a one-time reward of no more than 500,000 yuan will be given based on their model evaluation and other related expenses. (Responsible units: Municipal Cyberspace Affairs Office, Municipal Bureau of Economics and Information Technology)

(V) Support the construction of model open source communities. Increase efforts to cultivate the model open source ecosystem, support open source communities to release open source models, provide model services (MaaS), and carry out model intelligent agent (Agent) applications, build an artificial intelligence talent exchange platform, regularly publish a batch of industry "opportunity lists" with artificial intelligence applications as key scenarios, and organize high-level talents in the field of artificial intelligence to participate in the "unveiling the list and taking charge" project to promote industrial transformation. For development companies with high model downloads, continuous leading model performance rankings, and high community contribution, no more than 10 companies will be selected based on different categories such as contribution models and operators, and each will be awarded a tiered reward of 200,000 to 1 million yuan. (Responsible unit: Municipal Bureau of Economic and Information Technology)

(VI) Organize competitions and events. Support enterprises to cooperate with universities, colleges, and third-party institutions to hold artificial intelligence innovation competitions and other competitions and events in Hangzhou, increase policy support for artificial intelligence competitions, and award-winning contestants can apply to be recognized as talents of corresponding levels. (Responsible unit: Municipal Bureau of Economics and Information Technology)

3. Accelerate the empowerment of the real economy

(VII) Support the construction of public innovation platforms. Encourage artificial intelligence to empower provincial manufacturing innovation centers and enhance the public service capabilities of R&D manufacturing, pilot production, and testing and evaluation. Accelerate the application of basic large-scale models in the industry, focus on the future industry segmentation track to cultivate and create a number of municipal manufacturing innovation centers, promote artificial intelligence technology to empower key common technology research, scientific equipment research and development, and pilot platform construction. For recognized future industry municipal manufacturing innovation centers, they will form a research and development team with a core leader and an investment of no less than 10 million yuan. Each year, their platform construction, cutting-edge or common technology research and development, and demonstration application projects will be subsidized at a rate not exceeding 50% of the approved investment, with a subsidy amount not exceeding 5 million yuan, and the subsidy will not exceed 3 years during the policy validity period. (Responsible unit: Municipal Bureau of Economic and Information Technology)

(VIII) Support the demonstration of new industrialization applications. Promote the innovative application of artificial intelligence technology in the manufacturing industry, and promote the deep connection between artificial intelligence supply and manufacturing demand. Collect a number of demonstration applications and solutions in the manufacturing industry of artificial intelligence large models, encourage the formation of typical applications and promotion cases, and reward no more than 5 excellent solutions that have achieved their first application each year, with a reward amount of no more than 5 million yuan. (Responsible unit: Municipal Bureau of Economics and Information Technology)

4. Promote the development of the entire industry chain

(IX) Create industry clusters in subdivided fields. Focusing on building the computing power base, model cornerstone and data support for the entire AI industry chain, strengthen the linkage between chips and machines, the connection between whole and parts, and industrial collaboration, and cultivate a number of industry clusters in subdivided fields such as high-performance chips, high-speed optical networks, high-performance liquid-cooled servers, AI algorithms, and multimodal data sets. (Responsible unit: Municipal Bureau of Economics and Information Technology)

(X) Strengthen the introduction and cultivation of high-quality enterprises. Focusing on the fields of intelligent computing power, large models and application empowerment in the entire industrial chain, vigorously introduce and cultivate new forces that are in the key links of the industrial chain, have independent core technologies and are high-growth, and support qualified enterprises to apply for Hangzhou headquarters enterprises. Accelerate the cultivation of leading enterprises with industrial chain control capabilities and international competitiveness, and reward the first-time recognized manufacturing "single champion" enterprises, national specialized "little giant" enterprises, and provincial "hidden champion" enterprises in accordance with relevant policies. (Responsible units: Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Investment Promotion Bureau, Municipal Economic and Information Bureau)

(XI) Strengthen the guarantee of factors. Plan and build city-level AI industry parks with special features, and encourage districts, counties (cities) to provide policy support such as rent reduction and exemption, and subsidies for team entrepreneurship. Strengthen the guidance of enterprise model filing, data factor use and other service guarantees in accordance with the law. Guide the "3+N" Hangzhou fund group to guide and leverage social capital and financial capital through state-owned capital, and focus on increasing angel investment in AI talent entrepreneurial projects. [Responsible units: Municipal Bureau of Economics and Information Technology, Municipal Bureau of Finance, Municipal State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, and governments of all districts, counties (cities)]

V. Strengthening support for talent teams

(XII) Increase efforts to attract AI talent. Strengthen support for projects of world-renowned corporate technology leaders and winners of top international awards. List an AI track in the "West Lake Pearl Project" to strengthen support for AI talent. In the policy for funding college students' entrepreneurial projects, pay more attention to AI start-up projects. (Responsible units: Municipal Party Committee Talent Office, Municipal Bureau of Economics and Information Technology, Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security)

(XIII) Implement special authorization for AI enterprises. Strengthen the authorization and recognition of talents for key AI enterprises, focus on AI cutting-edge technologies, segmented tracks and key core links, select a group of high-quality AI growth enterprises, and grant special talent authorization and recognition. (Responsible units: Municipal Party Committee Talent Office, Municipal Bureau of Economics and Information Technology)

(XIV) Strengthen the independent training of compound AI talents. Encourage enterprises to jointly build school-enterprise AI research institutes and AI talent training bases with universities and research institutes in Hangzhou, deepen the integration of industry and education, and enhance the practical application capabilities of AI talents. Support the AI ​​industry alliance to explore the establishment of an open training platform, and encourage and guide young people and college students to learn AI skills. (Responsible units: Municipal Bureau of Economics and Information Technology, Municipal Bureau of Education, Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security)

This measure will be implemented from August 19, 2024 and will be valid until December 31, 2027. The Municipal Bureau of Economics and Information Technology will be responsible for organizing and implementing it. If this measure overlaps with other similar policies at all levels in the city, it will be supported in accordance with the principle of "selecting the best, the highest, and not duplicating". The funding (subsidy, reward) standards listed in this measure are all the highest standards, and the funding (subsidy, reward) funds will be jointly borne by the city and various districts, counties (cities) according to the fiscal system.